use std::{ collections::HashMap, fmt::Debug, sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc}, }; use chrono::TimeDelta; use dashmap::DashMap; use redis::{aio::MultiplexedConnection, from_owned_redis_value}; use crate::{ log::record_exception, misc::{random_u64_rolling, IterWithCloneLazy, Retry}, prelude::*, redis::redis_retry::redis_retry_config, }; use super::RedisChannelListener; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum ChannelSubscription { Concrete(String), Pattern(String), } impl ChannelSubscription { fn is_pattern(&self) -> bool { match self { ChannelSubscription::Concrete(_) => false, ChannelSubscription::Pattern(_) => true, } } fn as_str(&self) -> &str { match self { ChannelSubscription::Concrete(s) => s, ChannelSubscription::Pattern(s) => s, } } } /// The lazy pubsub manager. pub struct RedisPubSubGlobal { client: redis::Client, config: redis::AsyncConnectionConfig, /// Unlike deadpool these aren't pooled, so definitely need to store and reuse until it becomes invalid, only then get a new one. active_conn: tokio::sync::RwLock>, /// The downstream configured listeners for different channels, messages will be pushed to all active listeners. /// Putting in a nested hashmap for easy cleanup when listeners are dropped. pub(crate) listeners: DashMap< ChannelSubscription, HashMap>, >, /// Below used to trigger unsubscriptions and listeners dashmap cleanup when listeners are dropped. /// (The tx is called when a listener is dropped, and the spawned process listens for these and does the cleanup.) listener_drop_tx: Arc>, /// Will be taken when the listener is lazily spawned. spawn_init: tokio::sync::Mutex>, spawned: AtomicBool, /// Will be sent on Redis drop to kill the spawned listener. on_drop_tx: Option>, } impl Drop for RedisPubSubGlobal { fn drop(&mut self) { // This will kill the spawned listener, which will in turn kill the spawned process. if let Some(on_drop_tx) = self.on_drop_tx.take() { let _ = on_drop_tx.send(()); }; } } #[derive(Debug)] struct SpawnInit { /// The global receiver of messages hooked directly into the redis connection. /// This will be taken when the main listener is spawned. rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, // Will receive whenever a listener is dropped: listener_drop_rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(ChannelSubscription, u64)>, // Received when the redis instance dropped, meaning the spawned listener should shutdown. on_drop_rx: tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<()>, } impl Debug for RedisPubSubGlobal { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("RedisPubSubGlobal") .field("client", &self.client) // .field("config", &self.config) .field("active_conn", &self.active_conn) .field("listeners", &self.listeners) .field("listener_drop_tx", &self.listener_drop_tx) .field("spawn_init", &self.spawn_init) .field("spawned", &self.spawned) .finish() } } impl RedisPubSubGlobal { pub(crate) fn new(redis_conn_str: impl Into) -> RResult { let client = redis::Client::open(format!("{}?protocol=resp3", redis_conn_str.into())) .change_context(AnyErr)?; let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (listener_drop_tx, listener_drop_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let config = redis::AsyncConnectionConfig::new().set_push_sender(tx); let (on_drop_tx, on_drop_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); Ok(Self { client, config, active_conn: tokio::sync::RwLock::new(None), listeners: DashMap::new(), listener_drop_tx: Arc::new(listener_drop_tx), spawn_init: tokio::sync::Mutex::new(Some(SpawnInit { rx, listener_drop_rx, on_drop_rx, })), spawned: AtomicBool::new(false), on_drop_tx: Some(on_drop_tx), }) } pub(crate) async fn unsubscribe(&self, channel_sub: &ChannelSubscription) { self.listeners.remove(channel_sub); let force_new_connection = AtomicBool::new(false); match redis_retry_config() .call(|| async { if let Some(mut conn) = self .get_conn( // Means on second attempt onwards, will always get new connections. force_new_connection.swap(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed), ) .await { match &channel_sub { ChannelSubscription::Concrete(channel) => conn.unsubscribe(&channel).await, ChannelSubscription::Pattern(channel_pattern) => { conn.punsubscribe(&channel_pattern).await } } } else { // Doing nothing when None as that'll have been logged lower down. Ok(()) } }) .await { Ok(()) => {} Err(e) => { record_exception( "Pubsub: failed to unsubscribe from channel.", format!