/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990 - 1997 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories, Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #ifndef NON_UNIX_STDIO #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #define access _access #endif #include "f2c.h" #include "fio.h" const char *f__r_mode[2] = {"rb", "r"}; const char *f__w_mode[4] = {"wb", "w", "r+b", "r+"}; static char f__buf0[400], *f__buf = f__buf0; static int f__buflen = (int)sizeof(f__buf0); static void f__bufadj(int n, int c) { unsigned int len; char *nbuf, *s, *t, *te; if (f__buf == f__buf0) f__buflen = 1024; while(f__buflen <= n) f__buflen <<= 1; len = (unsigned int)f__buflen; if (len != f__buflen || !(nbuf = (char*)malloc(len))) { f__fatal(113, "malloc failure"); } else { s = nbuf; t = f__buf; te = t + c; while (t < te) *s++ = *t++; if (f__buf != f__buf0) free(f__buf); f__buf = nbuf; } } int f__putbuf(int c) { char *s, *se; int n; if (f__hiwater > f__recpos) f__recpos = f__hiwater; n = f__recpos + 1; if (n >= f__buflen) f__bufadj(n, f__recpos); s = f__buf; se = s + f__recpos; if (c) *se++ = c; *se = 0; for(;;) { fputs(s, f__cf); s += strlen(s); if (s >= se) break; /* normally happens the first time */ putc(*s++, f__cf); } return 0; } void x_putc(int c) { if (f__recpos >= f__buflen) f__bufadj(f__recpos, f__buflen); f__buf[f__recpos++] = c; } #define opnerr(f,m,s) {if(f) errno= m; else opn_err(m,s,a); return(m);} static void opn_err(int m, const char *s, olist *a) { if (a->ofnm) { /* supply file name to error message */ if (a->ofnmlen >= f__buflen) f__bufadj((int)a->ofnmlen, 0); g_char(a->ofnm, a->ofnmlen, f__curunit->ufnm = f__buf); } f__fatal(m, s); } integer f_open(olist *a) { unit *b; integer rv; char buf[256], *s; cllist x; int ufmt; FILE *tf; #ifndef NON_UNIX_STDIO int n; #endif f__external = 1; if(a->ounit>=MXUNIT || a->ounit<0) err(a->oerr,101,"open") if (!f__init) f_init(); f__curunit = b = &f__units[a->ounit]; if(b->ufd) { if(a->ofnm==0) { same: if (a->oblnk) b->ublnk = *a->oblnk == 'z' || *a->oblnk == 'Z'; return(0); } #ifdef NON_UNIX_STDIO if (b->ufnm && strlen(b->ufnm) == a->ofnmlen && !strncmp(b->ufnm, a->ofnm, (unsigned)a->ofnmlen)) goto same; #else g_char(a->ofnm,a->ofnmlen,buf); if (f__inode(buf,&n) == b->uinode && n == b->udev) goto same; #endif x.cunit=a->ounit; x.csta=0; x.cerr=a->oerr; if ((rv = f_clos(&x)) != 0) return rv; } b->url = (int)a->orl; b->ublnk = a->oblnk && (*a->oblnk == 'z' || *a->oblnk == 'Z'); if(a->ofm==0) { if(b->url>0) b->ufmt=0; else b->ufmt=1; } else if(*a->ofm=='f' || *a->ofm == 'F') b->ufmt=1; else b->ufmt=0; ufmt = b->ufmt; #ifdef url_Adjust if (b->url && !ufmt) url_Adjust(b->url); #endif if (a->ofnm) { g_char(a->ofnm,a->ofnmlen,buf); if (!buf[0]) opnerr(a->oerr,107,"open") } else sprintf(buf, "fort.%ld", (long)a->ounit); b->uscrtch = 0; b->uend=0; b->uwrt = 0; b->ufd = 0; b->urw = 3; switch(a->osta ? *a->osta : 'u') { case 'o': case 'O': if (access(buf,0)) opnerr(a->oerr,errno,"open") break; case 's': case 'S': b->uscrtch=1; #ifdef HAVE_TMPFILE if (!(b->ufd = tmpfile())) opnerr(a->oerr,errno,"open") b->ufnm = 0; #ifndef NON_UNIX_STDIO b->uinode = b->udev = -1; #endif b->useek = 1; return 0; #else (void) strcpy(buf,"tmp.FXXXXXX"); (void) mktemp(buf); goto replace; #endif case 'n': case 'N': if (!access(buf,0)) opnerr(a->oerr,128,"open") /* no break */ case 'r': /* Fortran 90 replace option */ case 'R': #ifndef HAVE_TMPFILE replace: #endif if (tf = fopen(buf,f__w_mode[0])) fclose(tf); } b->ufnm=(char *) malloc((unsigned int)(strlen(buf)+1)); if(b->ufnm==NULL) opnerr(a->oerr,113,"no space"); (void) strcpy(b->ufnm,buf); if ((s = a->oacc) && b->url) ufmt = 0; if(!(tf = fopen(buf, f__w_mode[ufmt|2]))) { if (tf = fopen(buf, f__r_mode[ufmt])) b->urw = 1; else if (tf = fopen(buf, f__w_mode[ufmt])) { b->uwrt = 1; b->urw = 2; } else err(a->oerr, errno, "open"); } b->useek = f__canseek(b->ufd = tf); #ifndef NON_UNIX_STDIO if((b->uinode = f__inode(buf,&b->udev)) == -1) opnerr(a->oerr,108,"open") #endif if(b->useek) if (a->orl) rewind(b->ufd); else if ((s = a->oacc) && (*s == 'a' || *s == 'A') && FSEEK(b->ufd, 0L, SEEK_END)) opnerr(a->oerr,129,"open"); return(0); } int fk_open(int seq, int fmt, ftnint n) { char nbuf[10]; olist a; // FGVZ: gcc 7.3 outputs a warning that the integer value corresponding // to the "%ld" format specifier could (in theory) use up 11 bytes in a // string that only allows for five additional bytes. I use the modulo // operator to reassure gcc that the integer will be very small. //(void) sprintf(nbuf,"fort.%ld",(long)n); (void) sprintf(nbuf,"fort.%ld",(long)n % 20); a.oerr=1; a.ounit=n; a.ofnm=nbuf; a.ofnmlen=strlen(nbuf); a.osta=NULL; a.oacc= (char*)(seq==SEQ?"s":"d"); a.ofm = (char*)(fmt==FMT?"f":"u"); a.orl = seq==DIR?1:0; a.oblnk=NULL; return(f_open(&a)); }