mod bash; mod bash_out; mod builtins; mod errs; mod redirect; mod runner; mod shell; pub use bash::Bash; pub use bash_out::{BashOut, CmdResult}; pub use errs::BashErr; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::LazyLock; use normpath::PathExt; use rstest::*; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use super::*; use crate::{errors::prelude::*, log::GlobalLog}; #[fixture] fn logging() -> () { GlobalLog::setup_quick_stdout_global_logging(tracing::Level::DEBUG).unwrap(); } // Temp file: fn tf() -> String { // Using debug formatting to make sure escaped properly on windows: format!("{:?}", NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().path()) } static GLOB_TD: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| tempfile::tempdir().unwrap()); static HOME_DIR: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| { homedir::get_my_home() .unwrap() .unwrap() .to_string_lossy() .to_string() }); fn home() -> String { HOME_DIR.clone() } static WC_CMD: &str = if cfg!(windows) { "find /c /v \"\"" } else { "wc -l" }; static CAT_CMD: &str = if cfg!(windows) { "cmd /c type" } else { "cat" }; #[rstest] // <-- basics: #[case::basic_1("echo 'hello world'", "hello world", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::basic_2("echo hello world", "hello world", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::basic_3( "./", if cfg!(windows) { "The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)" } else { "No such file or directory (os error 2)" }, 2, None, None, true )] // <-- and: #[case::and_1("echo hello && echo world", "hello\nworld", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::and_2("echo hello && false && echo world", "hello", 1, None, None, true)] #[case::and_3("true && echo world", "world", 0, None, None, true)] // <-- or: #[case::or_1("echo hello || echo world", "hello", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::or_2("false || echo world", "world", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::or_3("false || false || echo world", "world", 0, None, None, true)] // <-- negations: #[case::neg_1("! echo hello || echo world", "hello\nworld", 0, None, None, true)] // <-- pipe: #[case::pipe_1(format!("echo foo | {WC_CMD}"), "1", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::pipe_2( // Looks weird because avoiding newlines to work with windows: (but also tests compound) format!("(echo foo && echo ree && echo bar) | {WC_CMD}"), "3", 0, None, None, true )] #[case::pipe_3( // Looks weird because avoiding newlines to work with windows: (but also tests compound) format!("(echo foo && echo ree && echo bar) | {WC_CMD} | {WC_CMD}"), "1", 0, None, None, true )] // <-- stderr coming through: #[case::stderr_1( format!("{CAT_CMD} non_existent.txt || echo foo && {CAT_CMD} ree.txt"), if cfg!(windows) { "foo\nThe system cannot find the file specified.\nThe system cannot find the file specified." } else { "foo\ncat: non_existent.txt: No such file or directory\ncat: ree.txt: No such file or directory" }, 1, Some("foo"), Some(if cfg!(windows){ "The system cannot find the file specified.\nThe system cannot find the file specified." } else { "cat: non_existent.txt: No such file or directory\ncat: ree.txt: No such file or directory" }), true )] // <-- command substitution: #[case::subst_1("echo $(echo foo)", "foo", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::subst_2("echo $(echo foo) $(echo bar)", "foo bar", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::subst_3("echo foo $(echo bar) ree", "foo bar ree", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::subst_4( // Exit code should be ignored from subs "echo foo $(echo bar && false) ree", "foo bar ree", 0, None, None, true )] // <-- redirection: // Write: #[case::redir_1(format!("echo foo > {fp} && rm {fp}", fp=tf()), "", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::redir_2(format!("cd {dp:?} && echo foo > file.txt && {CAT_CMD} file.txt", dp=GLOB_TD.path()), "foo", 0, None, None, true)] // Write and append together: #[case::redir_3( format!