JsModule { bom_token: missing (optional), interpreter_token: missing (optional), directives: JsDirectiveList [], items: JsModuleItemList [ JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@0..7 "import" [] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportBareClause { source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@7..13 "\"foo\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@13..18 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")], l_curly_token: L_CURLY@18..20 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [ JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@20..24 "type" [] [], colon_token: missing (required), value_token: missing (required), }, COMMA@24..26 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")], JsImportAssertionEntry { key: JS_STRING_LITERAL@26..33 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], colon_token: missing (required), value_token: missing (required), }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@33..34 "}" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@34..35 ";" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@35..43 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportNamedClause { type_token: missing (optional), named_specifiers: JsNamedImportSpecifiers { l_curly_token: L_CURLY@43..45 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], specifiers: JsNamedImportSpecifierList [ JsShorthandNamedImportSpecifier { type_token: missing (optional), local_name: JsIdentifierBinding { name_token: IDENT@45..49 "foo" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@49..51 "}" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, from_token: missing (required), source: missing (required), assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@51..56 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")], l_curly_token: L_CURLY@56..58 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [ JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@58..62 "type" [] [], colon_token: COLON@62..64 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@64..71 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@71..72 "}" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@72..73 ";" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@73..81 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportBareClause { source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@81..88 "\"lorem\"" [] [], }, assertion: missing (optional), }, semicolon_token: missing (optional), }, JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsIdentifierExpression { name: JsReferenceIdentifier { value_token: IDENT@88..96 "assert" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], }, }, semicolon_token: missing (optional), }, JsBlockStatement { l_curly_token: L_CURLY@96..98 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], statements: JsStatementList [ JsLabeledStatement { label: JsLabel { value_token: IDENT@98..102 "type" [] [], }, colon_token: COLON@102..104 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], body: JsExpressionStatement { expression: JsStringLiteralExpression { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@104..111 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, semicolon_token: missing (optional), }, }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@111..112 "}" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@112..120 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportDefaultClause { type_token: missing (optional), default_specifier: JsDefaultImportSpecifier { local_name: JsIdentifierBinding { name_token: IDENT@120..125 "foo2" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, }, from_token: FROM_KW@125..130 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")], source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@130..141 "\"foo.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@141..146 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")], l_curly_token: L_CURLY@146..148 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [ JsImportAssertionEntry { key: JS_STRING_LITERAL@148..154 "\"type\"" [] [], colon_token: COLON@154..156 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@156..162 "\"json\"" [] [], }, COMMA@162..164 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")], JsBogusImportAssertionEntry { items: [ IDENT@164..168 "type" [] [], COLON@168..170 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], JS_STRING_LITERAL@170..176 "\"html\"" [] [], ], }, COMMA@176..178 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")], JsBogusImportAssertionEntry { items: [ JS_STRING_LITERAL@178..184 "\"type\"" [] [], COLON@184..186 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], JS_STRING_LITERAL@186..191 "\"js\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], ], }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@191..192 "}" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@192..193 ";" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@193..201 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportBareClause { source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@201..205 "\"x\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@205..209 "with" [] [], l_curly_token: missing (required), assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [], r_curly_token: missing (required), }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@209..210 ";" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@210..218 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportDefaultClause { type_token: missing (optional), default_specifier: JsDefaultImportSpecifier { local_name: JsIdentifierBinding { name_token: IDENT@218..224 "ipsum" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, }, from_token: FROM_KW@224..229 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")], source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@229..242 "\"ipsum.