/* tslint:disable */ /* eslint-disable */ /* auto-generated by NAPI-RS */ export const enum Endianness { Big = 0, Little = 1 } export class BinaryStream { /** * **binary** * * The binary data of the stream. */ binary: Array /** * **offset** * * The current offset of the stream. */ offset: number /** * **readBool** * * Reads a boolean ( 1 byte ) value from the stream. ( true or false ) */ readBool(): boolean /** * **writeBool** * * Writes a boolean ( 1 byte ) value to the stream. ( true or false ) */ writeBool(value: boolean): void /** * **readUint8** * * Reads an unsigned 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 255 ) */ readUint8(): number /** * **writeUint8** * * Writes an unsigned 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 255 ) */ writeUint8(value: number): void /** * **readUint16** * * Read an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ readUint16(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeUint16** * * Write an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ writeUint16(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readUint24** * * Reads an unsigned 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 16777215 ) */ readUint24(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeUint24** * * Writes an unsigned 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 16777215 ) */ writeUint24(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readUint32** * * Reads an unsigned 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ readUint32(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeUint32** * * Writes an unsigned 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ writeUint32(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readUint64** * * Reads an usigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ readUint64(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **writeUint64** * * Writes an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ writeUint64(value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readUShort** * * Read an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ readUShort(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeUShort** * * Write an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ writeUShort(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readULong** * * Reads an usigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ readULong(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **writeULong** * * Writes an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ writeULong(value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readByte** * * Reads a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ readByte(): number /** * **writeByte** * * Writes a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ writeByte(value: number): void /** * **readInt8** * * Reads a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ readInt8(): number /** * **writeInt8** * * Writes a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ writeInt8(value: number): void /** * **readInt16** * * Reads a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ readInt16(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeInt16** * * Writes a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ writeInt16(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readInt24** * * Reads a signed 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -8388608 to 8388607 ) */ readInt24(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeInt24** * * Writes a signed 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -8388608 to 8388607 ) */ writeInt24(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readInt32** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ readInt32(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeInt32** * * Write a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ writeInt32(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readInt64** * * Reads a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ readInt64(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **writeInt64** * * Writes a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ writeInt64(value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readShort** * * Reads a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ readShort(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeShort** * * Writes a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ writeShort(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readLong** * * Reads a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ readLong(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **writeLong** * * Writes a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ writeLong(value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readFloat32** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ readFloat32(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeFloat32** * * Write a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ writeFloat32(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readFloat64** * * Reads a signed 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) floating point number from the stream. ( -1.7976931348623157e308 to 1.7976931348623157e308 ) */ readFloat64(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **writeFloat64** * * Writes a signed 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) floating point number to the stream. ( -1.7976931348623157e308 to 1.7976931348623157e308 ) */ writeFloat64(value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readVarInt** * * Reads a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ readVarInt(): number /** * **writeVarInt** * * Writes a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ writeVarInt(value: number): void /** * **readZigZag** * * Reads a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer from the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ readZigZag(): number /** * **writeZigZag** * * Writes a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer to the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ writeZigZag(value: number): void /** * **readVarLong** * * Reads a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ readVarLong(): bigint /** * **writeVarLong** * * Writes a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ writeVarLong(value: bigint): void /** * **readZigZong** * * Reads a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer from the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ readZigZong(): bigint /** * **writeZigZong** * * Writes a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer to the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ writeZigZong(value: bigint): void /** * **readString16** * * Reads an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ readString16(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): string /** * **writeString16** * * Writes an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ writeString16(value: string, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readString32** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ readString32(endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): string /** * **writeString32** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ writeString32(value: string, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void /** * **readVarString** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ readVarString(): string /** * **writeVarString** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ writeVarString(value: string): void /** * **readUuid** * * Reads a signed 128-bit ( 16 bytes ) uuid string from the stream. */ readUuid(): string /** * **writeUuid** * * Writes a signed 128-bit ( 16 bytes ) uuid string to the stream. */ writeUuid(value: string): void /** * **BinaryStream** * * Creates a new BinaryStream with an optional JavaScript Buffer. */ constructor(buffer?: Buffer | undefined | null, offset?: number | undefined | null) /** * **from** * * Creates a new BinaryStream from a binary vector. */ static from(binary: Array, offset?: number | undefined | null): BinaryStream /** * **fromBuffer** * * Creates a new BinaryStream from a JavaScript Buffer. */ static fromBuffer(buffer: Buffer, offset?: number | undefined | null): BinaryStream /** * **read** * * Reads a number of bytes from the stream. */ read(length: number): Array /** * **readBuffer** * * Reads a number of bytes from the stream and returns a JavaScript Buffer. */ readBuffer(length: number): Buffer /** * **write** * * Writes a number of bytes to the stream. */ write(data: Array): void /** * **writeBuffer** * * Writes a JavaScript Buffer to the stream. */ writeBuffer(data: Buffer): void /** * **readRemaining** * * Reads