# Changelog ## 0.3.0 - (2022-03-14) - **Breaking changes:** - The arguments `mtry` and `seed` to `DecisionTree` and `RandomForest` have been renamed to `max_features` and `random_state`, aligning them with their scikit-learn counterparts. - Supplying `n_jobs=None` will now result in no parallelization, aligning its behaviour with scikit-learn. To use all processes, use `n_jobs=-1`. - **New features:** - The `max_features` parameter for classes `DecisionTree` and `RandomForest` can now be supplied with a fraction, an integer, `None` and `"sqrt"`. ## 0.2.2 - (2022-02-22) - **Other changes:** - Speedup of `DecisisionTreeNode.split_samples` resulting in overall 6 - 20% faster tree fitting. ## 0.2.1 - (2022-01-13) - **Bug fixes:** - `DecisionTreeNode` no longer returns wrong leaf value if splitting is stopped due to `min_samples_split`. ## 0.2.0 - (2022-01-11) **New features:** - Parallization for `RandomForest::fit` and `RandomForest::fit_predict_oob`.