--- source: crates/biome_formatter_test/src/snapshot_builder.rs info: js/module/arrow/arrow_test_callback.js --- # Input ```js it('should have the default duration when using the onClose arguments', done => { expect(true); done(); }); ``` ============================= # Outputs ## Output 1 ----- Indent style: Tab Indent width: 2 Line ending: LF Line width: 80 Quote style: Double Quotes JSX quote style: Double Quotes Quote properties: As needed Trailing comma: All Semicolons: Always Arrow parentheses: Always Bracket spacing: true Bracket same line: false Attribute Position: Auto ----- ```js it("should have the default duration when using the onClose arguments", (done) => { expect(true); done(); }); ``` # Lines exceeding max width of 80 characters ``` 1: it("should have the default duration when using the onClose arguments", (done) => { ``` ## Output 2 ----- Indent style: Tab Indent width: 2 Line ending: LF Line width: 80 Quote style: Double Quotes JSX quote style: Double Quotes Quote properties: As needed Trailing comma: All Semicolons: Always Arrow parentheses: As needed Bracket spacing: true Bracket same line: false Attribute Position: Auto ----- ```js it("should have the default duration when using the onClose arguments", done => { expect(true); done(); }); ``` # Lines exceeding max width of 80 characters ``` 1: it("should have the default duration when using the onClose arguments", done => { ```