("{:?}", e), ); } } } /// Returns None when redis down/acting up and couldn't get over a few seconds. pub(crate) async fn subscribe( self: &Arc, channel: impl Into, ) -> Option> { self._subscribe_inner(ChannelSubscription::Concrete(channel.into())) .await } /// Returns None when redis down/acting up and couldn't get over a few seconds. pub(crate) async fn psubscribe( self: &Arc, channel_pattern: impl Into, ) -> Option> { self._subscribe_inner(ChannelSubscription::Pattern(channel_pattern.into())) .await } /// Returns None when redis down/acting up and couldn't get over a few seconds. pub(crate) async fn _subscribe_inner( self: &Arc, channel_sub: ChannelSubscription, ) -> Option> { let force_new_connection = AtomicBool::new(false); match redis_retry_config() .call(|| async { if let Some(mut conn) = self .get_conn( // Means on second attempt onwards, will always get new connections. force_new_connection.swap(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed), ) .await { match &channel_sub { ChannelSubscription::Concrete(channel) => conn.subscribe(channel).await, ChannelSubscription::Pattern(channel_pattern) => { conn.psubscribe(channel_pattern).await } } } else { // Doing nothing when None as that'll have been logged lower down. Err(redis::RedisError::from(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Couldn't get a connection to redis.", ))) } }) .await { Ok(()) => {} Err(e) => { record_exception( format!( "Pubsub: failed to subscribe to channel {}.", if channel_sub.is_pattern() { format!("pattern '{}'", channel_sub.as_str()) } else { format!("'{}'", channel_sub.as_str()) } ), format!("{:?}", e), ); return None; } } let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let listener_key = random_u64_rolling(); self.listeners .entry(channel_sub.clone()) .or_default() .insert(listener_key, tx); if !self .spawned .swap(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { let arc_self = self.clone(); let mut init = self .spawn_init .lock() .await .take() .expect("init should only be taken once"); tokio::spawn(async move { // Spawned task will exit only when the on_drop_rx is sent, i.e. when the redis instance is dropped. tokio::select! { _ = init.on_drop_rx => {} _ = async { loop { tokio::select! { // Adding this means the listener fut will always be polled first, i.e. has higher priority. // This is what we want as it cleans up dead listeners, so avoids the second fut ideally hitting any dead listeners. biased; result = init.listener_drop_rx.recv() => { arc_self.spawned_handle_listener_dropped(result).await; } result = init.rx.recv() => { arc_self.spawned_handle_message(result).await; } } } } => {} } }); } Some(RedisChannelListener { key: listener_key, on_drop_tx: self.listener_drop_tx.clone(), channel_sub, rx, _t: std::marker::PhantomData, }) } /// None returned when redis seemingly down/erroring and can't get a connection. async fn get_conn(&self, force_new_connection: bool) -> Option { // Inside rwlock so read only if already in there and not forcing new, to avoid getting a write lock when not needed: if !force_new_connection { if let Some(conn) = { return Some(conn.clone()); } } // If couldn't return above, we need a new conn: let mut maybe_conn = self.active_conn.write().await; match redis_retry_config() .call(move || { // WARNING: unlike deadpool for the rest of redis, this is very heavy as it's not pooled. self.client .get_multiplexed_async_connection_with_config(&self.config) }) .await { Ok(mut conn) => { // Need to re-subscribe to all actively listened to channels for the new connection: for entry in self.listeners.iter() { let channel_sub = entry.key(); let sub_result = match channel_sub { ChannelSubscription::Concrete(channel) => conn.subscribe(channel).await, ChannelSubscription::Pattern(channel_pattern) => { conn.psubscribe(channel_pattern).await } }; match sub_result { Ok(()) => {} Err(e) => { record_exception( format!("Pubsub: failed to re-subscribe to channel {} with newly acquired connection, discarding.", if channel_sub.is_pattern() { format!("pattern '{}'", channel_sub.as_str()) } else { format!("'{}'", channel_sub.as_str()) }), format!("{:?}", e), ); *maybe_conn = None; return None; } } } *maybe_conn = Some(conn); } Err(e) => { record_exception( "Pubsub: creation of a new Redis connection failed.", format!("{:?