use chrono::Datelike; use clap::Parser; use handlebars::Handlebars; use std::collections::BTreeMap; const TEMPLATE: &str = include_str!("./templates/MIT.hbs"); const TEMPLATE_ZERO: &str = include_str!("./templates/MIT-0.hbs"); const TEMPLATE_BLESSING: &str = include_str!("./templates/blessing.hbs"); /// clap command parser struct #[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)] #[clap( name = "mit", author = "btwiuse ", about = "generate MIT{,-0} license", version )] pub struct App { /// year, optional, defaults to current year #[clap(short = '0', long = "zero", help = "Use MIT-0 variant")] pub zero: bool, /// year, optional, defaults to current year #[clap(short = 'y', long = "year", value_name = "YEAR", help = "Set year")] pub year: Option, /// author name, required #[clap( short = 'a', long = "author", value_name = "AUTHOR", default_value = "unknown", help = "Set author name" )] pub author: String, } fn this_year() -> i32 { let current_date = chrono::Utc::now(); current_date.year() } impl App { pub fn run(&self) { print!("{}", self.to_string()); } pub fn template(&self) -> &str { TEMPLATE_BLESSING } pub fn to_string(&self) -> String { let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new(); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("template", self.template()) .is_ok()); let mut data = BTreeMap::new(); let year = self.year.clone(); let year = year.unwrap_or(format!("{}", this_year())); data.insert("year".to_string(), year); let author =; data.insert("author".to_string(), author); handlebars.render("template", &data).unwrap() } }