#+TITLE: Blackout #+AUTHOR: James Andrus #+html:

Encrypted password/notes and totp manager written in Rust.


* Table of Contents :toc: - [[#-features][✨ Features]] - [[#-install][📥 Install]] - [[#cargo-recommended][Cargo (Recommended)]] - [[#binary][Binary]] - [[#compile-source][Compile source]] - [[#-configuration][⚙ Configuration]] - [[#config-file][Config file]] - [[#wordlist][Wordlist]] - [[#-️security][🛡 ️Security]] - [[#encryption][Encryption]] - [[#usage][Usage]] - [[#general][General]] - [[#add-note-or-totp-url][Add note or totp url]] - [[#export-data-for-migration-or-for-parsing][Export data for migration or for parsing]] - [[#fetch-notetotp-code-display-note-or-totp-code-in-terminal][Fetch note/totp code (Display note or totp code in terminal)]] - [[#generate-passwordpassphrase][Generate password/passphrase]] - [[#list-notes-or-totp-labels-only][List notes or totp (LABELS ONLY)]] - [[#donate][Donate]] - [[#license][License]] * ✨ Features - ⌨ CLI based (interactive & args) - 🔒 Encrypted Password/Note manager - 🔒 Encrypted TOTP manager - 🔑 Generate passwords and passphrases (bip-39 wordlist...can be changed) - Custom text editor for managing notes (vim, nano, notepad, etc.) - Auto-backups available in setup - Auto-copy generated passwords/passphrases to clipboard (disabled by default) * 📥 Install ** Cargo (Recommended) ~blackout~ can be installed from [[https://crates.io/crates/blackout][crates.io]]. ~cargo install blackout~ ** Binary You can download the pre-built binaries from the [[https://github.com/jandrus/blackout/releases][release page]]. ** Compile source *** Prerequisites: - [[https://www.rust-lang.org/][Rust]] - [[https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/][Cargo package manager]]. *** Build #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone https://github.com/jandrus/blackout.git cargo build --release #+END_SRC This will produce an binary executable file at ~target/release/blackout~ that you can copy to a directory in your ~$PATH~. * ⚙ Configuration ** Config file *Note*: If the configuration file does not exist at startup, the user will be prompted to guided through a generation prompt. *** Location The configuration file is located in: | OS | Config File Location | |---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Linux | ~$HOME/.config/blackout/config.toml~ | | Windows | ~C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ash\blackout\config\config.toml~ | | macOS | ~/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/io.ash.blackout\config.toml~ | *** Config Options - ~color~: This allows for colored output to the terminal. This is recommended. Note: ~color~ is set to ~false~, icons will be disabled. - ~editor~: This is the command that will be used to render an editor to the user for note input. - ~banner~: ~blackout~, without any arguments, defaults to interactive mode. ~banner~ enables a banner message on startup. - ~auto_copy~: Enable/disable generated passwords and passphrases to be automatically copied to the clipboard when generated. - ~icons~: Enable/disable icons. Note: this requires [[https://www.nerdfonts.com/#home][nerdfonts]]. - ~autobackup~: Enable/disable auto-backups of blackout data when a note/totp url is added or edited. Here is an example configuration. #+BEGIN_SRC toml color = true editor = "vim" banner = true auto_copy = false icons = true autobackup = true #+END_SRC ** Wordlist On startup, the file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoin/bips/master/bip-0039/english.txt will be downloaded to the config directory stated above and named ~wordlist.txt~. This is a list of 2048 words used for wallet seed phrase generation. When directed to generate a passphrase, ~blackout~ will choose the given number of words randomly from this list and capitalize each chosen word with a probability of 0.5. Thus, by default, there are $n^{4096}$ possibilities, where $n$ is the number words to be generated in the passphrase. Any words added to this file are able to be chosen by the passphrase generator. Entries MUST be on a newline (no comma separated lists, no space separated lists). * 🛡 ️Security ** Encryption ~blackout~ uses [[https://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher][SQLCipher]] which is a fork of SQLite that adds 256 bit AES encryption of database files and other security features like: - on-the-fly encryption - tamper detection - memory sanitization - strong key derivation - algorithms provided by the peer reviewed OpenSSL crypto library * Usage #+html:

