#!/bin/sh # shellcheck shell=dash # Installing bitsrun - with code shamelessly referenced from zoxide/install.sh # # https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/blob/7af4da1dabfcfc9a4b23cc8807150bf2f61a0df6/install.sh # # It runs on Unix shells like {a,ba,da,k,z}sh. It uses the common `local` # extension. Note: Most shells limit `local` to 1 var per line, contra bash. main() { if [ "$KSH_VERSION" = 'Version JM 93t+ 2010-03-05' ]; then # The version of ksh93 that ships with many illumos systems does not # support the "local" extension. Print a message rather than fail in # subtle ways later on: err 'the installer does not work with this ksh93 version; please try bash' fi set -u # Detect and print host target triple. ensure get_architecture local _arch="$RETVAL" assert_nz "$_arch" "arch" echo "Detected architecture: $_arch" # Create and enter a temporary directory. local _tmp_dir _tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)" || err "mktemp: could not create temporary directory" cd "$_tmp_dir" || err "cd: failed to enter directory: $_tmp_dir" # Download and extract bitsrun. ensure download_bitsrun "$_arch" local _package="$RETVAL" assert_nz "$_package" "package" echo "Downloaded package: $_package" case "$_package" in *.tar.gz) need_cmd tar ensure tar -xf "$_package" ;; *.zip) need_cmd unzip ensure unzip -oq "$_package" ;; *) err "unsupported package format: $_package" ;; esac # Change to the extracted directory. local _dir _dir="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'bitsrun-*' -print -quit)" assert_nz "$_dir" "directory" cd "$_dir" || err "cd: failed to enter directory: $_dir" # Install binary. local _bin_dir="$HOME/.local/bin" local _bin_name _bin_name="bitsrun" ensure mkdir -p "$_bin_dir" ensure cp "$_bin_name" "$_bin_dir" echo "Installed bitsrun to $_bin_dir" # Print success message and check $PATH. echo "" echo "bitsrun is installed!" if ! echo ":$PATH:" | grep -Fq ":$_bin_dir:"; then echo "NOTE: $_bin_dir is not on your \$PATH. bitsrun will not work unless it is added to \$PATH." fi } download_bitsrun() { local _arch="$1" if check_cmd curl; then _dld=curl elif check_cmd wget; then _dld=wget else need_cmd 'curl or wget' fi need_cmd grep local _releases_url="https://api.github.com/repos/spencerwooo/bitsrun-rs/releases/latest" local _releases case "$_dld" in curl) _releases="$(curl -sL "$_releases_url")" || err "curl: failed to download $_releases_url" ;; wget) _releases="$(wget -qO- "$_releases_url")" || err "wget: failed to download $_releases_url" ;; esac local _package_url _package_url="$(echo "$_releases" | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | grep "$_arch")" || err "bitsrun has not yet been packaged for your architecture ($_arch), please file an issue at https://github.com/spencerwooo/bitsrun-rs/issues" local _ext case "$_package_url" in *.tar.gz) _ext="tar.gz" ;; # *.zip) _ext="zip" ;; *) err "unsupported package format: $_package_url" ;; esac local _package="bitsrun.$_ext" case "$_dld" in curl) _releases="$(curl -sLo "$_package" "$_package_url")" || err "curl: failed to download $_package_url" ;; wget) _releases="$(wget -qO "$_package" "$_package_url")" || err "wget: failed to download $_package_url" ;; esac RETVAL="$_package" } # The below functions have been extracted with minor modifications from the # Rustup install script: # # https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup/blob/4c1289b2c3f3702783900934a38d7c5f912af787/rustup-init.sh get_architecture() { local _ostype _cputype _bitness _arch _clibtype _ostype="$(uname -s)" _cputype="$(uname -m)" _clibtype="gnu" if [ "$_ostype" = Linux ]; then if [ "$(uname -o)" = Android ]; then _ostype=Android fi if ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q 'musl'; then _clibtype="musl" fi fi if [ "$_ostype" = Darwin ] && [ "$_cputype" = i386 ]; then # Darwin `uname -m` lies if sysctl hw.optional.x86_64 | grep -q ': 1'; then _cputype=x86_64 fi fi if [ "$_ostype" = SunOS ]; then # Both Solaris and illumos presently announce as "SunOS" in "uname -s" # so use "uname -o" to disambiguate. We use the full path to the # system uname in case the user has coreutils uname first in PATH, # which has historically sometimes printed the wrong value here. if [ "$(/usr/bin/uname -o)" = illumos ]; then _ostype=illumos fi # illumos systems have multi-arch userlands, and "uname -m" reports the # machine hardware name; e.g., "i86pc" on both 32- and 64-bit x86 # systems. Check for the native (widest) instruction set on the # running kernel: if [ "$_cputype" = i86pc ]; then _cputype="$(isainfo -n)" fi fi case "$_ostype" in