{ "information": { "readme": "This serves as a machine-readable specification for the Blackmagic camera protocol. If any BM devs end up reading this, please provide something like this in the future, this isn't 1995 anymore ffs.", "source": "https://github.com/coral/blackmagic-camera-protocol", "git": "https://github.com/coral/blackmagic-camera-protocol.git" }, "groups": [ { "name": "Lens", "normalized_name": "lens", "id": 0, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Focus", "normalized_parameter": "focus", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = near, 1.0 = far" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Instantaneous autofocus", "normalized_parameter": "instantaneous_autofocus", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "trigger instantaneous autofocus" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Aperture (f-stop)", "normalized_parameter": "aperture_f_stop", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": -1, "maximum": 16, "interpretation": "Aperture Value (where fnumber\n= sqrt(2^AV))" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Aperture (normalised)", "normalized_parameter": "aperture_normalised", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = smallest, 1.0 = largest" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Aperture (ordinal)", "normalized_parameter": "aperture_ordinal", "type": "int16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 256, "interpretation": "Steps through available aperture values from minimum (0) to maximum (n)" }, { "id": 5, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Instantaneous auto aperture", "normalized_parameter": "instantaneous_auto_aperture", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "trigger instantaneous auto aperture" }, { "id": 6, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Optical image stabilisation", "normalized_parameter": "optical_image_stabilisation", "type": "boolean", "index": [], "interpretation": "true = enabled, false = disabled" }, { "id": 7, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Set absolute zoom (mm)", "normalized_parameter": "set_absolute_zoom_mm", "type": "int16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 4000, "interpretation": "Move to specified focal length in mm, from minimum (0) to maximum (max)" }, { "id": 8, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Set absolute zoom (normalised)", "normalized_parameter": "set_absolute_zoom_normalised", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "Move to specified focal length:\n0.0 = wide, 1.0 = tele" }, { "id": 9, "group": "Lens", "group_id": 0, "parameter": "Set continuous zoom (speed)", "normalized_parameter": "set_continuous_zoom_speed", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": -1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "Start/stop zooming at specified rate: -1.0 = zoom wider fast, 0.0\n= stop,\n+1 = zoom tele fast" } ] }, { "name": "Video", "normalized_name": "video", "id": 1, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Video mode", "normalized_parameter": "video_mode", "type": "int8", "index": [ "frame rate", "M-rate", "dimensions", "interlaced", "Color space" ], "interpretation": "0 = YUV" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Gain (up to Camera 4.9)", "normalized_parameter": "gain_up_to_camera_4_9", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 128, "interpretation": "1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, 128x\ngain" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Manual White Balance", "normalized_parameter": "manual_white_balance", "type": "int16", "index": ["color temp", "tint"], "minimum": -50, "maximum": 50, "interpretation": "tint" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Set auto WB", "normalized_parameter": "set_auto_wb", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "Calculate and set auto white balance" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Restore auto WB", "normalized_parameter": "restore_auto_wb", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "Use latest auto white balance setting" }, { "id": 5, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Exposure (us)", "normalized_parameter": "exposure_us", "type": "int32", "index": [], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 42000, "interpretation": "time in us" }, { "id": 6, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Exposure (ordinal)", "normalized_parameter": "exposure_ordinal", "type": "int16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": null, "interpretation": "Steps through available exposure values from minimum\n(0) to maximum (n)" }, { "id": 7, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Dynamic Range Mode", "normalized_parameter": "dynamic_range_mode", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2, "interpretation": "0 = film, 1 = video, 2 = extended video" }, { "id": 8, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Video sharpening level", "normalized_parameter": "video_sharpening_level", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 3, "interpretation": "0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = medium,\n3 = high" }, { "id": 9, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Recording format", "normalized_parameter": "recording_format", "type": "int16", "index": [ "file frame rate", "sensor frame rate", "frame width", "frame height", "flags" ], "interpretation": "[4] = windowed mode" }, { "id": 10, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Set auto exposure mode", "normalized_parameter": "set_auto_exposure_mode", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 4, "interpretation": "0 = Manual Trigger, 1 = Iris,\n2 = Shutter, 3 = Iris + Shutter, 4 = Shutter + Iris" }, { "id": 11, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Shutter