# A script to temporarily install and run the addon. Currently used # by our tests but needs revisiting since I quickly threw it together. # # blender file.blend --python $(armature2json) # -> becomes -> # blender file.blend --python /path/to/run-addon import bpy import os # Get the absolute path to the addon dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) addonFilePath = dir + '/../blender-armature-to-json.py' # Install and enable the addon temporarily (since we aren't saving our user preferences) # We just want to have access to the addon during this blender session bpy.ops.preferences.addon_install(filepath=addonFilePath) bpy.ops.preferences.addon_enable(module='blender-armature-to-json') print("ENABLED") # Run our addon bpy.ops.import_export.armature2json()