;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by update_lit_checks.py --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s --post-emscripten -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Test we do not error on invoke calls that take an i64 index (which is the ;; case in wasm64). Nothing should change here. (module ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (param i64))) ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func)) ;; CHECK: (import "env" "invoke_v" (func $invoke (type $0) (param i64))) (import "env" "invoke_v" (func $invoke (param i64))) ;; CHECK: (table $0 269 269 funcref) (table $0 269 269 funcref) ;; CHECK: (elem $0 (i32.const 1)) (elem $0 (i32.const 1)) ;; CHECK: (func $0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (call $invoke ;; CHECK-NEXT: (i64.const 42) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) (func $0 (call $invoke (i64.const 42) ) ) )