use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc, OnceLock}; use arc_swap::ArcSwap; use chrono::TimeDelta; use futures::{ future::{BoxFuture, LocalBoxFuture}, Future, FutureExt, }; pub use arc_swap::Guard as RefreshableGuard; use crate::{ prelude::*, redis::{Redis, RedisBatchFire, RedisBatchReturningOps, RedisConnLike}, }; // TODO for both, maybe some lock which is held during a refresh, to prevent copies of this all calling refresh next to each other if called whilst a refresh is going on. // TODO some testing for this too. macro_rules! impl_refreshable_write_synced { ($name:ident, $box_method:ident, $box_future:ident, [$($cb_reqs:tt)*], [$($fut_reqs:tt)*]) => { /// A data wrapper that automatically updates the data given out when deemed stale. /// The data is set to refresh at a certain interval (triggered on access), or can be forcefully refreshed. pub struct $name { redis: Redis, redis_namespace: String, redis_key: String, redis_mutate_key: String, mutate_id: AtomicU64, // Don't want to hold lock when giving out data, so opposite to normal pattern: data: OnceLock>, // To prevent stopping Send/Sync working for this struct, these need to be both: getter: Arc $box_future<'static, RResult> $($cb_reqs)*>>, setter: Arc $box_future<'static, RResult<(), AnyErr>> $($cb_reqs)*>>, on_mutate: Option RResult<(), AnyErr> + 'static $($cb_reqs)*>>>, last_updated_utc_ms: AtomicU64, force_refresh_every_ms: u64, } impl $name { /// Creates a new refreshable data wrapper. /// This will only call the getter on first access, not on instanstiation. /// /// Arguments: /// - `redis`: The redis wrapper itself needed for dlocking. /// - `redis_namespace`: The namespace to use for the redis key when locking during setting. /// - `redis_key`: The key to use for the redis key when locking during setting. /// - `force_refresh_every`: The interval for forceful data should be refreshed. For when something other than a `Refreshable` container updates, but still good as a backup. /// - `getter`: A function that returns a future that resolves to the data. /// - `setter`: A function that updates the source with new data. pub fn new< FutGet: Future> $($fut_reqs)* + 'static, FutSet: Future> $($fut_reqs)* + 'static, >( redis: &Redis, redis_namespace: impl Into, redis_key: impl Into, force_refresh_every: TimeDelta, getter: impl Fn() -> FutGet + 'static $($cb_reqs)*, setter: impl Fn(T) -> FutSet + 'static $($cb_reqs)*, ) -> RResult { let redis_key = redis_key.into(); Ok(Self { redis: redis.clone(), redis_namespace: redis_namespace.into(), redis_mutate_key: format!("{}_mutater", redis_key), redis_key, mutate_id: AtomicU64::new(0), data: OnceLock::new(), getter: Arc::new(Box::new(move || getter().$box_method())), setter: Arc::new(Box::new(move |data| setter(data).$box_method())), on_mutate: None, last_updated_utc_ms: AtomicU64::new(utc_now_ms()), force_refresh_every_ms: force_refresh_every.num_milliseconds() as u64, }) } /// Do something whenever a mutation happens, useful to hook in other mutations while a mut self is available. pub fn on_mutate( mut self, on_mutate: impl Fn(&mut T) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> + 'static $($cb_reqs)*, ) -> Self { self.on_mutate = Some(Arc::new(Box::new(on_mutate))); self } /// Update stored data: async fn set_data(&self, new_data: T) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { self.last_updated_utc_ms .store(utc_now_ms(), std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);; Ok(()) } /// Internal of `sync`, doesn't set the new data so can be used in mutator. async fn sync_no_set(&self, conn: &impl RedisConnLike) -> RResult, AnyErr> { let mutate_id_changed = { if let Some(current_mutate_id) = conn .batch() .get::(&self.redis_namespace, &self.redis_mutate_key) .fire() .await .flatten() { // Check if different, simultaneously setting the new value: current_mutate_id != self .mutate_id .swap(current_mutate_id, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) } else { false } }; if mutate_id_changed || utc_now_ms() - self .last_updated_utc_ms .load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) > self.force_refresh_every_ms { Ok(Some((self.getter)().await?)) