Gets the generators used in the `compute_curve25519_commitments` function. In total, the function gets `generators.len()` points. These points are converted from 1280-bit `curve25519` points used in the scalar multiplication of the commitment computation, to 256-bit Ristretto points. This function also allows the user to provide an offset so that a shift is applied in the retrieval. The following operation is applied: ```text for i in 0..generators.len() { generators[i] = randomly_generate_curve25519_point(i + offset); } ``` # Arguments * `generators` - A sliced view of a Ristretto memory area where the 256-bit Ristretto Point generators used in the commitment computation will be written into. * `offset_generators` - A value that is used to shift the get generator operation by `offset_generators` values. With this shift, we have `generator[0]` holding the value of `randomly_generate_curve25519_point(0 + offset)`, `generator[1]` holding the value of `randomly_generate_curve25519_point(1 + offset)`, and so on. # Panics If the compute `get_curve25519_generators` execution in the GPU / CPU fails.