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A performance evaluation harness for non-cryptographic hash functions.

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Bitbelay is a framework for testing the performance and desirable characteristics of non-cryptographic hashing functions. The project was given this name because (a) it is concerned with evaluating the characteristics of bits output from hash functions and (b) ["belaying"]( evokes imagery of a (test) harness. Bitbelay is designed somewhat differently than other popular hash testing frameworks [[1][smhasher]]. For example, it does not a ship a single binary that is used to benchmark performance across multiple hash functions. Instead, it (a) is comprised of a family of crates that provide high-quality facilities for testing hash functions and (b) enables hash developers to easily wrap their hash functions in a command line tool for performance testing. Command line tools are generally written and published containing the facilities for characterizing an individual hash function. When publishing these on []( or elsewhere, the convention is to name the crate and/or associated command line tool as `bitbelay-[HASHNAME]` (e.g., `bitbelay-ahash` for `ahash`) so that it can be easily identified. ## 🎨 Features * **Advanced hash characterization.** Bitbelay's primary goal is to provide facilities for characterizing the performance and quality of non-cryptographic hash functions. As such, it contains an extensive set of tests organized into a collection of purpose-built test suites. * **Multiple data providers.** Bitbelay includes a range of data providers to facilitate the assessment of hash functions against a variety of input data types. This diversity allows for a more comprehensive understanding of hash function performance across different scenarios. Further, custom data providers can be seamlessly integrated into the framework. * **Drop-in testing for hash function development.** Bitbelay aims to ease the process of developing hash functions—especially in Rust! To accomplish this, it includes facilities to easily wrap a hash function as a command-line tool within which a battery of tests can be employed. ## 📚 Getting Started You can add `bitbelay` as a dependency via the Github repository. ```bash cargo add bitbelay ``` Next, you can use the `bitbelay::cli::wrapper()` function to quickly wrap a hash function of interest and produce a command-line tool for evaluating it. For this example, we simply pull in Rust's d ```rust use std::hash::RandomState; pub fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { bitbelay::cli::wrapper(RandomState::default()) } ``` ## Examples You can also take a look at the [examples]( to get a sense of the various ways you can use the crate. ## 🖥️ Development To bootstrap a development environment, please use the following commands. ```bash # Clone the repository git clone cd bitbelay # Build the crate in release mode cargo build --release # List out the examples cargo run --release --example ``` ## 🚧️ Tests Before submitting any pull requests, please make sure the code passes the following checks. ```bash # Run the project's tests. cargo test --all-features # Ensure the project doesn't have any linting warnings. cargo clippy --all-features # Ensure the project passes `cargo fmt`. cargo fmt --check # Ensure the docs build successfully. cargo doc ``` ## Minumum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) As bitbelay is pre-1.0, no MSRV is yet asserted. ## 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check [issues page]( ## 📝 License This project is licensed as either [Apache 2.0][license-apache] or [MIT][license-mit] at your discretion. Copyright © 2024-Present [Clay McLeod]( [license-apache]: [license-mit]: [smhasher]: