// Copyright 2021 Shift Crypto AG // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package shiftcrypto.bitbox02; import "common.proto"; message CardanoXpubsRequest { repeated Keypath keypaths = 1; } message CardanoXpubsResponse { repeated bytes xpubs = 1; } enum CardanoNetwork { CardanoMainnet = 0; CardanoTestnet = 1; } message CardanoScriptConfig { message PkhSkh { repeated uint32 keypath_payment = 1; repeated uint32 keypath_stake = 2; } // Entries correspond to address types as described in: // https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/6c249ef48f8f5b32efc0ec768fadf4321f3173f2/CIP-0019/CIP-0019.md // See also: // https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-ledger-specs/blob/d0aa86ded0b973b09b629e5aa62aa1e71364d088/eras/alonzo/test-suite/cddl-files/alonzo.cddl#L137 oneof config { // Shelley PaymentKeyHash & StakeKeyHash PkhSkh pkh_skh = 1; } } message CardanoAddressRequest { CardanoNetwork network = 1; bool display = 2; CardanoScriptConfig script_config = 3; } // Max allowed transaction size is 16384 bytes according to // https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0009/CIP-0009.md. Unlike with BTC, we // can fit the whole request in RAM and don't need to stream. // // See also: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-ledger-specs/blob/d0aa86ded0b973b09b629e5aa62aa1e71364d088/eras/alonzo/test-suite/cddl-files/alonzo.cddl#L50 message CardanoSignTransactionRequest { message Input { repeated uint32 keypath = 1; bytes prev_out_hash = 2; uint32 prev_out_index = 3; } // https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-ledger/blob/d0aa86ded0b973b09b629e5aa62aa1e71364d088/eras/alonzo/test-suite/cddl-files/alonzo.cddl#L358 message AssetGroup { bytes policy_id = 1; message Token { bytes asset_name = 1; // Number of tokens transacted of this asset. uint64 value = 2; } repeated Token tokens = 2; } message Output { string encoded_address = 1; uint64 value = 2; // Optional. If provided, this is validated as a change output. CardanoScriptConfig script_config = 3; repeated AssetGroup asset_groups = 4; } // See https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-ledger/blob/cardano-ledger-conway- message Certificate { message StakeDelegation { repeated uint32 keypath = 1; bytes pool_keyhash = 2; } message VoteDelegation { enum CardanoDRepType { KEY_HASH = 0; SCRIPT_HASH = 1; ALWAYS_ABSTAIN = 2; ALWAYS_NO_CONFIDENCE = 3; } // keypath in this instance refers to stake credential repeated uint32 keypath = 1; CardanoDRepType type = 2; optional bytes drep_credhash = 3; } oneof cert { Keypath stake_registration = 1; Keypath stake_deregistration = 2; StakeDelegation stake_delegation = 3; VoteDelegation vote_delegation = 10; } } message Withdrawal { repeated uint32 keypath = 1; uint64 value = 2; } CardanoNetwork network = 1; repeated Input inputs = 2; repeated Output outputs = 3; uint64 fee = 4; uint64 ttl = 5; repeated Certificate certificates = 6; repeated Withdrawal withdrawals = 7; uint64 validity_interval_start = 8; bool allow_zero_ttl = 9; // include ttl even if it is zero } message CardanoSignTransactionResponse { message ShelleyWitness { bytes public_key = 1; bytes signature = 2; } repeated ShelleyWitness shelley_witnesses = 1; } message CardanoRequest { oneof request { CardanoXpubsRequest xpubs = 1; CardanoAddressRequest address = 2; CardanoSignTransactionRequest sign_transaction = 3; } } message CardanoResponse { oneof response { CardanoXpubsResponse xpubs = 1; PubResponse pub = 2; CardanoSignTransactionResponse sign_transaction = 3; } }