** General *Note*: ~blackout~ uses both a ~pacman~ and ~cargo~ approach to args. #+BEGIN_SRC shell Usage: blackout [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] Commands: add, -A Add note or totp url export, -E Export note or totp data [Default behavior is to copy the encrypted database to CWD] fetch, -F Fetch notes or totp generate, -G Generate password/passphrase list, -L List note or totp labels only help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -b, --backup Backup blackout data (saves a snapshot) -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version #+END_SRC ** Add note or totp url #+BEGIN_SRC shell Add note or totp url Usage: blackout {add|-A} [COMMAND] Commands: note, -N Add note totp, -T Add TOTP url help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: + ~blackout add~ OR ~blackout -A~: Interactively add note or totp url. + ~blackout add note~ OR ~blackout -AN~: Add note via prompt. + ~blackout add totp~ OR ~blackout -AT~: Add totp url via prompt. ** Export data for migration or for parsing ⚠ WARNING: For migrating to a new machine, there is no need to move clear text data The default behavior is to copy the encrypted database to the current working directory (CWD), data remains encrypted. Use the json or toml flag to export data for use with other programs. #+BEGIN_SRC shell Export note or totp data [Default behavior is to copy the encrypted database to CWD] Usage: blackout {export|-E} [OPTIONS] Options: -j, --json Output notes and totp data in json format -t, --toml Output notes and totp data in toml format -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: + ~blackout export~ OR ~blackout -E~: Export blackout database. DATA REMAINS ENCRYPTED + ~blackout export -j~ OR ~blackout -Ej~: Export notes and totp urls to json format. NOT ENCRYPTED + ~blackout export -t~ OR ~blackout -Et~: Export notes and totp urls to toml format. NOT ENCRYPTED ** Fetch note/totp code (Display note or totp code in terminal) #+BEGIN_SRC shell Fetch notes or totp Usage: blackout {fetch|-F} [COMMAND] Commands: note, -N Fetch note totp, -T Fetch TOTP help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC *** Fetch note #+BEGIN_SRC shell Fetch note Usage: blackout fetch {note|-N} [LABEL] Arguments: [LABEL] Note to fetch and display Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: - Fetch note: + ~blackout fetch note~ OR ~blackout -FN~: Interactively fetch a saved note. + ~blackout fetch note test~ OR ~blackout -FN test~: Fetch note labeled test or fails if note does not exist. *** Fetch totp code #+BEGIN_SRC shell Fetch TOTP Usage: blackout fetch {totp|-T} [LABEL] Arguments: [LABEL] totp code to fetch and display Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: - Fetch totp: + ~blackout fetch totp~ OR ~blackout -FT~: Interactively fetch a totp code. + ~blackout fetch totp test~ OR ~blackout -FT test~: Fetch totp code labeled test or fails if totp url does not exist. ** Generate password/passphrase #+BEGIN_SRC shell Generate password/passphrase Usage: blackout {generate|-G} [COMMAND] Commands: pass, -W Generate password phrase, -P Generate passphrase (BIP-39 word list) help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC *** Generate password #+BEGIN_SRC shell Generate password Usage: blackout generate {pass|-W} [OPTIONS] Options: -l, --length length of password. Interactive allows for more options [DEFAULT: 15] -i, --interactive Interactive mode -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: - Generate password: + ~blackout generate pass~ OR ~blackout -GW~: Generate a password of 15 characters with numbers, upper/lowercase, and special characters. + ~blackout generate pass -i~ OR ~blackout -GWi~: Interactively generate a password. + ~blackout generate pass -l 18~ OR ~blackout -GWl 18~: Generate a password of 18 characters. *** Generate passphrase #+BEGIN_SRC shell Generate passphrase (BIP-39 word list) Usage: blackout generate {phrase|-P} [OPTIONS] Options: -l, --length Number of random words to generate [DEFAULT: 5] -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: - Generate passphrase: + ~blackout generate phrase~ OR ~blackout -GP~: Generate a passphrase of 5 words. + ~blackout generate phrase -l 8~ OR ~blackout -GPl 8~: Generate a passphrase of 8 characters. ** List notes or totp (LABELS ONLY) This will only list labels. To get a full list of sensitive content (totp urls and notes) see [[Export data for migration or for parsing]]. #+BEGIN_SRC shell List note or totp labels only Usage: blackout {list|-L} [COMMAND] Commands: note, -N List note labels notes List note labels totp, -T List TOTP labels help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help #+END_SRC Examples: + ~blackout export~ OR ~blackout -E~: Export blackout database. DATA REMAINS ENCRYPTED + ~blackout export -j~ OR ~blackout -Ej~: Export notes and totp urls to json format. NOT ENCRYPTED + ~blackout export -t~ OR ~blackout -Et~: Export notes and totp urls to toml format. NOT ENCRYPTED * Donate - *BTC*: ~bc1qvx8q2xxwesw22yvrftff89e79yh86s56y2p9x9~ - *XMR*: ~84t9GUWQVJSGxF8cbMtRBd67YDAHnTsrdWVStcdpiwcAcAnVy21U6RmLdwiQdbfsyu16UqZn6qj1gGheTMkHkYA4HbVN4zS~ * License This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .