/* Example: Client This is a simple client application, it can communicate with the Server example. */ use std::time::Duration; use bitsock::{client::Client, Packet}; fn main() { // Create the client object. let mut client = Client::connect("", 4444).unwrap(); loop { // Try to send a packet containing just an i32. if let Err(_) = client.send(Packet::I32(5)) { eprintln!("Failed to send packet"); } else { // If the packet can be sent, then listen to the server and wait for a Packet. let data = client.read().unwrap(); // If the packet is a string, print it. if let Packet::String(s) = data { println!("Received String: {}", s); } else { // If the packet is another type, print the type. println!("Received Packet: {:?}", data); } } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); } }