use std::path::PathBuf; use normpath::PathExt; use super::bad_call; use crate::{ cli::{errs::BuiltinErr, shell::Shell, BashOut, CmdResult}, prelude::*, }; /// pub fn cd(shell: &mut Shell, args: &[String]) -> RResult { macro_rules! hd { () => { if let Ok(hd) = shell.home_dir() { PathBuf::from(hd.to_string_lossy().to_string()) } else { bad_call!("cd: failed to get home directory") } }; } let mut target_path = if let Some(last) = args.last() { if !last.starts_with('-') { PathBuf::from(last) } else { hd!() } } else { hd!() }; let mut follow_symlinks = true; for (index, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() { match arg.as_str() { "-L" => follow_symlinks = true, "-P" => follow_symlinks = false, // Allow -e, but think ignore as enabled auto by this implementation "-e" => {} "-@" => { return Err(err!(BuiltinErr::Unsupported).attach_printable("cd: '-@' not supported")) } _ => { // If its the last then will be the target dir, no err: if index == args.len() - 1 { break; } else { // If its not the last, then shouldn't be there: bad_call!("cd: invalid option: {}", arg); } } } } // If target_path is relative, attach onto the current dir: if target_path.is_relative() { target_path = if let Ok(ad) = shell.active_dir() { ad.join(target_path) } else { return Err(err!(BuiltinErr::InternalError) .attach_printable("cd: failed to get active directory")); }; } // Expand symbolic links if -P is specified if !follow_symlinks { // Make absolute to expand symlinks: if let Ok(realpath) = target_path.normalize() { target_path = realpath.into_path_buf(); } else { bad_call!("cd: Failed to get real path for {}", target_path.display()); } } // Validate the path exists: if !target_path.exists() { bad_call!("cd: no such file or directory: {}", target_path.display()); } // Update the shell to use the new dir: shell .chdir(target_path) .change_context(BuiltinErr::InternalError)?; Ok(BashOut::empty()) } // Should be tested quite well in cli/ and other builtin tests. #[cfg(test)] mod tests {}