("echo foo >> {fp} && echo bar > {fp} && echo ree >> {fp} && {CAT_CMD} {fp} && rm {fp}", fp=tf()), // Second should override the first, then final ree is appended: "bar\nree", 0, None, None, true )] // Stdout to null: #[case::redir_4("echo foo >/dev/null", "", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::redir_5("echo foo 1>/dev/null", "", 0, None, None, true)] // Stdout to stderr: #[case::redir_6("echo foo 1>/dev/stderr", "foo", 0, Some(""), Some("foo"), true)] #[case::redir_7("echo foo 1>&2", "foo", 0, Some(""), Some("foo"), true)] #[case::redir_8("echo foo 1>/dev/fd/2", "foo", 0, Some(""), Some("foo"), true)] // Stderr to stdout: #[case::redir_9("stderr_echo foo 2>/dev/stdout", "foo", 0, Some("foo"), Some(""), true)] #[case::redir_10("stderr_echo foo 2>&1", "foo", 0, Some("foo"), None, true)] #[case::redir_11("stderr_echo foo 2>/dev/fd/1", "foo", 0, Some("foo"), Some(""), true)] // Read to stdin: #[case::redir_12( format!("echo foo > {fp} && <{fp} {CAT_CMD} && rm {fp}", fp=tf()), "foo", 0, None, None, false // The windows cat variant doesn't support stdin )] // <-- home dir (tilde): #[case::home_1("echo ~", format!("{}", home()), 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_2("echo ~ ~", format!("{} {}", home(), home()), 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_3("echo ~/foo", format!("{}/foo", home()), 0, None, None, true)] // <-- params, should be settable, stick to their current shell etc: #[case::home_4( // First should print nothing, as not set yet, gets set to 1 in outer shell, 2 in inner shell "echo -n \"before.$LAH. \"; LAH=1; echo outer.$LAH. $(LAH=2; echo inner.$LAH.) outer.$LAH.", "before.. outer.1. inner.2. outer.1.", 0, None, None, true )] // Should ignore tilde in most circumstances: #[case::home_5("echo ~~", "~~", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_6("echo foo~", "foo~", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_7("echo ~foo", "~foo", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_8("echo foo/~", "foo/~", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::home_9("echo foo~bar", "foo~bar", 0, None, None, true)] // Don't test on windows this one, the OS seems to override and convert after leaving rust: #[case::home_10("echo \"~\"", "~", 0, None, None, false)] #[case::home_11("echo \"~/foo\"", "~/foo", 0, None, None, true)] // <-- all ignored when in quotes: #[case::lit_1("echo false '&& echo bar'", "false && echo bar", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::lit_2("echo false '|| echo bar'", "false || echo bar", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::lit_3("echo false '| echo bar'", "false | echo bar", 0, None, None, true)] #[case::lit_4("echo false '$(echo bar)'", "false $(echo bar)", 0, None, None, true)] // Don't test on windows this one, the OS seems to override and convert after leaving rust: #[case::lit_5("echo '~'", "~", 0, None, None, false)] fn test_bash_basics>( #[case] cmd_str: String, #[case] exp_std_all: S, #[case] code: i32, #[case] exp_stdout: Option<&str>, // Only check if Some() #[case] exp_sterr: Option<&str>, // Only check if Some() #[case] test_on_windows: bool, // Only check if Some() #[allow(unused_variables)] logging: (), ) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { if cfg!(windows) && !test_on_windows { return Ok(()); } let res = Bash::new().cmd(cmd_str).run().change_context(AnyErr)?; assert_eq!(res.code(), code, "{}: {}", res.code(), res.std_all()); assert_eq!(res.std_all().trim(), exp_std_all.into()); if let Some(exp_stdout) = exp_stdout { assert_eq!(res.stdout().trim(), exp_stdout, "{}", res.std_all()); } if let Some(exp_sterr) = exp_sterr { assert_eq!