--- source: crates/biome_formatter_test/src/snapshot_builder.rs info: css/atrule/supports.css --- # Input ```css @supports (display: grid) { div { display: grid; } } @supports (display: flex) { body { color: blue; } @media screen and (min-width: 900px) { article { display: flex; } } } @supports ( display : flex ) {} @supports not (display: flex) {} @SUPPORTS not (display: flex) {} @supports (box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or (-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or (-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or (-o-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) {} @supports ( box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or ( -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or ( -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) or ( -o-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset ) { } @supports ( transition-property : color ) or ( ( animation-name : foo ) and ( transform : rotate(10deg) ) ) {} @supports(transition-property:color)or ((animation-name:foo)and (transform:rotate(10deg))){} @supports (( display: flex)) {} @supports (display: flex !important) {} @supports NOT (display: flex) {} @supports ((transition-property: color) OR (animation-name: foo)) AND (transform: rotate(10deg)) {} @supports (transition-property: color) OR ((animation-name: foo) AND (transform: rotate(10deg)) ) {} @supports (NOT (display: flex)) {} @supports selector(col || td) { col.selected || td { background: tan; } } @supports selector( :focus-visible ) { a:focus-visible { background: yellow; } } @supports ( --element(".minwidth")) { } @supports (ident: 1) { * { background: red; } } @supports ((ident: 1)) { * { background: red; } } @supports (ident: "str") { * { background: red; } } @supports ((ident: "str")) { * { background: red; } } @supports func(10, 20, 40) { * { background: red; } } @supports (func(10, 20, 40)) { * { background: red; } } @supports ( func( 10 , 20 , 40 ) ) { * { background: red; } } @supports (animation-name: test) { @keyframes anim { from { color: black; } to { color: white } } } @supports (--foo: green) { body { color: var(--varName); } } @supports not selector(:is(a, b)) { ul > li, ol > li { color: red; } } @supports selector( :nth-child( 1n of a , b)) { :is( :nth-child(1n of ul, ol) a, details > summary ) { color: red } } @supports (animation-name: test) { @keyframes anim { from { color: black; } to { color: white } } } @supports selector(:focus-visible) { a:focus-visible { background: yellow; } } @supports (width: calc(100px)) { div { background: red; } } @supports (func(1)) { * { background: red; } } @supports ( selector( col || td ) ) { col.selected || td { background: tan; } } @supports ( func("example") ) { * { background: red; } } @supports ( --var: "test" ) { * { background: red; } } @supports (--var) { * { background: red; } } @supports (--element(".minwidth")) { [--self] { background: greenyellow; } } ``` ============================= # Outputs ## Output 1 ----- Indent style: Tab Indent width: 2 Line ending: LF Line width: 80 Quote style: Double Quotes ----- ```css @supports (display: grid) { div { display: grid; } } @supports (display: flex) { body { color: blue; } @media screen and (min-width: 900px) { article { display: flex; } } } @supports (display: flex) { } @supports not (display: flex) { } @supports not (display: flex) { } @supports (box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-o-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) { } @supports (box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) or (-o-box-shadow: 0 0 2px black inset) { } @supports (transition-property: color) or ((animation-name: foo) and (transform: rotate(10deg))) { } @supports (transition-property: color) or ((animation-name: foo) and (transform: rotate(10deg))) { } @supports ((display: flex)) { } @supports (display: flex !important) { } @supports not (display: flex) { } @supports ((transition-property: color) or (animation-name: foo)) and (transform: rotate(10deg)) { } @supports (transition-property: color) or ((animation-name: foo) and (transform: rotate(10deg))) { } @supports (not (display: flex)) { } @supports selector(col || td) { col.selected || td { background: tan; } } @supports selector(:focus-visible) { a:focus-visible { background: yellow; } } @supports (--element(".minwidth")) { } @supports (ident: 1) { * { background: red; } } @supports ((ident: 1)) { * { background: red; } } @supports (ident: "str") { * { background: red; } } @supports ((ident: "str")) { * { background: red; } } @supports func(10, 20, 40) { * { background: red; } } @supports (func(10, 20, 40)) { * { background: red; } } @supports (func(10, 20, 40)) { * { background: red; } } @supports (animation-name: test) { @keyframes anim { from { color: black; } to { color: white; } } } @supports (--foo: green) { body { color: var(--varName); } } @supports not selector(:is(a, b)) { ul > li, ol > li { color: red; } } @supports selector(:nth-child(1n of a, b)) { :is(:nth-child(1n of ul, ol) a, details > summary) { color: red; } } @supports (animation-name: test) { @keyframes anim { from { color: black; } to { color: white; } } } @supports selector(:focus-visible) { a:focus-visible { background: yellow; } } @supports (width: calc(100px)) { div { background: red; } } @supports (func(1)) { * { background: red; } } @supports (selector(col || td)) { col.selected || td { background: tan; } } @supports (func("example")) { * { background: red; } } @supports (--var: "test") { * { background: red; } } @supports (--var) { * { background: red; } } @supports (--element(".minwidth")) { [--self] { background: greenyellow; } } ```