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Resyncs the data with the source, when it becomes stale (hard refresh), or redis mutate id changes, meaning a different node has updated the data. async fn sync(&self, conn: &impl RedisConnLike) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { if let Some(new_data) = self.sync_no_set(conn).await? { self.set_data(new_data).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Access the currently stored data, initializing the `OnceLock` if empty. async fn data(&self) -> RResult<&ArcSwap, AnyErr> { if let Some(val) = { Ok(val) } else { let new_data = (self.getter)().await?; let _ =; Ok(self .data .get() .ok_or_else(|| anyerr!("Failed to set data"))?) } } /// Update the data in the refreshable with key features: /// - Locks the source using a redis dlock for the duration of the update. /// - Refreshes the data before the update inside the locked section, /// to make sure you're doing the update on the latest data and not overwriting changes. /// - Updates the setter, thanks to above guaranteed no sibling node overwrites etc. /// /// NOTE: returns a double result to allow custom internal error types to be passed out. pub async fn mutate( &self, conn: &impl RedisConnLike, mutator: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> Result, ) -> RResult, AnyErr> { self.redis .dlock_for_fut( &self.redis_namespace, &self.redis_key, // Really don't want to miss updates: Some(TimeDelta::seconds(30)), async move { // Make sure working with up-to-date data: let mut data = if let Some(data) = self.sync_no_set(conn).await? { data } else { (** }; // Mutate the up-to-date data: match mutator(&mut data) { Ok(result) => { // Run the on_mutate hook if there: if let Some(on_mutate) = &self.on_mutate { on_mutate(&mut data)?; } // Update the source with the new data: (self.setter)(data.clone()).await?; // Update the mutate id to signal to other nodes that the data has changed: let new_mutate_id = rand::random(); conn.batch() .set( &self.redis_namespace, &self.redis_mutate_key, new_mutate_id, None, ) .fire() .await; self.mutate_id .store(new_mutate_id, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); self.set_data(data).await?; Ok::<_, Report>(Ok(result)) } Err(e) => Ok(Err(e)), } }, ) .await .change_context(AnyErr) } /// Force a refresh of the data. pub async fn refresh(&self) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let new_data = (self.getter)().await?; self.set_data(new_data).await?; Ok(()) } /// Get the underlying data for use. /// If the data is stale, it will be refreshed before returning. /// /// NOTE: the implementation of the guards means not too many should be alive at once, and keeping across await points should be discouraged. /// If you need long access to the underlying data, consider cloning it. pub async fn get( &self, conn: &impl RedisConnLike, ) -> RResult>, AnyErr> { // Refresh if stale or mutate id in redis changes: self.sync(conn).await?; Ok( } } }; } impl_refreshable_write_synced!(RefreshableWriteSynced, boxed, BoxFuture, [+ Send + Sync], [+ Send]); impl_refreshable_write_synced!( RefreshableWriteSyncedLocal, boxed_local, LocalBoxFuture, [], [] ); macro_rules! impl_refreshable { ($name:ident, $box_method:ident, $box_future:ident, [$($cb_reqs:tt)*], [$($fut_reqs:tt)*]) => { /// A data wrapper that automatically updates the data given out when deemed stale. /// The data is set to refresh at a certain interval (triggered on access), or can be forcefully refreshed. pub struct $name { // Don't want to hold lock when giving out data, so opposite to normal pattern: data: OnceLock>, // To prevent stopping Send/Sync working for this struct, these need to be both: getter: Arc $box_future<'static, RResult> $($cb_reqs)*>>, on_mutate: Option RResult<(), AnyErr> + 'static $($cb_reqs)*>>>, last_updated_utc_ms: AtomicU64, force_refresh_every_ms: u64, } impl $name { /// Creates a new refreshable data wrapper. /// This will only call the getter on first access, not on instanstiation. /// /// Arguments: /// - `force_refresh_every`: The interval for forceful data should be refreshed. For when something other than a `Refreshable` container updates, but still good as a backup. /// - `getter`: A function that returns a future that resolves to the data. pub fn new< FutGet: Future> $($fut_reqs)* + 'static, >( force_refresh_every: TimeDelta, getter: impl Fn() -> FutGet + 'static $($cb_reqs)*, ) -> RResult { Ok(Self { data: OnceLock::new(), getter: Arc::new(Box::new(move || getter().$box_method())), on_mutate: None, last_updated_utc_ms: AtomicU64::new(utc_now_ms()), force_refresh_every_ms: force_refresh_every.num_milliseconds() as u64, }) } /// Do something whenever a mutation happens, useful to hook in other mutations while a mut self is available. pub fn on_mutate( mut self, on_mutate: impl Fn(&mut T) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> + 'static $($cb_reqs)*, ) -> Self { self.on_mutate = Some(Arc::new(Box::new(on_mutate))); self } /// Update stored data: async fn set_data(&self, new_data: T) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { self.last_updated_utc_ms .store(utc_now_ms(), std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);; Ok(()) } /// Internal of `sync`, doesn't set the new data so can be used in mutator. async fn sync_no_set(&self) -> RResult, AnyErr> { if utc_now_ms() - self .last_updated_utc_ms .load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) > self.force_refresh_every_ms { Ok(Some((self.getter)().await?)) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Resyncs the data with the source, when it becomes stale (hard refresh). async fn sync(&self) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { if let Some(new_data) = self.sync_no_set().await? { self.set_data(new_data).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Access the currently stored data, initializing the `OnceLock` if empty. async fn data(&self) -> RResult<&ArcSwap, AnyErr> { if let Some(val) = { Ok(val) } else { let new_data = (self.getter)().await?; let _ =; Ok(self .data .get() .ok_or_else(|| anyerr!("Failed to set data"))?) } } /// Update the data in the refreshable. /// /// NOTE: returns a double result to allow custom internal error types to be passed out. pub async fn mutate( &self, mutator: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> Result, ) -> RResult, AnyErr> { async move { // Make sure working with up-to-date data: let mut data = if let Some(data) = self.sync_no_set().await? { data } else { (** }; // Mutate the up-to-date data: match mutator(&mut data) { Ok(result) => { // Run the on_mutate hook if there: if let Some(on_mutate) = &self.on_mutate { on_mutate(&mut data)?; } self.set_data(data).await?; Ok::<_, Report>(Ok(result)) } Err(e) => Ok(Err(e)), } } .await .change_context(AnyErr) } /// Force a refresh of the data. pub async fn refresh(&self) -> RResult<(), AnyErr> { let new_data = (self.getter)().await?; self.set_data(new_data).await?; Ok(()) } /// Mark the data as stale, so it'll be refreshed on next access. pub fn mark_stale(&self) { self.last_updated_utc_ms .store(0, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); } /// Get the underlying data for use. /// If the data is stale, it will be refreshed before returning. /// /// NOTE: the implementation of the guards means not too many should be alive at once, and keeping across await points should be discouraged. /// If you need long access to the underlying data, consider cloning it. pub async fn get( &self, ) -> RResult>, AnyErr> { // Refresh if stale or mutate id in redis changes: self.sync().await?; Ok( } } }; } impl_refreshable!(Refreshable, boxed, BoxFuture, [+ Send + Sync], [+ Send]); impl_refreshable!(RefreshableLocal, boxed_local, LocalBoxFuture, [], []); fn utc_now_ms() -> u64 { chrono::Utc::now().timestamp_millis() as u64 }