(res.stderr().trim(), exp_sterr, "{}", res.std_all()); } Ok(()) } /// Check multi commands are treated like lines in a file, /// and lines in a command are treated and work like a normal file. /// Set -e should be enabled by default, but can be disabled with normal set +e bash syntax. #[rstest] // Multi line files should work as expected and handle comments. #[case::ml_cmd(["# Start comment\necho hello # Inline comment\necho goodbye\n# End comment"], "hello\ngoodbye", 0)] // Multi line commands should be newline separated, i.e. as if coming in from a file. #[case::sim_ml_cmd(["# Start comment", "echo hello # Inline comment", "echo goodbye", "# End comment"], "hello\ngoodbye", 0)] #[case::set_e_on_by_default(["echo hello", "false", "echo goodbye"], "hello", 1)] #[case::set_e_can_be_disabled(["set +e", "echo hello", "false", "echo goodbye"], "hello\ngoodbye", 0)] #[case::set_e_can_be_disabled_and_re_enabled(["set +e", "set -e", "echo hello", "false", "echo goodbye"], "hello", 1)] fn test_bash_multiline>( #[case] cmds: impl Into>, #[case] exp_std_all: S, #[case] code: i32, #[allow(unused_variables)] logging: (), ) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let mut bash = Bash::new(); for cmd in cmds.into() { bash = bash.cmd(cmd); } let res =; assert_eq!(res.code(), code, "{}: {}", res.code(), res.std_all()); assert_eq!(res.std_all().trim(), exp_std_all.into()); Ok(()) } /// Confirm setting a custom working dir on the builder works plus when changing with cd in bash. #[rstest] fn test_run_dir(#[allow(unused_variables)] logging: ()) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().change_context(AnyErr)?; // normalise to make sure absolute (as pwd should always be absolute) let temp_dir_pb = temp_dir .path() .normalize() .change_context(AnyErr)? .into_path_buf(); // Create: ./topfile.txt // Create ./subdir/subfile.txt std::fs::write(temp_dir_pb.join("topfile.txt"), "topfile!").change_context(AnyErr)?; std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir_pb.join("subdir")).change_context(AnyErr)?; std::fs::write(temp_dir_pb.join("subdir").join("subfile.txt"), "subfile!") .change_context(AnyErr)?; let res = Bash::new() .chdir(&temp_dir_pb) .cmd("pwd") .cmd("cd subdir") .cmd("pwd") .cmd(format!("{} subfile.txt", CAT_CMD)) .cmd("cd ..") .cmd(format!("{} topfile.txt", CAT_CMD)) .run() .change_context(AnyErr)?; assert_eq!(res.code(), 0, "{}: {}", res.code(), res.std_all()); assert_eq!( res.stdout().trim(), format!( "{}\n{}\nsubfile!topfile!", temp_dir_pb.display(), temp_dir_pb.join("subdir").display() ) ); Ok(()) } /// Confirm setting env vars on the builder work. #[rstest] fn test_builder_env(#[allow(unused_variables)] logging: ()) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let res = Bash::new() .env("FOO", "bar") .env("BAZ", "qux") .cmd("echo $FOO $(echo $BAZ)") .run() .change_context(AnyErr)?; assert_eq!(res.code(), 0, "{}: {}", res.code(), res.std_all()); assert_eq!(res.stdout().trim(), format!("bar qux")); Ok(()) } // Confirm when both when doesn't error but not all commands run AND when Bash errors the final command that was attempted is accessible and printable. #[rstest] fn test_error_source_attached(#[allow(unused_variables)] logging: ()) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let err_cmd = "ab||][/?cd"; // Confirm that when bash itself fails (i.e. invalid syntax), the source is attached to the error: let res = Bash::new() .cmd("echo foo") .cmd(err_cmd) .cmd("echo bar") .run(); assert!(res.is_err()); let fmted = format!("{:?}", res.as_ref().unwrap_err()); assert!( fmted.contains(format!("{} <-- exited with code:", err_cmd).as_str()), "{}", fmted ); // Confirm cmd out is attached and the source could be inferred from there: let e = res.unwrap_err(); let bash_out = e.current_context().bash_out(); assert_eq!(bash_out.command_results.len(), 2); assert_eq!(bash_out.command_results[1].command, err_cmd); // Now confirm when it's a valid set of commands, but one just fails, also accessible: let bash_out = Bash::new() .cmd("echo foo") .cmd("echo bar && false") .cmd("echo bar") .run() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bash_out.command_results.len(), 2); assert_eq!(bash_out.command_results[1].command, "echo bar && false"); Ok(()) } }