angle", "normalized_parameter": "shutter_angle", "type": "int32", "index": [], "minimum": 100, "maximum": 36000, "interpretation": "Shutter angle in degrees, multiplied by 100" }, { "id": 12, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Shutter speed", "normalized_parameter": "shutter_speed", "type": "int32", "index": [], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 5000, "interpretation": "Shutter speed value as a fraction of 1, so 50 for 1/50th of a second" }, { "id": 13, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Gain", "normalized_parameter": "gain", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": -128, "maximum": 127, "interpretation": "Gain in decibel (dB)" }, { "id": 14, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "ISO", "normalized_parameter": "iso", "type": "int32", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2147483647, "interpretation": "ISO value" }, { "id": 15, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "Display LUT", "normalized_parameter": "display_lut", "type": "int8", "index": ["selected LUT", "enabled or not"], "interpretation": "0 = Not enabled, 1 = Enabled" }, { "id": 16, "group": "Video", "group_id": 1, "parameter": "ND Filter", "normalized_parameter": "nd_filter", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["stops"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 16, "interpretation": "f-stop of ND filter to use" } ] }, { "name": "Audio", "normalized_name": "audio", "id": 2, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Mic level", "normalized_parameter": "mic_level", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Headphone level", "normalized_parameter": "headphone_level", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0.1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Headphone program mix", "normalized_parameter": "headphone_program_mix", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0.1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Speaker level", "normalized_parameter": "speaker_level", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0.1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Input type", "normalized_parameter": "input_type", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 3, "interpretation": "0 = internal mic,\n1 = line level input,\n2 = low mic level input, 3 = high mic level input" }, { "id": 5, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Input levels", "normalized_parameter": "input_levels", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["ch0", "ch1"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 6, "group": "Audio", "group_id": 2, "parameter": "Phantom power", "normalized_parameter": "phantom_power", "type": "boolean", "index": [], "interpretation": "true = powered, false = not powered" } ] }, { "name": "Output", "normalized_name": "output", "id": 3, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Output", "group_id": 3, "parameter": "Overlay enables", "normalized_parameter": "overlay_enables", "type": "uint16_bit_field", "index": [], "interpretation": "bit flags:\n[0] = display status,\n[1] = display frame guides\nSome cameras don't allow separate control of frame guides and status overlays." }, { "id": 1, "group": "Output", "group_id": 3, "parameter": "Frame guides style (Camera 3.x)", "normalized_parameter": "frame_guides_style_camera_3_x", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 8, "interpretation": "0 = HDTV, 1 = 4:3, 2 = 2.4:1,\n3 = 2.39:1, 4 = 2.35:1,\n5 = 1.85:1, 6 = thirds" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Output", "group_id": 3, "parameter": "Frame guides opacity (Camera 3.x)", "normalized_parameter": "frame_guides_opacity_camera_3_x", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0.1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = opaque" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Output", "group_id": 3, "parameter": "Overlays (replaces .1 and .2 above from Cameras 4.0)", "normalized_parameter": "overlays_replaces_1_and_2_above_from_cameras_4_0", "type": "int8", "index": [ "frame guides style", "frame guide opacity", "safe area percentage", "grid style" ], "interpretation": "bit flags:\n[0] = display thirds,\n[1] = display cross hairs,\n[2] = display center dot,\n[3] = display horizon", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 100 } ] }, { "name": "Display", "normalized_name": "display", "id": 4, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Brightness", "normalized_parameter": "brightness", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Exposure and focus tools", "normalized_parameter": "exposure_and_focus_tools", "type": "int16_bit_field", "index": [ "0x1 = zebra,\n0x2 = focus assist, 0x4 = false color" ], "interpretation": "0 = disable, 1 = enable" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Zebra level", "normalized_parameter": "zebra_level", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Peaking level", "normalized_parameter": "peaking_level", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "0.0 = minimum, 1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Color bar enable", "normalized_parameter": "color_bar_enable", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 30, "interpretation": "0 = disable bars,\n1-30 = enable bars with timeout (seconds)" }, { "id": 5, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Focus Assist", "normalized_parameter": "focus_assist", "type": "int8", "index": ["focus assist method", "focus line color"], "interpretation": "0 = Red,\n1 = Green,\n2 = Blue,\n3 = White,\n4 = Black" }, { "id": 6, "group": "Display", "group_id": 4, "parameter": "Program return feed enable", "normalized_parameter": "program_return_feed_enable", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 30, "interpretation": "0 = disable, 1-30 = enable with timeout (seconds)" } ] }, { "name": "Tally", "normalized_name": "tally", "id": 5, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Tally", "group_id": 5, "parameter": "Tally brightness", "normalized_parameter": "tally_brightness", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "Sets the tally front and tally rear brightness to the same level.