}", e), ); *maybe_conn = None; return None; } } let conn = maybe_conn .as_ref() .expect("conn should be Some given just created if needed."); Some(conn.clone()) } /// Handle cleaning up the listeners dashmap, and calling redis's unsubscribe method when no more listeners for a given channel. /// The cleanup channel gets called in the drop fn of each [`RedisChannelListener`]. async fn spawned_handle_listener_dropped( self: &Arc, channel_sub_and_key: Option<(ChannelSubscription, u64)>, ) { match channel_sub_and_key { Some((channel_sub, key)) => { let unsub = if let Some(mut listeners) = self.listeners.get_mut(&channel_sub) { listeners.remove(&key); listeners.is_empty() } else { true }; // Need to come after otherwise dashmap could deadlock. if unsub { self.unsubscribe(&channel_sub).await; } } None => { record_exception( "Pubsub: redis cleanup channel died. Tx sender supposedly dropped.", "", ); } } } /// Handle redis pubsub messages coming into subscriptions. async fn spawned_handle_message(self: &Arc, message: Option) { match message { Some(push_info) => { match push_info.kind.clone() { redis::PushKind::PSubscribe | redis::PushKind::PUnsubscribe => {} redis::PushKind::Subscribe => { // Example received: // PushInfo { kind: Subscribe, data: [bulk-string('"foo"'), int(1)] } // Don't actually need to do anything for these methods: // match from_owned_redis_value::<(String, i64)>( // redis::Value::Array(, // ) { // Ok((channel, sub_count)) => { // tracing::info!( // "Subscribed to channel: '{}', sub_count: {}", // channel, // sub_count // ); // } // Err(e) => { // record_exception( // "Pubsub: failed to decode redis::PushKind::Subscribe.", // format!("{:?}", e), // ); // } // } } redis::PushKind::Unsubscribe => { // Example received: // PushInfo { kind: Unsubscribe, data: [bulk-string('"49878c28-c7ef-4f4c-b196-9956942bbe95:n1:foo"'), int(1)] } // Don't actually need to do anything for these methods: // match from_owned_redis_value::<(String, i64)>( // redis::Value::Array(, // ) { // Ok((client_and_channel, sub_count)) => { // tracing::info!( // "Client unsubscribed from channel: '{}', sub_count: {}", // client_and_channel, // sub_count // ); // } // Err(e) => { // record_exception( // "Pubsub: failed to decode redis::PushKind::Unsubscribe.", // format!("{:?}", e), // ); // } // } } redis::PushKind::Disconnection => { tracing::warn!( "Pubsub: redis disconnected, attempting to get new connection, retrying every 100ms until success..." ); let result = Retry::fixed(TimeDelta::milliseconds(100)) .until_forever() .call(|| async { match self.get_conn(true).await { Some(_) => { tracing::info!("Pubsub: redis reconnected."); Ok(()) } None => Err(()), } }) .await; if result.is_err() { panic!("Should be impossible, above retry loop should go infinitely until success"); } } redis::PushKind::Message => { // Example received: // PushInfo { kind: Message, data: [bulk-string('"foo"'), bulk-string('"bar"')] } match from_owned_redis_value::<(String, redis::Value)>(redis::Value::Array(, )) { Ok((channel, msg)) => { self.handle_msg(ChannelSubscription::Concrete(channel), msg) .await; } Err(e) => { record_exception( "Pubsub: failed to decode redis::PushKind::Message.", format!("{:?}", e), ); } } } // Patterns come in separately. redis::PushKind::PMessage => { // Example received: // PushInfo { kind: PMessage, data: [bulk-string('"f*o"'), bulk-string('"foo"'), bulk-string('"only_pattern"')] } match from_owned_redis_value::<(String, redis::Value, redis::Value)>( redis::Value::Array(, ) { Ok((channel_pattern, _concrete_channel, msg)) => { self.handle_msg(ChannelSubscription::Pattern(channel_pattern), msg) .await; } Err(e) => { record_exception( "Pubsub: failed to decode redis::PushKind::PMessage.", format!("{:?}", e), ); } } } _ => { record_exception( "Pubsub: unsupported/unexpected message received by global listener.", format!("{:?}", push_info), ); } } } None => { record_exception( "Pubsub: redis listener channel died. Tx sender supposedly dropped.", "", ); } } } async fn handle_msg(&self, channel_sub: ChannelSubscription, msg: redis::Value) { if let Some(listeners) = self.listeners.get(&channel_sub) { for (tx, msg) in listeners.values().with_clone_lazy(msg) { // Given we have a separate future for cleaning up, // this shouldn't be a big issue if this ever errors with dead listeners, // as they should immediately be cleaned up by the cleanup future. let _ = tx.send(msg); } } } }