use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn convert_env_path(env_path: &Path) -> PathBuf { if env_path.is_relative() { let core_root = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") .map(PathBuf::from) .expect("could not get cargo manifest dir"); core_root .join(env_path) .canonicalize() .expect("could not canonicalize bridge bundle path") } else { env_path.to_owned() } } fn main() { let version = std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").expect("could not get package version"); let out_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR") .map(PathBuf::from) .expect("could not get artifacts output directory"); // Node bridge match std::env::var("BLAZE_NODE_BRIDGE_BUNDLE_PATH").map(PathBuf::from) { Ok(path) => { let final_path = convert_env_path(&path); if !final_path.is_file() { panic!("{} is not a file", final_path.display()); } println!( "cargo::rustc-env=BLAZE_NODE_BRIDGE_BUNDLE_PATH={}", final_path.display() ); } Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => { let url = format!( "{version}.tgz", ); let bundle_path = Path::new("package/dist/main.js"); println!("fetching {url}"); let response = reqwest::blocking::get(&url) .expect("could not send node bridge package metadata request"); let status = response.status(); if !status.is_success() { panic!("error response from {url} (status={status})"); } let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(GzDecoder::new(response)); let mut entries = archive .entries() .expect("could not get node bridge package entries"); let node_bridge_location = out_dir.join("node-bridge/main.js"); loop { let mut entry = entries .next() .expect("could not find node bridge bundle in package") .expect("failed to read node bridge package entry"); let path = entry .path() .expect("could not get node bridge package entry path"); if &*path == bundle_path { println!("found node bridge in bundle at {}", path.display()); let node_bridge_location_parent = node_bridge_location.parent().unwrap(); println!( "creating node bridge artifact directory {}", node_bridge_location_parent.display() ); std::fs::create_dir_all(node_bridge_location_parent) .expect("could not create node bridge output directory"); std::io::copy( &mut entry, &mut std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&node_bridge_location) .expect("failed to open node bridge package entry extracted file"), ) .expect("failed to extract entry from node bridge package"); break; } } println!( "cargo::rustc-env=BLAZE_NODE_BRIDGE_BUNDLE_PATH={}", node_bridge_location.display() ); } Err(_) => panic!("could not read blaze node bundle path"), }; // Rust bridge let rust_bridge_location = match std::env::var( "CARGO_BIN_FILE_BLAZE_RUST_BRIDGE_blaze-rust-bridge", ) .map(PathBuf::from) { Ok(path) => { println!("Rust bridge is provided from bindeps => {}", path.display()); path } // -Z bindeps only works locally, not recursively across crate dependencies. Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => { let install_root = out_dir.join("bin-dependencies"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&install_root) .expect("could not create bin dependencies output directory"); let install_target_dir = out_dir.join("bin-dependencies-target"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&install_target_dir) .expect("could not create bin dependencies target directory"); let status = std::process::Command::new( std::env::var("CARGO").expect("could not get cargo binary path"), ) .args( [ vec![ "install".to_owned(), "--root".into(), install_root.to_str().unwrap().into(), "--force".into(), "--no-track".into(), "--target-dir".into(), install_target_dir.to_str().unwrap().into(), "-Z".into(), "bindeps".into(), ], std::env::var("TARGET") .map(|triple| vec!["--target".into(), triple]) .unwrap_or_default(), vec![format!("blaze-rust-bridge@{version}")], ] .concat(), ) .status() .expect("Rust bridge install process error"); if !status.success() { panic!("error while installing Rust bridge ({status:?})"); } #[cfg(windows)] let bin_path = "bin\\blaze-rust-bridge.exe"; #[cfg(not(windows))] let bin_path = "bin/blaze-rust-bridge"; install_root.join(bin_path) } Err(_) => panic!("could not read rust bridge bindeps path"), }; let mut rust_bridge = std::fs::File::open(&rust_bridge_location) .expect("could not open Rust bridge executable file"); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); std::io::copy(&mut rust_bridge, &mut hasher) .expect("checksum error for Rust bridge executable"); let checksum = hasher .finalize() .into_iter() .map(|b| format!("{b:02x}")) .collect::>() .join(""); println!( "cargo::rustc-env=BLAZE_RUST_BRIDGE_EXECUTABLE_PATH={}", rust_bridge_location.display() ); println!("cargo::rustc-env=BLAZE_RUST_BRIDGE_CHECKSUM={checksum}"); // JSON schemas let schemas_location = match std::env::var("BLAZE_JSON_SCHEMAS_LOCATION").map(PathBuf::from) { Ok(path) => { let final_path = convert_env_path(&path); if !final_path.is_dir() { panic!("{} is not a directory", final_path.display()); } final_path } Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => { let url = format!( "{version}.tgz", ); let response = reqwest::blocking::get(&url).expect("failed to fetch JSON schemas from NPM"); let status = response.status(); if !status.is_success() { panic!("error response from {url} (status={status})"); } let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(GzDecoder::new(response)); let schemas_location = out_dir.join("json-schemas"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&schemas_location).expect("failed to create schemas directory"); for entry in archive.entries().expect("failed to get archive entries") { let mut entry = entry.expect("could not read JSON schemas package entry"); let path = (*entry .path() .expect("could not get JSON schemas package entry path")) .to_owned(); if path .parent() .is_some_and(|parent| parent == Path::new("package/schemas")) { println!("extracting JSON schema {}", path.display()); let dst_path = schemas_location.join(path.file_name().unwrap()); std::io::copy( &mut entry, &mut std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&dst_path) .expect("could not open JSON schema extracted file"), ) .expect("could not extract JSON schema"); } } schemas_location } Err(_) => panic!("could not read JSON schemas location path variable"), }; println!( "cargo::rustc-env=BLAZE_JSON_SCHEMAS_LOCATION={}", schemas_location.display() ); }