# Rust Raw Bindings for Binaryen C API ![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/binaryen_capi-sys) ![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/binaryen_capi-sys) ## Requestments * Installed Binaryen (If it is nothing, this library will build binaryen. but need very long time(about 4m30s)) * clang (for genetate binaryen) * libstdc++ When searching for the binaryen path, this library calculates backwards from the `wasm-opt` path. Be sure to set binaryen in the Path environment variable. It can also be specified by setting the `BINARYEN_PATH` environment variable. ## Path Example ``` /BINARYEN_PATH |- lib |- libbinaryen.a[.so] |- include |- binaryen-c.h |- wasm-delegations.def ```