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@242..247 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")], l_curly_token: L_CURLY@247..249 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [ JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@249..253 "type" [] [], colon_token: COLON@253..255 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@255..261 "\"json\"" [] [], }, COMMA@261..263 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")], JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@263..267 "lazy" [] [], colon_token: COLON@267..269 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], value_token: missing (required), }, missing separator, JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@269..273 "true" [] [], colon_token: missing (required), value_token: missing (required), }, COMMA@273..275 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")], JsImportAssertionEntry { key: IDENT@275..286 "startAtLine" [] [], colon_token: COLON@286..288 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")], value_token: missing (required), }, missing separator, JsBogusImportAssertionEntry { items: [ JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@288..290 "1" [] [Whitespace(" ")], ], }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@290..291 "}" [] [], }, }, semicolon_token: SEMICOLON@291..292 ";" [] [], }, JsImport { import_token: IMPORT_KW@292..300 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")], import_clause: JsImportNamedClause { type_token: missing (optional), named_specifiers: JsNamedImportSpecifiers { l_curly_token: L_CURLY@300..302 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")], specifiers: JsNamedImportSpecifierList [ JsShorthandNamedImportSpecifier { type_token: missing (optional), local_name: JsIdentifierBinding { name_token: IDENT@302..304 "a" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, }, ], r_curly_token: R_CURLY@304..306 "}" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, from_token: FROM_KW@306..311 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")], source: JsModuleSource { value_token: JS_STRING_LITERAL@311..320 "\"a.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")], }, assertion: JsImportAssertion { assertion_kind: WITH_KW@320..324 "with" [] [], l_curly_token: missing (required), assertions: JsImportAssertionEntryList [], r_curly_token: missing (required), }, }, semicolon_token: missing (optional), }, ], eof_token: EOF@324..325 "" [Newline("\n")] [], } 0: JS_MODULE@0..325 0: (empty) 1: (empty) 2: JS_DIRECTIVE_LIST@0..0 3: JS_MODULE_ITEM_LIST@0..324 0: JS_IMPORT@0..35 0: IMPORT_KW@0..7 "import" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_BARE_CLAUSE@7..34 0: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@7..13 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@7..13 "\"foo\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@13..34 0: WITH_KW@13..18 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: L_CURLY@18..20 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@20..33 0: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@20..24 0: IDENT@20..24 "type" [] [] 1: (empty) 2: (empty) 1: COMMA@24..26 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@26..33 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@26..33 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: (empty) 2: (empty) 3: R_CURLY@33..34 "}" [] [] 2: SEMICOLON@34..35 ";" [] [] 1: JS_IMPORT@35..73 0: IMPORT_KW@35..43 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_NAMED_CLAUSE@43..72 0: (empty) 1: JS_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIERS@43..51 0: L_CURLY@43..45 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIER_LIST@45..49 0: JS_SHORTHAND_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIER@45..49 0: (empty) 1: JS_IDENTIFIER_BINDING@45..49 0: IDENT@45..49 "foo" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: R_CURLY@49..51 "}" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: (empty) 3: (empty) 4: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@51..72 0: WITH_KW@51..56 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: L_CURLY@56..58 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@58..71 0: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@58..71 0: IDENT@58..62 "type" [] [] 1: COLON@62..64 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_STRING_LITERAL@64..71 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: R_CURLY@71..72 "}" [] [] 2: SEMICOLON@72..73 ";" [] [] 2: JS_IMPORT@73..88 0: IMPORT_KW@73..81 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_BARE_CLAUSE@81..88 0: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@81..88 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@81..88 "\"lorem\"" [] [] 1: (empty) 2: (empty) 3: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@88..96 0: JS_IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION@88..96 0: JS_REFERENCE_IDENTIFIER@88..96 0: IDENT@88..96 "assert" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: (empty) 4: JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT@96..112 0: L_CURLY@96..98 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_STATEMENT_LIST@98..111 0: JS_LABELED_STATEMENT@98..111 0: JS_LABEL@98..102 0: IDENT@98..102 "type" [] [] 1: COLON@102..104 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT@104..111 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL_EXPRESSION@104..111 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@104..111 "\"json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: (empty) 2: R_CURLY@111..112 "}" [] [] 5: JS_IMPORT@112..193 0: IMPORT_KW@112..120 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_DEFAULT_CLAUSE@120..192 0: (empty) 1: JS_DEFAULT_IMPORT_SPECIFIER@120..125 0: JS_IDENTIFIER_BINDING@120..125 0: IDENT@120..125 "foo2" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: FROM_KW@125..130 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@130..141 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@130..141 "\"foo.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 4: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@141..192 0: WITH_KW@141..146 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: L_CURLY@146..148 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@148..191 0: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@148..162 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@148..154 "\"type\"" [] [] 1: COLON@154..156 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_STRING_LITERAL@156..162 "\"json\"" [] [] 1: COMMA@162..164 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_BOGUS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@164..176 0: IDENT@164..168 "type" [] [] 1: COLON@168..170 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_STRING_LITERAL@170..176 "\"html\"" [] [] 3: COMMA@176..178 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")] 4: JS_BOGUS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@178..191 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@178..184 "\"type\"" [] [] 1: COLON@184..186 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_STRING_LITERAL@186..191 "\"js\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: R_CURLY@191..192 "}" [] [] 2: SEMICOLON@192..193 ";" [] [] 6: JS_IMPORT@193..210 0: IMPORT_KW@193..201 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_BARE_CLAUSE@201..209 0: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@201..205 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@201..205 "\"x\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@205..209 0: WITH_KW@205..209 "with" [] [] 1: (empty) 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@209..209 3: (empty) 2: SEMICOLON@209..210 ";" [] [] 7: JS_IMPORT@210..292 0: IMPORT_KW@210..218 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_DEFAULT_CLAUSE@218..291 0: (empty) 1: JS_DEFAULT_IMPORT_SPECIFIER@218..224 0: JS_IDENTIFIER_BINDING@218..224 0: IDENT@218..224 "ipsum" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: FROM_KW@224..229 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@229..242 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@229..242 "\"ipsum.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 4: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@242..291 0: WITH_KW@242..247 "with" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: L_CURLY@247..249 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@249..290 0: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@249..261 0: IDENT@249..253 "type" [] [] 1: COLON@253..255 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_STRING_LITERAL@255..261 "\"json\"" [] [] 1: COMMA@261..263 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@263..269 0: IDENT@263..267 "lazy" [] [] 1: COLON@267..269 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: (empty) 3: (empty) 4: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@269..273 0: IDENT@269..273 "true" [] [] 1: (empty) 2: (empty) 5: COMMA@273..275 "," [] [Whitespace(" ")] 6: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@275..288 0: IDENT@275..286 "startAtLine" [] [] 1: COLON@286..288 ":" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: (empty) 7: (empty) 8: JS_BOGUS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY@288..290 0: JS_NUMBER_LITERAL@288..290 "1" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: R_CURLY@290..291 "}" [] [] 2: SEMICOLON@291..292 ";" [] [] 8: JS_IMPORT@292..324 0: IMPORT_KW@292..300 "import" [Newline("\n")] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_IMPORT_NAMED_CLAUSE@300..324 0: (empty) 1: JS_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIERS@300..306 0: L_CURLY@300..302 "{" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 1: JS_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIER_LIST@302..304 0: JS_SHORTHAND_NAMED_IMPORT_SPECIFIER@302..304 0: (empty) 1: JS_IDENTIFIER_BINDING@302..304 0: IDENT@302..304 "a" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: R_CURLY@304..306 "}" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 2: FROM_KW@306..311 "from" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 3: JS_MODULE_SOURCE@311..320 0: JS_STRING_LITERAL@311..320 "\"a.json\"" [] [Whitespace(" ")] 4: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION@320..324 0: WITH_KW@320..324 "with" [] [] 1: (empty) 2: JS_IMPORT_ASSERTION_ENTRY_LIST@324..324 3: (empty) 2: (empty) 4: EOF@324..325 "" [Newline("\n")] [] -- import_attribute_err.js:1:25 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `:` but instead found `,` > 1 │ import "foo" with { type, "json" }; │ ^ 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; 3 │ import "lorem" i Remove , -- import_attribute_err.js:1:34 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `:` but instead found `}` > 1 │ import "foo" with { type, "json" }; │ ^ 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; 3 │ import "lorem" i Remove } -- import_attribute_err.js:2:16 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `from` but instead found `with` 1 │ import "foo" with { type, "json" }; > 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; │ ^^^^ 3 │ import "lorem" 4 │ assert { type: "json" } i Remove with -- import_attribute_err.js:4:8 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Expected a semicolon or an implicit semicolon after a statement, but found none 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; 3 │ import "lorem" > 4 │ assert { type: "json" } │ ^ 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; i An explicit or implicit semicolon is expected here... 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; 3 │ import "lorem" > 4 │ assert { type: "json" } │ ^ 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; i ...Which is required to end this statement 2 │ import { foo } with { type: "json" }; 3 │ import "lorem" > 4 │ assert { type: "json" } │ ^^^^^^^^ 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; -- import_attribute_err.js:5:36 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × Duplicate assertion keys are not allowed 3 │ import "lorem" 4 │ assert { type: "json" } > 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; │ ^^^^^^ 6 │ import "x" with; 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; i First use of the key `type` 3 │ import "lorem" 4 │ assert { type: "json" } > 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; │ ^^^^^^ 6 │ import "x" with; 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; i second use here 3 │ import "lorem" 4 │ assert { type: "json" } > 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; │ ^^^^ 6 │ import "x" with; 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; -- import_attribute_err.js:6:16 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `{` but instead found `;` 4 │ assert { type: "json" } 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; > 6 │ import "x" with; │ ^ 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with i Remove ; -- import_attribute_err.js:7:59 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `string literal` but instead found `true` 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; > 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; │ ^^^^ 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with 9 │ i Remove true -- import_attribute_err.js:7:63 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `:` but instead found `,` 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; > 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; │ ^ 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with 9 │ i Remove , -- import_attribute_err.js:7:78 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `string literal` but instead found `1` 5 │ import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; 6 │ import "x" with; > 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; │ ^ 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with 9 │ i Remove 1 -- import_attribute_err.js:9:1 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ × expected `{` but instead the file ends 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with > 9 │ │ i the file ends here 7 │ import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; 8 │ import { a } from "a.json" with > 9 │ │ -- import "foo" with { type, "json" }; import { foo } with { type: "json" }; import "lorem" assert { type: "json" } import foo2 from "foo.json" with { "type": "json", type: "html", "type": "js" }; import "x" with; import ipsum from "ipsum.json" with { type: "json", lazy: true, startAtLine: 1 }; import { a } from "a.json" with