A simple piece of software that makes downloading files fast ⚡
-------- [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/bloom42/bitflow/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/bloom42/bitflow/commits/master) **Bitflow** is a multi-protocol (torrents, HTTP...), cross platform download utility operated both in command-line and as a service. [Try it online for free](https://bloom.sh/bitflow) 1. [Documentation](#documentation) 2. [Docker image](#docker-image) 3. [Contributing](#contributing) 4. [Licensing](#licensing) 5. [Sponsoring](#sponsoring) 6. [Security](#security) -------- ## Documentation See the [Wiki](https://gitlab.com/bloom42/bitflow/wikis) ## Docker image [registry.gitlab.com/bloom42/bitflow](https://gitlab.com/bloom42/bitflow/container_registry) ## Contributing Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please refer to [https://bloom.sh/contribute](https://bloom.sh/contribute) for guidance. ## Licensing See `LICENSE.txt` and [https://bloom.sh/licensing](https://bloom.sh/licensing) ## Sponsoring Bitflow is a free and open source project. If you are interested in supporting this project, the core team and the contributors please consider: * Becoming a patron * Donate using PayPal * Donate using crypto currencies **BTC**: `38QY24nHRkMxUFsEDobwJU2b5QzuSL39Yb` **ETH**: `0x5121FE2A1014C4d57FCD2E8C4134A179851aFe6F` **XMR**: `4GdoN7NCTi8a5gZug7PrwZNKjvHFmKeV11L6pNJPgj5QNEHsN6eeX3DaAQFwZ1ufD4LYCZKArktt113W7QjWvQ7CW7fRk3auob6QWFSgYJ` If you want to have your logo on our [about page](https://bloom.sh/about) please visit our [dedicated 'Become a sponsor' page](https://bloom.sh/become-a-sponsor) ✌️ ## Security If you found a security issue affecting this project, please do not open a public issue and refer to our [dedicated security page](https://bloom.sh/security) instead. Tahnk you.