use bk2d::{ point::{Path, Point}, BK2D, }; use bk2d_mode::origin::{self, Action::*, Origin}; #[test] fn test() { let mut game = Origin::new(Default::default(), Default::default()); game.add_player(origin::Player::new("a".to_string(), Point::new(2, 3))) .expect("Fail to add Player a"); game.add_player(origin::Player::new("b".to_string(), Point::new(0, 0))) .expect("Fail to add Player b"); game.start(); let mut pla; pla = game.current_player(); assert_eq!(pla, "a"); game.action(Walk(Path { dx: -1, dy: 0 })) .expect("a fail to walk"); pla = game.next_player(); assert_eq!(pla, "b"); game.action(Run(Path { dx: 0, dy: 2 })) .expect("b fail to run"); pla = game.next_player(); assert_eq!(pla, "a"); game.action(Run(Path { dx: 0, dy: -2 })) .expect("a fail to run"); pla = game.next_player(); assert_eq!(pla, "b"); game.action(Walk(Path { dx: 1, dy: 0 })) .expect("b fail to walk"); game.action(Attack(Path { dx: 0, dy: -1 })) .expect("b fail to attack"); assert_eq!(, "b"); }