the remaining bytes from the stream. */ readRemaining(): Array /** * **readRemainingBuffer** * * Reads the remaining bytes from the stream and returns a JavaScript Buffer. */ readRemainingBuffer(): Buffer /** * **skip** * * Skips a number of bytes from the stream. */ skip(length: number): void /** * **cursorAtEnd** * * Checks if the cursor is at the end of the stream. */ cursorAtEnd(): boolean /** * **cursorAtStart** * * Checks if the cursor is at the start of the stream. */ cursorAtStart(): boolean /** * **getBuffer** * * Gets the binary as a JavaScript Buffer. */ getBuffer(): Buffer } /** * **Bool** * * Represents a boolean value. ( true or false ) */ export class Bool { /** * **read** * * Reads a boolean ( 1 byte ) value from the stream. ( true or false ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): boolean /** * **write** * * Writes a boolean ( 1 byte ) value to the stream. ( true or false ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: boolean): void } /** * **Uint8** * * Represents an unsigned 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer. ( 0 to 255 ) */ export class Uint8 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 255 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): number /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 255 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number): void } /** * **Uint16** * * Represents an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ export class Uint16 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Uint24** * * Represents an unsigned 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 16777215 ) */ export class Uint24 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 16777215 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 16777215 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Uint32** * * Represents an unsigned 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ export class Uint32 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Uint64** * * Represents an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ export class Uint64 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **UShort** * * Represents an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ export class UShort { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **ULong** * * Represents an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ export class ULong { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Byte** * * Represents a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer. ( -128 to 127 ) */ export class Byte { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number): void } /** * **Int8** * * Represents a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer. ( -128 to 127 ) */ export class Int8 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer from the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 8-bit ( 1 byte ) integer to the stream. ( -128 to 127 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number): void } /** * **Int16** * * Represents a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ export class Int16 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Int24** * * Represents a signed 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer. ( -8388608 to 8388607 ) */ export class Int24 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -8388608 to 8388607 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 24-bit ( 3 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -8388608 to 8388607 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Int32** * * Represents a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ export class Int32 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Int64** * * Represents an signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ export class Int64 { /** * **read** * * Reads an signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes an signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Short** * * Represents a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ export class Short { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -32768 to 32767 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Long** * * Represents a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ export class Long { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer from the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 64-bit ( 8 bytes ) integer to the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Float32** * * Respresents a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) floating point number. ( -3.402823e38 to 3.402823e38 ) */ export class Float32 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) floating point number from the stream. ( -3.402823e38 to 3.402823e38 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) floating point number to the stream. ( -3.402823e38 to 3.402823e38 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **Float64** * * Respresents a signed 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) floating point number. ( -1.7976931348623157e308 to 1.7976931348623157e308 ) */ export class Float64 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) floating point number from the stream. ( -1.7976931348623157e308 to 1.7976931348623157e308 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): number /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) floating point number to the stream. ( -1.7976931348623157e308 to 1.7976931348623157e308 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **VarInt** * * Represents a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ export class VarInt { /** * **read** * * Reads a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): number /** * **write** * * Writes a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number): void } /** * **ZigZag** * * Represents a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ export class ZigZag { /** * **read** * * Reads a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer from the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): number /** * **write** * * Writes a 32 bit ( 4 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer to the stream. ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: number): void } /** * **VarLong** * * Represents a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ export class VarLong { /** * **read** * * Reads a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer from the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) unsigned variable length integer to the stream. ( 0 to 18446744073709551615 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint): void } /** * **ZigZong** * * Represents a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ export class ZigZong { /** * **read** * * Reads a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer from the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): bigint /** * **write** * * Writes a 64 bit ( 8 bytes ) zigzag encoded signed variable length integer to the stream. ( -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: bigint): void } /** * **String** * * Represents an unsigned 16-bit variable length ( 2 bytes ) utf-8 string. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ export class String16 { /** * **read** * * Reads an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): string /** * **write** * * Writes an unsigned 16-bit ( 2 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 65535 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: string, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **String** * * Represents a signed 32-bit variable length ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ export class String32 { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): string /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: string, endian?: Endianness | undefined | null): void } /** * **String** * * Represents a signed 32-bit variable length ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ export class VarString { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string from the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): string /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 32-bit ( 4 bytes ) utf-8 string to the stream. ( 0 to 4294967295 ) */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: string): void } /** * **Byte** * * Represents a signed 128-bit ( 16 bytes ) uuid string. */ export class Uuid { /** * **read** * * Reads a signed 128-bit ( 16 bytes ) uuid string from the stream. */ static read(stream: BinaryStream): string /** * **write** * * Writes a signed 128-bit ( 16 bytes ) uuid string to the stream. */ static write(stream: BinaryStream, value: string): void }