extern crate bitconch_jsonrpc_core as jsonrpc_core; extern crate bitconch_jsonrpc_pubsub as jsonrpc_pubsub; #[macro_use] extern crate bitconch_jsonrpc_macros as jsonrpc_macros; extern crate bitconch_jsonrpc_tcp_server as jsonrpc_tcp_server; use std::thread; use std::sync::{atomic, Arc, RwLock}; use std::collections::HashMap; use jsonrpc_core::{Error, ErrorCode, Result}; use jsonrpc_core::futures::Future; use jsonrpc_pubsub::{Session, PubSubHandler, SubscriptionId}; use jsonrpc_macros::pubsub; build_rpc_trait! { pub trait Rpc { type Metadata; /// Adds two numbers and returns a result #[rpc(name = "add")] fn add(&self, u64, u64) -> Result; #[pubsub(name = "hello")] { /// Hello subscription #[rpc(name = "hello_subscribe", alias = ["hello_sub", ])] fn subscribe(&self, Self::Metadata, pubsub::Subscriber, u64); /// Unsubscribe from hello subscription. #[rpc(name = "hello_unsubscribe")] fn unsubscribe(&self, Self::Metadata, SubscriptionId) -> Result; } } } #[derive(Default)] struct RpcImpl { uid: atomic::AtomicUsize, active: Arc>>>, } impl Rpc for RpcImpl { type Metadata = Arc; fn add(&self, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result { Ok(a + b) } fn subscribe(&self, _meta: Self::Metadata, subscriber: pubsub::Subscriber, param: u64) { if param != 10 { subscriber.reject(Error { code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams, message: "Rejecting subscription - invalid parameters provided.".into(), data: None, }).unwrap(); return; } let id = self.uid.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); let sub_id = SubscriptionId::Number(id as u64); let sink = subscriber.assign_id(sub_id.clone()).unwrap(); self.active.write().unwrap().insert(sub_id, sink); } fn unsubscribe(&self, _meta: Self::Metadata, id: SubscriptionId) -> Result { let removed = self.active.write().unwrap().remove(&id); if removed.is_some() { Ok(true) } else { Err(Error { code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams, message: "Invalid subscription.".into(), data: None, }) } } } fn main() { let mut io = PubSubHandler::default(); let rpc = RpcImpl::default(); let active_subscriptions = rpc.active.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { loop { { let subscribers = active_subscriptions.read().unwrap(); for sink in subscribers.values() { let _ = sink.notify(Ok("Hello World!".into())).wait(); } } thread::sleep(::std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } }); io.extend_with(rpc.to_delegate()); let server = jsonrpc_tcp_server::ServerBuilder ::with_meta_extractor(io, |context: &jsonrpc_tcp_server::RequestContext| Arc::new(Session::new(context.sender.clone()))) .start(&"".parse().unwrap()) .expect("Server must start with no issues"); server.wait() }