\n0.0 = minimum,\n1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Tally", "group_id": 5, "parameter": "Front tally brightness", "normalized_parameter": "front_tally_brightness", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "Sets the tally front brightness.\n0.0 = minimum,\n1.0 = maximum" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Tally", "group_id": 5, "parameter": "Rear tally brightness", "normalized_parameter": "rear_tally_brightness", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "Sets the tally rear brightness.\n0.0 = minimum,\n1.0 = maximum\nTally rear brightness cannot be turned off" } ] }, { "name": "Reference", "normalized_name": "reference", "id": 6, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Reference", "group_id": 6, "parameter": "Source", "normalized_parameter": "source", "type": "int8", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2, "interpretation": "0 = internal,\n1 = program,\n2 = external" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Reference", "group_id": 6, "parameter": "Offset", "normalized_parameter": "offset", "type": "int32", "index": [], "interpretation": "+/- offset in pixels" } ] }, { "name": "Configuration", "normalized_name": "configuration", "id": 7, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Configuration", "group_id": 7, "parameter": "Real Time Clock", "normalized_parameter": "real_time_clock", "type": "int32", "index": ["time", "date"], "interpretation": "BCD - YYYYMMDD" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Configuration", "group_id": 7, "parameter": "System language", "normalized_parameter": "system_language", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-1]"], "interpretation": "ISO-639-1 two character language code" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Configuration", "group_id": 7, "parameter": "Timezone", "normalized_parameter": "timezone", "type": "int32", "index": [], "interpretation": "Minutes offset from UTC" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Configuration", "group_id": 7, "parameter": "Location", "normalized_parameter": "location", "type": "int64", "index": ["latitude", "longitude"], "interpretation": "BCD - sDDDdddddddddddd where s is the sign: 0 = west (-), 1 = east (+); DDD degrees, dddddddddddd decimal degrees" } ] }, { "name": "Color Correction", "normalized_name": "color_correction", "id": 8, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Lift Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "lift_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["red", "green", "blue", "luma"], "minimum": -2, "maximum": 2, "interpretation": "default 0.0" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Gamma Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "gamma_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["red", "green", "blue", "luma"], "minimum": -4, "maximum": 4, "interpretation": "default 0.0" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Gain Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "gain_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["red", "green", "blue", "luma"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 16, "interpretation": "default 1.0" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Offset Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "offset_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["red", "green", "blue", "luma"], "minimum": -8, "maximum": 8, "interpretation": "default 0.0" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Contrast Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "contrast_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["pivot", "adj"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2, "interpretation": "default 1.0" }, { "id": 5, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Luma mix", "normalized_parameter": "luma_mix", "type": "fixed16", "index": [], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "default 1.0" }, { "id": 6, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Color Adjust", "normalized_parameter": "color_adjust", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["hue", "sat"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2, "interpretation": "default 1.0" }, { "id": 7, "group": "Color Correction", "group_id": 8, "parameter": "Correction Reset Default", "normalized_parameter": "correction_reset_default", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "reset to defaults" } ] }, { "name": "Media", "normalized_name": "media", "id": 10, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Media", "group_id": 10, "parameter": "Codec", "normalized_parameter": "codec", "type": "int8", "index": ["basic codec", "code variant"], "interpretation": "Blackmagic RAW: 0 = Q0,\n1 = Q5,\n2 = 3:1,\n3 = 5:1,\n4 = 8:1,\n5 = 12:1" }, { "id": 1, "group": "Media", "group_id": 10, "parameter": "Transport mode", "normalized_parameter": "transport_mode", "type": "int8", "index": [ "mode", "speed", "flags", "slot 1 storage medium", "slot 2 storage medium" ], "interpretation": "0 = CFast card, 1 = SD Card,\n2 = SSD Recorder,\n3 = USB" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Media", "group_id": 10, "parameter": "Playback Control", "normalized_parameter": "playback_control", "type": "int8", "index": ["clip"], "interpretation": "0 = Previous,\n1 = Next" }, { "id": 3, "group": "Media", "group_id": 10, "parameter": "Still Capture", "normalized_parameter": "still_capture", "type": "void", "index": [], "interpretation": "Capture" } ] }, { "name": "PTZ Control", "normalized_name": "ptz_control", "id": 11, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "PTZ Control", "group_id": 11, "parameter": "Pan/Tilt Velocity", "normalized_parameter": "pan_tilt_velocity", "type": "fixed16", "index": ["pan velocity", "tilt velocity"], "minimum": -1, "maximum": 1, "interpretation": "-1.0 = full speed down,\n1.0 = full speed up" }, { "id": 1, "group": "PTZ Control", "group_id": 11, "parameter": "Memory Preset", "normalized_parameter": "memory_preset", "type": "int8", "index": ["preset command", "=\npreset slot"], "interpretation": "0 = reset,\n1 = store location, 2 = recall location", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 5 } ] }, { "name": "Metadata", "normalized_name": "metadata", "id": 12, "parameters": [ { "id": 0, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Reel", "normalized_parameter": "reel", "type": "int16", "index": ["reel"], "minimum": 0, "maximum": 999 }, { "id": 1, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Scene Tags", "normalized_parameter": "scene_tags", "type": "int8", "index": [ "scene tags", "interior / exterior", "day / night" ], "interpretation": "0 = Night\n1 = Day" }, { "id": 2, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Scene", "normalized_parameter": "scene", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-4] = scene"] }, { "id": 3, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Take", "normalized_parameter": "take", "type": "int8", "index": ["take number", "take tags"], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 99, "interpretation": "1 = None\n0 = PU\n1 = VFX\n2 = SER" }, { "id": 4, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Good Take", "normalized_parameter": "good_take", "type": "void", "index": ["good take"] }, { "id": 5, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Camera ID", "normalized_parameter": "camera_id", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-28] = ID"] }, { "id": 6, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Camera Operator", "normalized_parameter": "camera_operator", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-28] = operator"] }, { "id": 7, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Director", "normalized_parameter": "director", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-27] = director"] }, { "id": 8, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Project Name", "normalized_parameter": "project_name", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-28] = project"] }, { "id": 9, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Lens Type", "normalized_parameter": "lens_type", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-55] = type"] }, { "id": 10, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Lens Iris", "normalized_parameter": "lens_iris", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-19] = iris"] }, { "id": 11, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Lens Focal Length", "normalized_parameter": "lens_focal_length", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-29] = focal length"] }, { "id": 12, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Lens Distance", "normalized_parameter": "lens_distance", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-49] = distance"] }, { "id": 13, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Lens Filter", "normalized_parameter": "lens_filter", "type": "string", "index": ["[0-29] = filter"] }, { "id": 14, "group": "Metadata", "group_id": 12, "parameter": "Slate Mode", "normalized_parameter": "slate_mode", "type": "int8", "index": ["type"], "interpretation": "0 = Recording\n1 = Playback" } ] } ], "bluetooth_services": [ { "name": "Device Information Service", "normalized_name": "device_information_service", "uuid": "0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", "characteristics": [ { "name": "Camera Manufacturer", "normalized_name": "camera_manufacturer", "uuid": "00002a29-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", "description": "Read the name of the manufacturer (always “Blackmagic Design”)" }, { "name": "Camera Model", "normalized_name": "camera_model", "uuid": "00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", "description": "Read the name of the camera model (eg. “URSA Mini Pro”)" } ] }, { "name": "Blackmagic Camera Service", "normalized_name": "blackmagic_camera_service", "uuid": "291d567a-6d75-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3", "characteristics": [ { "name": "Outgoing Camera Control", "normalized_name": "outgoing_camera_control", "uuid": "5dd3465f-1aee-4299-8493-d2eca2f8e1bb", "description": "Send Camera Control messages" }, { "name": "Incoming Camera Control", "normalized_name": "incoming_camera_control", "uuid": "b864e140-76a0-416a-bf30-5876504537d9", "description": "Request notifications for this characteristic to receive Camera Control messages from the camera" }, { "name": "Timecode", "normalized_name": "timecode", "uuid": "6d8f2110-86f1-41bf-9afb-451d87e976c8", "description": "Timecode (HH:MM:SS:mm) is represented by a 32-bit BCD number: (eg. 09:12:53:10 = 0x09125310)" }, { "name": "Camera Status", "normalized_name": "camera_status", "uuid": "7fe8691d-95dc-4fc5-8abd-ca74339b51b9", "decription": "Request notifications for this characteristic to receive camera status updates.\n\nThe camera status is represented by flags contained in an 8-bit integer:\nNone = 0x00\nCamera Power On = 0x01\nConnected = 0x02\nPaired = 0x04\nVersions Verified = 0x08\nInitial Payload Received = 0x10\nCamera Ready = 0x20" }, { "name": "Device Name", "normalized_name": "device_name", "uuid": "ffac0c52-c9fb-41a0-b063-cc76282eb89c", "decription": "Send a device name to the camera (max. 32 characters). The camera will display this name in the Bluetooth Setup Menu" }, { "name": "Protocol Version", "normalized_name": "protocol_version", "uuid": "8f1fd018-b508-456f-8f82-3d392bee2706", "description": "Read this value to determine the camera’s supported CCU protocol version" } ] } ] }