Android) _ostype=linux-android ;; Linux) check_proc _ostype=unknown-linux-$_clibtype _bitness=$(get_bitness) ;; FreeBSD) _ostype=unknown-freebsd ;; NetBSD) _ostype=unknown-netbsd ;; DragonFly) _ostype=unknown-dragonfly ;; Darwin) _ostype=apple-darwin ;; illumos) _ostype=unknown-illumos ;; MINGW* | MSYS* | CYGWIN* | Windows_NT) _ostype=pc-windows-msvc ;; *) err "unrecognized OS type: $_ostype" ;; esac case "$_cputype" in i386 | i486 | i686 | i786 | x86) _cputype=i686 ;; xscale | arm) _cputype=arm if [ "$_ostype" = "linux-android" ]; then _ostype=linux-androideabi fi ;; armv6l) _cputype=arm if [ "$_ostype" = "linux-android" ]; then _ostype=linux-androideabi else _ostype="${_ostype}eabihf" fi ;; armv7l | armv8l) _cputype=armv7 if [ "$_ostype" = "linux-android" ]; then _ostype=linux-androideabi else _ostype="${_ostype}eabihf" fi ;; aarch64 | arm64) _cputype=aarch64 ;; x86_64 | x86-64 | x64 | amd64) _cputype=x86_64 ;; mips) _cputype=$(get_endianness mips '' el) ;; mips64) if [ "$_bitness" -eq 64 ]; then # only n64 ABI is supported for now _ostype="${_ostype}abi64" _cputype=$(get_endianness mips64 '' el) fi ;; ppc) _cputype=powerpc ;; ppc64) _cputype=powerpc64 ;; ppc64le) _cputype=powerpc64le ;; s390x) _cputype=s390x ;; riscv64) _cputype=riscv64gc ;; *) err "unknown CPU type: $_cputype" ;; esac # Detect 64-bit linux with 32-bit userland if [ "${_ostype}" = unknown-linux-musl ] && [ "${_bitness}" -eq 32 ]; then case $_cputype in x86_64) # 32-bit executable for amd64 = x32 if is_host_amd64_elf; then { echo "x32 userland is unsupported" 1>&2 exit 1 }; else _cputype=i686 fi ;; mips64) _cputype=$(get_endianness mips '' el) ;; powerpc64) _cputype=powerpc ;; aarch64) _cputype=armv7 if [ "$_ostype" = "linux-android" ]; then _ostype=linux-androideabi else _ostype="${_ostype}eabihf" fi ;; riscv64gc) err "riscv64 with 32-bit userland unsupported" ;; esac fi # Detect armv7 but without the CPU features Rust needs in that build, # and fall back to arm. # See https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup.rs/issues/587. if [ "$_ostype" = "unknown-linux-musleabihf" ] && [ "$_cputype" = armv7 ]; then if ensure grep '^Features' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -q -v neon; then # At least one processor does not have NEON. _cputype=arm fi fi _arch="${_cputype}-${_ostype}" RETVAL="$_arch" } get_bitness() { need_cmd head # Architecture detection without dependencies beyond coreutils. # ELF files start out "\x7fELF", and the following byte is # 0x01 for 32-bit and # 0x02 for 64-bit. # The printf builtin on some shells like dash only supports octal # escape sequences, so we use those. local _current_exe_head _current_exe_head=$(head -c 5 /proc/self/exe) if [ "$_current_exe_head" = "$(printf '\177ELF\001')" ]; then echo 32 elif [ "$_current_exe_head" = "$(printf '\177ELF\002')" ]; then echo 64 else err "unknown platform bitness" fi } get_endianness() { local cputype=$1 local suffix_eb=$2 local suffix_el=$3 # detect endianness without od/hexdump, like get_bitness() does. need_cmd head need_cmd tail local _current_exe_endianness _current_exe_endianness="$(head -c 6 /proc/self/exe | tail -c 1)" if [ "$_current_exe_endianness" = "$(printf '\001')" ]; then echo "${cputype}${suffix_el}" elif [ "$_current_exe_endianness" = "$(printf '\002')" ]; then echo "${cputype}${suffix_eb}" else err "unknown platform endianness" fi } is_host_amd64_elf() { need_cmd head need_cmd tail # ELF e_machine detection without dependencies beyond coreutils. # Two-byte field at offset 0x12 indicates the CPU, # but we're interested in it being 0x3E to indicate amd64, or not that. local _current_exe_machine _current_exe_machine=$(head -c 19 /proc/self/exe | tail -c 1) [ "$_current_exe_machine" = "$(printf '\076')" ] } check_proc() { # Check for /proc by looking for the /proc/self/exe link. # This is only run on Linux. if ! test -L /proc/self/exe; then err "unable to find /proc/self/exe. Is /proc mounted? Installation cannot proceed without /proc." fi } need_cmd() { if ! check_cmd "$1"; then err "need '$1' (command not found)" fi } check_cmd() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Run a command that should never fail. If the command fails execution # will immediately terminate with an error showing the failing # command. ensure() { if ! "$@"; then err "command failed: $*"; fi } assert_nz() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then err "found empty string: $2"; fi } err() { echo "Error: $1" >&2 exit 1 } # This is put in braces to ensure that the script does not run until it is # downloaded completely. { main "$@" || exit 1 }