use std::time::Instant; const SECRET: &str = "Test Secret Please Ignore"; fn main() { let start = Instant::now(); let mut rand = 0; for _ in 0..1024 { rand += start.elapsed().as_micros() % 1024; } let mut buffer = String::new(); let secret = format!("{SECRET}: {}", start.elapsed().as_micros() + rand); blindcopy::text(&secret).unwrap(); println!("Your super secret string is: {secret:?}"); println!("It should have been copied. Paste back below to verify: "); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap(); buffer = buffer.trim().to_string(); if buffer == secret { println!("It's the same! Now check your clipboard manager."); } else { println!("It's not the same. You pasted: {buffer:?}"); } }