blob ==== This crate provides a simple `Blob` structure for use in converting binary data to/from a human-readable form using the [serde]( library. When serializing, it will encode the binary data as base-64, and when deserializing it can either read a base-64 encoded string or a sequence of 8-bit integers. In essence, `Blob` is just a wrapper around a `Vec` with custom serialization functionality. Additionally, thanks to Rust's wonderful conversion system, any type which can be converted into a `Vec` can be converted into a `Blob` For example, to create an empty blob with space allocated: ``` extern crate blob; use blob::Blob; fn main() { let my_blob = Blob::from(Vec::with_capacity(100)); assert_eq!(my_blob.capacity(), 100); } ``` Additionally, blobs can be created directly from base-64 encoded strings either via the `decode_base64` associated function or via the `FromStr` trait For example: ``` extern crate blob; use std::str::FromStr; use blob::Blob; fn main() { let my_blob = Blob::from_str("AQIDBAU=").unwrap(); assert_eq!(my_blob, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); } ``` ##### Other semi-related usage notes: Since the `Blob` is expected to contain binary data, you may want to convert it into other forms. After deserialization, `into_vec` can be called to retrieve the inner vector of data, and that can be fed into [`std::io::Cursor`]( to create an [`io::Read`](` + `[`io::Seek`]( reader.