/* should not generate diagnostics */ function fooTs() { let a; } const barTs = () => { let b; } function fooWithCommentTS() { // should work } const barWithCommentTs = () => { // should work } function fooWithMultilineCommentTS() { /** * this should also work */ } const barWithMultilineCommentTs = () => { /** * this should also work */ } let fooVarTs; if (fooVarTs) { // empty } while (fooVarTs) { /* empty */ } const doSomethingTs = () => null; try { doSomethingTs(); } catch (ex) { // continue regardless of error } try { doSomethingTs(); } finally { /* continue regardless of error */ } class FooTs { static { bar(); } } class FoozTs { static { // comment } } // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noEmptyBlockStatements: this should be allowed function shouldNotFailTs() { }