const ListItem1 =``; const ListItem2 =``; const Dropdown = styled.div` position: relative; `; const Button = styled.button` color: palevioletred; font-size: 1em; `; const TomatoButton = Button.extend` color: tomato; border-color: tomato; `; Button.extend.attr({})` border-color: black; `; styled(ExistingComponent)` color: papayawhip; background-color: firebrick; `; styled.button.attr({})` border: rebeccapurple; `; styled(ExistingComponent).attr({})` border: rebeccapurple; `; styled.div` color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")}; `; styled.div` color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")} `; styled.div` /* prettier-ignore */ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph}; ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")}; `; styled.div` color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => ( ? "color: red;" : "")}; `; styled.div` /* prettier-ignore */ color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.paragraph}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")}; /* prettier-ignore */ ${(props) => ( ? "color: red;" : "")}; /* prettier-ignore */ `; styled.div` ${sanitize} ${fonts} html { margin: 0; } `; styled.div` ${bar} baz `; styled.span` foo ${bar} baz `; styled.div` foo ${bar} ${baz} `; styled.span` ${foo} ${bar} `; styled.div` ${foo} bar `; styled.span` ${foo} ${bar} baz: ${foo} `; styled.span` ${foo}; ${bar}; `; styled.span` ${foo}: ${bar}; `; styled.span` ${foo}: ${bar} `; styled.span` ${foo}: ${bar} `; styled.span` ${foo}: ${bar}; `; styled.a` ${feedbackCountBlockCss} text-decoration: none; ${FeedbackCount} { margin: 0; } `; const StyledComponent1 = styled.div` ${anInterpolation} /* a comment */ .aRule { color: red; } `; const StyledComponent2 = styled.div` ${anInterpolation} /* a comment */ .aRule { color: red; } `; const Direction = styled.span` ${({ up }) => up && `color: ${color.positive};`} ${({ down }) => down && `color: ${color.negative};`} `; const Direction2 = styled.span` ${({ up }) => up && `color: ${color.positive}`}; ${({ down }) => down && `color: ${color.negative}`}; `; const mixin = css` color: ${(props) => props.color}; ${(props) => props.otherProperty}: ${(props) => props.otherValue}; `; const foo = styled.div` display: flex; ${(props) => props.useMixin && mixin} `; const Single1 = styled.div` color: red; `; const Single2 = styled.div` color: red; `; const Dropdown2 = styled.div` /* A comment to avoid the prettier issue: */ position: relative; `; const bar = styled.div` border-radius: 50%; border: 5px solid rgba(var(--green-rgb), 0); display: inline-block; height: 40px; width: 40px; ${(props) => (props.complete || props.inProgress) && css` border-color: rgba(var(--green-rgb), 0.15); `} div { background-color: var(--purpleTT); border-radius: 50%; border: 4px solid rgba(var(--purple-rgb), 0.2); color: var(--purpleTT); display: inline-flex; ${(props) => props.complete && css` background-color: var(--green); border-width: 7px; `} ${(props) => (props.complete || props.inProgress) && css` border-color: var(--green); `} } `; const A = styled.a` display: inline-block; color: #fff; ${(props) => props.a && css` display: none; `} height: 30px; `; const Foo = styled.p` max-width: 980px; ${mediaBreakpointOnlyXs` && { font-size: 0.8rem; } `} &.bottom { margin-top: 3rem; } `; styled(A)` // prettier-ignore @media (aaaaaaaaaaaaa) { z-index: ${(props) => (props.isComplete ? "1" : "0")}; } `; const StyledDiv = styled.div` ${(props) => getSize(props.$size.xs)} ${(props) => getSize(props.$, "sm")} ${(props) => getSize(props.$, "md")} `;