let icecream = what == "cone" ? p => !!p ? `here's your ${p} cone` : `just the empty cone for you` : p => `here's your ${p} ${what}`; const value = condition1 ? value1 : condition2 ? value2 : condition3 ? value3 : value4; const StorybookLoader = ({ match }) => ( match.params.storyId === "button" ? : match.params.storyId === "color" ? : match.params.storyId === "typography" ? : match.params.storyId === "loading" ? : match.params.storyId === "deal-list" ? : ( {'Missing story book'} ) ) const message = i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0 ? 'fizzbuzz' : i % 3 === 0 ? 'fizz' : i % 5 === 0 ? 'buzz' : String(i) const paymentMessage = state == 'success' ? 'Payment completed successfully' : state == 'processing' ? 'Payment processing' : state == 'invalid_cvc' ? 'There was an issue with your CVC number' : state == 'invalid_expiry' ? 'Expiry must be sometime in the past.' : 'There was an issue with the payment. Please contact support.' const paymentMessage2 = state == 'success' ? 1 //'Payment completed successfully' : state == 'processing' ? 2 //'Payment processing' : state == 'invalid_cvc' ? 3 //'There was an issue with your CVC number' : true //state == 'invalid_expiry' ? 4 //'Expiry must be sometime in the past.' : 5 // 'There was an issue with the payment. Please contact support.' const foo =
{medals[0].record ? ( i18n('Record') ) : medals[0].unique ? ( i18n('Unique') ) : medals[0].type === 0 ? ( i18n('Silver') ) : medals[0].type === 1 ? ( i18n('Gold') ) : medals[0].type === 2 ? ( i18n('Platinum') ) : ( i18n('Theme') )}
a ? literalline : { 123: 12 } ? line : softline const config = { onFailure: onFailure !== undefined ? onFailure : ( error => { notify( typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || 'ra.notification.http_error', 'warning', { _: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error && error.message ? error.message : undefined, } ); refresh(); } ) } showNotification( typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || body, level || 'warning', { messageArgs, undoable: false, } ) const result = children && !isEmptyChildren(children) ? children : props.match ? component ? React.createElement(component, props) : render ? render(props) : null : null;