# Biodivine library for control of parametrised (partially specified) Boolean networks A library to solve one-step, temporary and permanent source-target control of parametrised (partially-specified) Boolean networks. The directory structure: . ├── auxiliary_scripts # Scripts to do & process experiments ├── models # Base experimental models ├── results # Raw measured results from experiments ├── results_simple # Raw measured results from experiments for simplified phenotype control procedure └── src # Library source code ### Auxiliary scripts - `analyse_results.py` - A script showing quick statistics about the obtained experiment results - `networks_sampler.py` - A script generating partially-specified samples of witness models - `plot_results.ipynb` - A Jupyter notebook for visualization of the experiment results - `run_groups.py` - A script for obtaining the experiment results, running the methods from library on the generated methods. Allows timeout specification. ### Models Base models for testing the library. Contains witness models from CellCollective platform and some parametrised version of the models. ### Results The raw unprocessed outputs of experiments for both performance comparison and robustness metric of one-step/temporary/permantent source-traget control. ### Results The raw unprocessed outputs of experiments for phenotype control. ### src Source code of the library. Consists of following rust modules: #### aeon module Operations to perform base state-transition graph manipulations. ### control Implementations of control algorithm on the perturbable graph. ### phenotype_control Implementations of phenotype control algorithm on the perturbable graph. ### perturbation Data structure representing state transition graph of Boolean network which is viable for perturbations.