mod cli { use std::path::Path; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration}; use anyhow::Result; use test_dir::{TestDir, DirBuilder, FileType}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; // Bash scripts to pass to -c. // Avoid depending on external programs. const COUNT_INVOCATIONS: &str = r#"file=${1:?} lines=0; \ printf '%s' '.' >> "$file"; \ read < "$file"; \ printf '%s' "${#REPLY}";"#; const PRINT_ARGS: &str = r#"args=("$@"); declare -p args;"#; const EXIT_WITH: &str = r#"exit "${1:?}";"#; const EXIT_WITH_ENV: &str = r#"exit "${EXIT_WITH:?}";"#; const AWAIT_AND_TOUCH: &str = r#"echo awaiting; \ until [[ -e "${1:?}" ]]; do sleep .1; done; \ echo > "${2:?}";"#; fn bkt>(cache_dir: P) -> Command { let test_exe = std::env::current_exe().expect("Could not resolve test location"); let dir = test_exe .parent().expect("Could not resolve test directory") .parent().expect("Could not resolve binary directory"); let mut path = dir.join("bkt"); if !path.exists() { path.set_extension("exe"); } assert!(path.exists(), "Could not find bkt binary in {:?}", dir); let mut bkt = Command::new(&path); // Set a TTL here rather than in every test - tests that care about the TTL should override bkt.env("BKT_TTL", "5s"); bkt.env("BKT_TMPDIR", cache_dir.as_ref().as_os_str()); bkt } fn sudo(cmd: &mut Command) -> Command { let mut sudo = Command::new("sudo"); sudo.args(&["-n", "-E"]).arg(cmd.get_program()).args(cmd.get_args()); for (key, value) in cmd.get_envs() { match value { Some(value) => sudo.env(key, value), None => sudo.env_remove(key), }; } sudo } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] struct CmdResult { out: String, err: String, status: Option, } impl From for CmdResult { fn from(output: std::process::Output) -> Self { CmdResult { out: std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap().into(), err: std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap().into(), status: output.status.code() } } } fn run(cmd: &mut Command) -> CmdResult { cmd.output().unwrap().into() } fn succeed(cmd: &mut Command) -> String { let result = run(cmd); if cfg!(feature="debug") { if !result.err.is_empty() { eprintln!("stderr:\n{}", result.err); } } else { // debug writes to stderr, so don't bother checking it in that mode assert_eq!(result.err, ""); } assert_eq!(result.status, Some(0)); result.out } // Returns once the given file contains different contents than those provided. Panics if the // file does not change after ~5s. // // Note this could return immediately if the file already doesn't contain initial_contents // (e.g. if the given contents were wrong) because such a check could race. Do additional // checks prior to waiting if needed. fn wait_for_contents_to_change>(file: P, initial_contents: &str) { for _ in 1..50 { if std::fs::read_to_string(&file).unwrap() != initial_contents { return; } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } panic!("Contents of {} did not change", file.as_ref().to_string_lossy()); } fn make_dir_stale>(dir: P, age: Duration) -> Result<()> { debug_assert!(dir.as_ref().is_dir()); let desired_time = SystemTime::now() - age; let stale_time = filetime::FileTime::from_system_time(desired_time); for entry in std::fs::read_dir(dir)? { let path = entry?.path(); let last_modified = std::fs::metadata(&path)?.modified()?; if path.is_file() && last_modified > desired_time { filetime::set_file_mtime(&path, stale_time)?; } else if path.is_dir() { make_dir_stale(&path, age)?; } } Ok(()) } fn make_file_stale>(file: P, age: Duration) -> Result<()> { debug_assert!(file.as_ref().is_file()); let desired_time = SystemTime::now() - age; let stale_time = filetime::FileTime::from_system_time(desired_time); filetime::set_file_mtime(&file, stale_time)?; Ok(()) } fn join(beg: &[A], tail: &[A]) -> Vec { beg.iter().chain(tail).cloned().collect() } #[test] fn help() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let out = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg("--help")); assert!(out.contains("bkt [OPTIONS] --ttl -- ..."), "Was:\n---\n{}\n---", out); } #[test] fn cached() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_result = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); for _ in 1..3 { let subsequent_result = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); if cfg!(feature="debug") { assert_eq!(first_result.status, subsequent_result.status); assert_eq!(first_result.out, subsequent_result.out); } else { assert_eq!(first_result, subsequent_result); } } } #[test] fn cache_expires() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg("--ttl=1m").args(args)); assert_eq!(first_result, "1"); // Slightly stale is still cached make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(10)).unwrap(); let subsequent_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg("--ttl=1m").args(args)); assert_eq!(first_result, subsequent_result); make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(120)).unwrap(); let after_stale_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg("--ttl=1m").args(args)); assert_eq!