// tokens that cannot be adjacent a+Math.pow(++b, c); (a)+(Math).pow((++b), c); Math.pow(a, b)in c Math.pow(a, (b))in (c) a+Math.pow(++b, c)in d a+Math.pow( ++b, c )in d // tokens that cannot be adjacent, but there is already space or something else between a+ Math.pow(++b, c) in d // a+/**/Math.pow(++b, c)/**/in d // ignored because of comments a+(Math.pow(++b, c))in d // tokens that cannot be adjacent, but the autofix inserts parens required for precedence +Math.pow(++a, b) Math.pow(a, b + c)in d Math.pow(a, b) + Math.pow(c, d) Math.pow(Math.pow(a, b), Math.pow(c, d)) Math.pow(a, b)**Math.pow(c, d)