// Copyright 2019 Shift Cryptosecurity AG // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package shiftcrypto.bitbox02; import "common.proto"; import "backup_commands.proto"; import "bitbox02_system.proto"; import "btc.proto"; import "cardano.proto"; import "eth.proto"; import "keystore.proto"; import "mnemonic.proto"; import "system.proto"; import "perform_attestation.proto"; message Error { int32 code = 1; string message = 2; } message Success { } message Request { reserved 1, 23; oneof request { // removed: RandomNumberRequest random_number = 1; SetDeviceNameRequest device_name = 2; SetDeviceLanguageRequest device_language = 3; DeviceInfoRequest device_info = 4; SetPasswordRequest set_password = 5; CreateBackupRequest create_backup = 6; ShowMnemonicRequest show_mnemonic = 7; BTCPubRequest btc_pub = 8; BTCSignInitRequest btc_sign_init = 9; BTCSignInputRequest btc_sign_input = 10; BTCSignOutputRequest btc_sign_output = 11; InsertRemoveSDCardRequest insert_remove_sdcard = 12; CheckSDCardRequest check_sdcard = 13; SetMnemonicPassphraseEnabledRequest set_mnemonic_passphrase_enabled = 14; ListBackupsRequest list_backups = 15; RestoreBackupRequest restore_backup = 16; PerformAttestationRequest perform_attestation = 17; RebootRequest reboot = 18; CheckBackupRequest check_backup = 19; ETHRequest eth = 20; ResetRequest reset = 21; RestoreFromMnemonicRequest restore_from_mnemonic = 22; // removed: BitBoxBaseRequest bitboxbase = 23; RootFingerprintRequest fingerprint = 24; BTCRequest btc = 25; ElectrumEncryptionKeyRequest electrum_encryption_key = 26; CardanoRequest cardano = 27; BIP85Request bip85 = 28; } } message Response { reserved 3; oneof response { Success success = 1; Error error = 2; // removed: RandomNumberResponse random_number = 3; DeviceInfoResponse device_info = 4; PubResponse pub = 5; BTCSignNextResponse btc_sign_next = 6; ListBackupsResponse list_backups = 7; CheckBackupResponse check_backup = 8; PerformAttestationResponse perform_attestation = 9; CheckSDCardResponse check_sdcard = 10; ETHResponse eth = 11; RootFingerprintResponse fingerprint = 12; BTCResponse btc = 13; ElectrumEncryptionKeyResponse electrum_encryption_key = 14; CardanoResponse cardano = 15; BIP85Response bip85 = 16; } }