(after_stale_result, "2"); // Respects BKT_TTL env var (other tests cover --ttl) make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(10)).unwrap(); let env_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).env("BKT_TTL", "5s").args(args)); assert_eq!(env_result, "3"); } #[test] fn cache_expires_separately() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file1 = dir.path("file1"); let file2 = dir.path("file2"); let args1 = ["--ttl=10s", "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file1.to_str().unwrap()]; let args2 = ["--ttl=20s", "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file2.to_str().unwrap()]; // first invocation assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args1)), "1"); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args2)), "1"); // second invocation, cached assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args1)), "1"); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args2)), "1"); // only shorter TTL is invalidated make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(15)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args1)), "2"); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args2)), "1"); } #[test] fn cache_hits_with_different_settings() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args1 = ["--ttl=10s", "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let args2 = ["--ttl=20s", "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; // despite different TTLs the invocation is still cached assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args1)), "1"); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args2)), "1"); // the provided TTL is respected, though it was cached with a smaller TTL make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(15)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args2)), "1"); // However the cache can be invalidated in the background using the older TTL make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(60)).unwrap(); // ensure the following call triggers a cleanup succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(["--", "bash", "-c", "sleep 1"])); // trigger cleanup via a different command assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args1)), "2"); } #[test] fn cache_refreshes_in_background() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--stale=10s", "--ttl=20s", "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "1"); make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(15)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "1"); wait_for_contents_to_change(&file, "."); assert_eq!(std::fs::read_to_string(&file).unwrap(), ".."); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "2"); } #[test] fn discard_failures() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let cmd = format!("{} false;", COUNT_INVOCATIONS); let args = ["--discard-failures", "--", "bash", "-c", &cmd, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let result = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(result.out, "1"); assert_eq!(result.status, Some(1)); // Not cached let result = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(result.out, "2"); assert_eq!(result.status, Some(1)); } #[test] fn discard_failure_cached_separately() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let allow_args = ["--", "bash", "-c", EXIT_WITH_ENV, "arg0"]; let discard_args = join(&["--discard-failures"], &allow_args); // without separate caches a --discard-failures invocation could return a previously-cached // failed result. In 0.5.4 and earlier this would mean result2.status == 14. let result1 = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(allow_args).env("EXIT_WITH", "14")); assert_eq!(result1.status, Some(14)); let result2 = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(discard_args).env("EXIT_WITH", "0")); assert_eq!(result2.status, Some(0)); } #[test] fn discard_failures_in_background() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let cmd = format!("{} ! \"${{FAIL:-false}}\";", COUNT_INVOCATIONS); let args = ["--ttl=20s", "--discard-failures", "--", "bash", "-c", &cmd, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let stale_args = join(&["--stale=10s"], &args); // Cache result normally assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "1"); // Cause cmd to fail and not be cached std::env::set_var("FAIL", "true"); // returns cached result, but attempts to warm in the background make_dir_stale(dir.path("cache"), Duration::from_secs(15)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&stale_args)), "1"); // Verify command ran wait_for_contents_to_change(&file, "."); assert_eq!(std::fs::read_to_string(&file).unwrap(), ".."); // But cached success is still returned assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "1"); } // depends on sudo and libc::geteuid(), but also on Windows we don't split by user presently anyways #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn cache_dirs_multi_user() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; // Skip the test if we can't run `sudo bkt --version` // Calling into sudo like this isn't great, but it's an easy and reasonably reliable way to // run bkt as two different users. It generally won't run on CI but at least it provides // some manual test coverage. if unsafe { libc::geteuid() } == 0 { // tracking skippable tests eprint!("Running tests as root already, skipping"); return; } let mut sudo_bkt = sudo(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg("--version")); if run(&mut sudo_bkt).status.unwrap_or(127) != 0 { // tracking skippable tests eprint!("Couldn't run `sudo bkt`, skipping"); return; } // can call bkt as both current and super-user let user_call = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(user_call, "1"); let sudo_call = succeed(&mut sudo(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); assert_eq!(sudo_call, "2"); // cached separately assert_eq!(user_call, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); assert_eq!(sudo_call, succeed(&mut sudo(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)))); } #[test] fn respects_cache_dir() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_call = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg(format!("--cache-dir={}", dir.path("cache").display())).args(args)); assert_eq!(first_call, "1"); assert_eq!(first_call, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg(format!("--cache-dir={}", dir.path("cache").display())).args(args))); let diff_cache = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).arg(format!("--cache-dir={}", dir.path("new-cache").display())).args(args)); assert_eq!(diff_cache, "2"); let env_cache = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).env("BKT_CACHE_DIR", dir.path("env-cache").as_os_str()).args(args)); assert_eq!(env_cache, "3"); } // #[test] fn respects_relative_cache() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let cwd = dir.path("cwd"); std::fs::create_dir(&cwd).unwrap(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_call = succeed(bkt(dir.path("unused")).arg("--cache-dir=cache").args(args).current_dir(&cwd)); assert_eq!(first_call, "1"); assert_eq!(first_call, succeed(bkt(dir.path("unused")).arg("--cache-dir=cache").args(args).current_dir(&cwd))); } #[test] fn respects_cache_scope() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_call = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(first_call, "1"); assert_eq!(first_call, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); let diff_scope = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")) .arg("--scope=foo").args(args)); assert_eq!(diff_scope, "2"); assert_eq!(diff_scope, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")) .arg("--scope=foo").args(args))); assert_eq!(diff_scope, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")) .env("BKT_SCOPE", "foo").args(args))); } #[test] fn respects_args() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let first_call = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(first_call, "1"); assert_eq!(first_call, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); let diff_args = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).arg("A B")); assert_eq!(diff_args, "2"); let split_args = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).args(["A", "B"])); assert_eq!(split_args, "3"); } #[test] fn respects_cwd() { let dir = TestDir::temp() .create("dir1", FileType::Dir) .create("dir2", FileType::Dir); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", "pwd"]; let cwd_args = join(&["--cwd"], &args); let without_cwd_dir1 = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).current_dir(dir.path("dir1"))); let without_cwd_dir2 = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).current_dir(dir.path("dir2"))); assert!(without_cwd_dir1.trim().ends_with("/dir1")); assert!(without_cwd_dir2.trim().ends_with("/dir1")); // incorrect! cached too eagerly let cwd_dir1 = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&cwd_args).current_dir(dir.path("dir1"))); let cwd_dir2 = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&cwd_args).current_dir(dir.path("dir2"))); assert!(cwd_dir1.trim().ends_with("/dir1")); assert!(cwd_dir2.trim().ends_with("/dir2")); } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))] // See lib's bkt_tests::with_env fn respects_env() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", r#"printf 'foo:%s bar:%s baz:%s' "$FOO" "$BAR" "$BAZ""#]; let env_args = join(&["--env=FOO", "--env=BAR"], &args); let without_env = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args) .env("FOO", "1").env("BAR", "1").env("BAZ", "1")); assert_eq!(without_env, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); // even if --env is set, if the vars are absent cache still hits earlier call assert_eq!(without_env, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&env_args))); let env = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&env_args) .env("FOO", "2").env("BAR", "2").env("BAZ", "2")); assert_eq!