// concatened string in consequent should be visually distinguishable from alternate // … or maybe this is okay, because the colon is enough? const avatar = has_ordered ? 'https://marmelab.com/posters/avatar/longer-word-that-breaks-consequent-' + numberOfCustomers + '.jpeg' : undefined; // Similarly, in the alternate: const redirectUrl = pathName ? pathName : nextPathName + nextSearch || defaultAuthParams.afterLoginUrl.makeThisLongerSoItBreaks; // And another, more pathological case of the above: const isEmpty = obj => obj instanceof Date ? false : obj === '' || obj === null || obj === undefined || obj === somethingThatIsLonger || shallowEqual(obj, {}); // Again, this case is a bit hard to distinguish the alternate. const eventsFromOrders = orderIds && orders ? orderIds.map(id => ({ type: 'order', date: orders[id].date, data: orders[id], })) : []; // Kinda weird to have dedents to the level of "return" in a function. function foo() { return !linkTo ? false : typeof linkTo === 'function' ? linkTo(record, reference) : linkToRecord(rootPath, sourceId, linkTo_as_string); } function foo2() { return React.isValidElement(emptyText) ? React.cloneElement(emptyText) : emptyText === '' ? ' ' // em space, forces the display of an empty line of normal height : translate(emptyText, { _: emptyText }); } // Function call ideally wouldnt break break const matchingReferencesError = isMatchingReferencesError( matchingReferences ) ? translate(matchingReferences.error, { _: matchingReferences.error, }) : null; // This one is kinda confusing any way you slice it… const obj = { error: matchingReferencesError && (!input.value || (input.value && selectedReferencesDataStatus === REFERENCES_STATUS_EMPTY)) ? translate('ra.input.references.all_missing', { _: 'ra.input.references.all_missing', }) : null, } // I think we should indent after the inner || on this, and do better wtih the parens around the && const obj2 = { warning: matchingReferencesError || (input.value && selectedReferencesDataStatus !== REFERENCES_STATUS_READY) ? matchingReferencesError || translate('ra.input.references.many_missing', { _: 'ra.input.references.many_missing', }) : null, } // The boolean conditions in the test should look cohesive. const selectedReferencesDataStatus = !isEmpty(value) && typeof value === 'string' && !pattern.test(value) ? getMessage(message, { pattern }, value, values) : undefined // Would be nice if these two nested ternaries didn't look like a single one. resolveRedirectTo( redirectTo, basePath, payload ? payload.id || (payload.data ? payload.data.id : null) : requestPayload ? requestPayload.id : null, payload && payload.data ? payload.data : requestPayload && requestPayload.data ? requestPayload.data : null ) const delayedDataProvider = new Proxy(restProvider, { get: (target, name, self) => name === 'then' ? // as we await for the dataProvider, JS calls then on it. We must trap that call or else the dataProvider will be called with the then method self : ( (resource, params) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout( () => resolve( restProvider[name](resource, params) ), 500 ) ) ), }); function foo4() { return !match || match.length < 5 ? line : ( match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4] ) } function foo5() { return !match || match.length < 5 ? foo(line) : ( match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4] ) } function foo6() { return !match || match.length < 5 ? linethatisverylongandbreaksthelinehooray : ( match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4] ) } function foo7() { return !match || match.length < 5 ? linethatisverylongandbreaksthelinehoorayjustabitlonger : ( match[1] + match[2] + match[3] + match[4] ) } const badComments = schema.model ? schema // If model is an array where the items schema is a referred model then we need to use that : schema.type === 'array' ? schema.items : schema; const anotherBadComment = refModel ? // If we're in a shared params file then reference the model name directly inSharedParamsFile ? refModel // If we're not in a shared params file then reference the in-file type : classRef() // We don't have a model name, use the in-file name : classRef()