use crate::{ internals::*, logging::*, modules::header::{ContentType, TryIntoHeaderValue}, pkg::{error::Error, helpers::*}, types::http::*, }; use http::header::*; use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc}; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, Result as IoResult}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, }; impl Request { #[instrument] pub fn body(&self) -> &[u8] { debug!("request->body called"); &self.body } #[instrument] pub fn body_length(&self) -> usize { debug!("request->body_length called"); self.body.len() } #[instrument] pub fn method(&self) -> &Method { debug!("request->method called"); &self.method } #[instrument] pub fn path(&self) -> &str { debug!("request->path called"); self.path.as_str() } #[instrument] pub fn query(&self) -> &HashMap { debug!("request->query called"); &self.query } #[instrument] pub fn params(&self) -> &HashMap { debug!("request->params called"); &self.params } #[instrument] pub fn route_param(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&String> { debug!("request->trace called"); self.params.get(name) } #[instrument] pub fn query_param(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&String> { debug!("request->query_param called"); self.query.get(name) } #[instrument] pub fn header(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&HeaderValue> { debug!("request->trace called"); self.headers.get(name) } #[instrument] pub fn is_json(&self) -> bool { debug!("request->is_json called"); self.content_type().map(|ct| ct.0 == mime::APPLICATION_JSON).unwrap_or(false) } #[instrument] pub fn content_type(&self) -> Option { debug!("request->content_type called"); self.header("content-type").and_then(|v| v.to_str().ok()).and_then(|s| s.parse::().ok()).map(ContentType) } #[instrument] pub fn text(&self) -> Result { debug!("request->text called"); String::from_utf8(self.body.clone()).map_err(|e| Error(format!("Failed to parse body as text: {}", e))) } #[instrument] pub fn json(&self) -> Result { debug!("request->json called"); serde_json::from_slice(&self.body).map_err(|e| Error(format!("Failed to parse body as JSON: {}", e))) } } impl Response { #[instrument] pub fn new() -> Self { trace!("response->new called"); Response { path: String::new(), status: StatusCode::Ok, headers: HeaderMap::new(), body: Vec::new(), } } #[instrument] pub fn ok() -> Self { trace!("response->ok called"); Self::new() } #[instrument] pub fn status(mut self, status: StatusCode) -> Self { trace!("response->status called"); self.status = status; self } #[instrument] pub fn content_type(&mut self, value: V) -> &mut Self where V: TryIntoHeaderValue + fmt::Debug, { trace!("response->content_type called"); match value.try_into_value() { Ok(value) => { self.headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, value); } // Err(err) => self.error = Some(err.into()), Err(_) => self.status = StatusCode::from(500), }; self } #[instrument] pub fn insert_header(mut self, header: (HeaderName, HeaderValue)) -> Self { trace!("response->insert_header called"); self.headers.insert(header.0, header.1); self } #[instrument] pub fn body(mut self, body: impl Into> + fmt::Debug) -> Self { trace!("response->body called"); self.body = body.into(); self } #[instrument(skip(value))] pub fn json(mut self, value: &T) -> Result where T: serde::Serialize, { trace!("response->json called"); let body = serde_json::to_vec(value)?; self.content_type(ContentType::json()); self.body = body; Ok(self) } #[instrument] pub fn redirect(mut self, status: StatusCode, location: &str) -> Result { trace!("response->redirect called"); self = crate::modules::redirect::create_redirect(self, status, location)?; Ok(self) } #[instrument] pub async fn write_headers(&self, stream: &mut W) -> IoResult<()> where W: AsyncWriteExt + Unpin + fmt::Debug, { trace!("response->write_headers called"); for (key, value) in self.headers.iter() { let header_name = key.as_str(); let header_value = value .to_str() .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Invalid header value: {}", e)))?; let header = format!("{}: {}\r\n", header_name, header_value); stream.write_all(header.as_bytes()).await?; } Ok(()) } } impl Router { pub fn new() -> Self { Router { routes: Vec::new() } } pub fn add(&mut self, method: Method, path: String, handler: F) -> &mut Self where F: Fn(Request) -> HttpFuture + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.routes.push((method, path, Arc::new(handler))); self } pub fn add_default(&mut self, handler: F) -> &mut Self where F: Fn(Request) -> HttpFuture + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.routes.push((Method::ALL, String::default(), Arc::new(handler))); self } } impl Server { pub fn bind(host: &str, port: u16) -> Self { let addr: SocketAddr = format!("{}:{}", host, port).parse().unwrap(); info!(port = port, host = host, "socket created"); Server { addr } } pub async fn serve(self, router: Router) -> Result<(), Error> { let listener = TcpListener::bind(self.addr).await?; info!("starting {} workers", tokio::runtime::Handle::current().metrics().num_workers()); loop { let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await?; let router = router.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = handle_connection(stream, router).await { error!("Error handling connection: {}", e); } }); } } } async fn handle_connection(mut stream: TcpStream, router: Router) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut buffer = [0; 1024]; let n = buffer).await?; let mut req = parse_request(&buffer[..n])?; let mut response = Response { path: req.path.to_owned(), status: StatusCode::NotFound, headers: HeaderMap::new(), body: b"Not Found".to_vec(), }; for (method, path, handler) in router.routes.iter() { if req.method == *method && paths_match(&req.path, path) { req.params = extract_params(&req.path, path); match handler(req.clone()).await { Ok(responder) => { response = responder.respond().await?; break; } Err(e) => { response = Response { path: req.path.to_owned(), status: StatusCode::InternalServerError, headers: HeaderMap::new(), body: format!("Internal Server Error: {}", e).into_bytes(), }; break; } } } } if response.status == StatusCode::NotFound { for (method, _, handler) in router.routes.iter() { if *method == Method::ALL { match handler(req.clone()).await { Ok(responder) => { response = responder.respond().await?; break; } Err(e) => { response = Response { path: req.path.to_owned(), status: StatusCode::InternalServerError, headers: HeaderMap::new(), body: format!("Internal Server Error: {}", e).into_bytes(), }; break; } } } } } let response_string = format!( "\ HTTP/1.1 {} {}\r\n\ Server: Blaze HTTP\r\n\ Content-Length: {}\r\n\ Date: {}\r\n\ ", response.status.to_code(), response.status.reason_phrase(), response.body.len(), crate::modules::date::now() ); stream.write_all(response_string.as_bytes()).await?; response.write_headers(&mut stream).await?; stream.write_all(b"\r\n").await?; stream.write_all(&response.body).await?; let status_value = response.status.reason_phrase().to_lowercase(); match response.status as u16 { 200 | 201 | 204 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 307 => info!(path = req.path, method = req.method.to_string(), status = response.status.to_code(), "{status_value}"), 400 | 401 | 403 | 404 | 405 => warn!(path = req.path, method = req.method.to_string(), status = response.status.to_code(), "{status_value}"), _ => error!(path = req.path, method = req.method.to_string(), status = response.status.to_code(), "{status_value}"), }; Ok(()) }