(env, "foo:2 bar:2 baz:2"); let env = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&env_args) .env("FOO", "3").env("BAR", "2").env("BAZ", "3")); assert_eq!(env, "foo:3 bar:2 baz:3"); let env = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&env_args) .env("FOO", "4").env("BAR", "4").env("BAZ", "4")); assert_eq!(env, "foo:4 bar:4 baz:4"); let env = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(&env_args) .env("FOO", "2").env("BAR", "2").env("BAZ", "5")); assert_eq!(env, "foo:2 bar:2 baz:2"); // BAZ doesn't invalidate cache } #[test] fn respects_modtime() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let watch_file = dir.path("watch"); let args = ["--modtime", watch_file.to_str().unwrap(), "--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let no_file_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); // File absent is cached assert_eq!(no_file_result, "1"); assert_eq!(no_file_result, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); // create a new file, invalidating cache File::create(&watch_file).unwrap(); let new_file_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(new_file_result, "2"); assert_eq!(new_file_result, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); // update the modtime, again invalidating the cache make_file_stale(&watch_file, Duration::from_secs(10)).unwrap(); let old_file_result = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(old_file_result, "3"); assert_eq!(old_file_result, succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args))); } #[test] fn streaming() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let script = r#"echo BEFORE; for (( i=0; i<50; i++ )); do if [[ -e "$1" ]]; then echo AFTER; exit 0; fi; sleep .1; done; exit 10"#; let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", script, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let mut proc = bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap(); // partial output is observable before the process exits let mut buf = [0; 64]; let mut stdout = proc.stdout.take().unwrap(); let len = buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!("BEFORE\n".as_bytes(), &buf[0..len], "len:{} - {:?}", len, buf); assert_eq!(proc.try_wait().unwrap(), None); // process is still running File::create(&file).unwrap(); // allow the bash process to terminate let len = buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!("AFTER\n".as_bytes(), &buf[0..len], "len:{} - {:?}", len, buf); if !cfg!(feature="debug") { let mut buf = String::new(); assert_eq!(proc.stderr.as_mut().unwrap().read_to_string(&mut buf).unwrap(), 0, "{}", buf); assert_eq!(buf, ""); } assert_eq!(proc.wait().unwrap().code(), Some(0)); // Command is cached and can be re-run without blocking std::fs::remove_file(&file).unwrap(); assert_eq!(succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), "BEFORE\nAFTER\n"); } #[test] fn large_output() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let bytes = 1024*100; // 100KB is larger than the standard OS process buffer // Write a large amount of data to stdout and stderr; an incorrect implementation reads // each stream sequentially which will hang on sufficiently large streams as the subprocess // waits for the reader to catch up. let script = format!(r#"printf '.%.0s' {{1..{0}}}; printf '.%.0s' {{1..{0}}} >&2"#, bytes); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", &script, "arg0"]; let result = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(result.out.len(), bytes); if !cfg!(feature="debug") { assert_eq!(result.err.len(), bytes); } assert_eq!(result.status, Some(0)); } #[test] fn truncated_output() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let bytes = 1024*100; // 100KB is larger than the standard OS process buffer // Write a large amount of data to stdout and close the process' stream without reading it; // this should be supported silently, see let script = format!(r#"printf '.%.0s' {{1..{0}}}"#, bytes); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", &script, "arg0"]; let mut cmd = bkt(dir.path("cache")); let cmd = cmd.args(args).stdout(Stdio::piped()).stderr(Stdio::piped()); let mut child = cmd.spawn().unwrap(); // Read the beginning of stdout // It's not strictly necessary to do this, in fact closing the stream without reading // anything causes the error even for small outputs, but this seems like the more // "interesting" case and it covers the read-nothing behavior too. let mut buf = [0; 10]; child.stdout.as_mut().unwrap().read_exact(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, [b'.'; 10]); std::mem::drop(child.stdout.take().unwrap()); // close stdout without reading further let result: CmdResult = child.wait_with_output().unwrap().into(); assert_eq!(result.out, ""); // Unexpected error messages will show up in stderr if !cfg!(feature="debug") { assert_eq!(result.err, ""); } assert_eq!(result.status, Some(0)); } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature="debug"))] fn no_debug_output() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", "true"]; // Not cached assert_eq!(run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), CmdResult { out: "".into(), err: "".into(), status: Some(0) }); // Cached assert_eq!(run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), CmdResult { out: "".into(), err: "".into(), status: Some(0) }); } #[test] #[cfg(feature="debug")] fn debug_output() { fn starts_with_bkt(s: &str) -> bool { s.lines().all(|l| l.starts_with("bkt: ")) } let miss_debug_re = regex::Regex::new( "bkt: state: \nbkt: lookup .* not found\nbkt: cleanup data .*\nbkt: cleanup keys .*\nbkt: store data .*\nbkt: store key .*\n").unwrap(); let hit_debug_re = regex::Regex::new("bkt: lookup .* found\n").unwrap(); let dir = TestDir::temp(); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", PRINT_ARGS, "arg0"]; let miss = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert!(starts_with_bkt(&miss.err), "{}", miss.err); assert!(miss_debug_re.is_match(&miss.err), "{}", miss.err); let hit = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert!(starts_with_bkt(&hit.err), "{}", hit.err); assert!(hit_debug_re.is_match(&hit.err), "{}", hit.err); } #[test] fn output_preserved() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); fn same_output(dir: &TestDir, args: &[&str]) { let bkt_args = ["--", "bash", "-c", PRINT_ARGS, "arg0"]; // Second call will be cached assert_eq!( succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(bkt_args).args(args)), succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(bkt_args).args(args))); } same_output(&dir, &[]); same_output(&dir, &[""]); same_output(&dir, &["a", "b"]); same_output(&dir, &["a b"]); same_output(&dir, &["a b", "c"]); } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature="debug"))] fn sensitive_output() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", r"printf 'foo\0bar'; printf 'bar\0baz\n' >&2"]; // Not cached let output = run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(output, CmdResult { out: "foo\u{0}bar".into(), err: "bar\u{0}baz\n".into(), status: Some(0) }); // Cached assert_eq!(run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)), output); } #[test] fn exit_code_preserved() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", EXIT_WITH, "arg0"]; assert_eq!(run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).arg("14")).status, Some(14)); assert_eq!(run(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).arg("14")).status, Some(14)); } #[test] fn warm() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let await_file = dir.path("await"); let touch_file = dir.path("touch"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", AWAIT_AND_TOUCH, "arg0", await_file.to_str().unwrap(), touch_file.to_str().unwrap()]; let warm_args = join(&["--warm"], &args); let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(warm_args)); assert_eq!(output, ""); assert!(!touch_file.exists()); File::create(&await_file).unwrap(); // allow the bash process to terminate for _ in 0..10 { if touch_file.exists() { break; } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); } // This ensures the bash process has almost-completed, but it could still race with bkt actually // caching the result and creating a key file. If this proves flaky a more robust check would be // to inspect the keys directory. assert!(touch_file.exists()); std::fs::remove_file(&await_file).unwrap(); // process would not terminate if run again let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(output, "awaiting\n"); } #[test] fn force() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", COUNT_INVOCATIONS, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; let args_force = join(&["--force"], &args); let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(output, "1"); let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(output, "1"); let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args_force)); assert_eq!(output, "2"); let output = succeed(bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args)); assert_eq!(output, "2"); } #[test] fn concurrent_call_race() { let dir = TestDir::temp(); let file = dir.path("file"); let slow_count_invocations = format!(r#"sleep "0.5$RANDOM"; {}"#, COUNT_INVOCATIONS); let args = ["--", "bash", "-c", &slow_count_invocations, "arg0", file.to_str().unwrap()]; println!("{:?}", args); let proc1 = bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).stdout(Stdio::piped()).stderr(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap(); let proc2 = bkt(dir.path("cache")).args(args).stdout(Stdio::piped()).stderr(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap(); let result1: CmdResult = proc1.wait_with_output().unwrap().into(); if !cfg!(feature="debug") { assert_eq!(result1.err, ""); } assert_eq!(result1.status, Some(0)); let result2: CmdResult = proc2.wait_with_output().unwrap().into(); if !cfg!(feature="debug") { assert_eq!(result2.err, ""); } assert_eq!(result2.status, Some(0)); assert_eq!(std::fs::read_to_string(&file).unwrap(), ".."); assert!(result1.out == "2" || result2.out == "2"); // arbitrary which completes first } }