# Blipper Blipper is a suite of tools for working with Infrared Remote Controls in Rust. It's a companion software to my remote control encoding/decoding library [Infrared](http://github.com/jkristell/infrared) and I have been using it for developing and testing that library The firmware is developed for the Stm32 based Bluepill board. The host communicates with the device over a serial port interface through USB. ## Commands - capture - Capture data from device, optionally write it to a .vcd file to for example look at the pulses in Pulseview. - decode - Capture data from device and run infrareds protocol decoders on host - playback-vcd - Use a vcd file as input to the decoders - transmit - send a ir command with the device ## TODO This software is very much a work in progress, not even the TODO is done.