use block_aligner::scan_block::*; use block_aligner::scores::*; use std::{env, cmp}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; fn test(file_name: &str, max_size: usize, x_drop: i32) -> (usize, usize, f64, usize, f64) { let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(file_name).unwrap()); let mut count = 0; let mut other_better = 0; let mut other_better_avg = 0f64; let mut us_better = 0; let mut us_better_avg = 0f64; //let mut slow_better = 0; //let mut slow_equal = 0; for line in reader.lines() { let line = line.unwrap(); let mut row = line.split_ascii_whitespace().take(5); let q =; let r =; let other_score =; let _other_i =; let _other_j =; //let x_drop = 100; //let x_drop = 50; //let matrix = NucMatrix::new_simple(2, -3); let matrix = NucMatrix::new_simple(1, -1); let r_padded = PaddedBytes::from_bytes::(r.as_bytes(), 2048); let q_padded = PaddedBytes::from_bytes::(q.as_bytes(), 2048); //let run_gaps = Gaps { open: -5, extend: -1 }; let run_gaps = Gaps { open: -2, extend: -1 }; // ours let mut block_aligner = Block::::new(q.len(), r.len(), max_size); block_aligner.align(&q_padded, &r_padded, &matrix, run_gaps, 32..=max_size, x_drop); let scan_res = block_aligner.res(); let scan_score = scan_res.score; if scan_score > other_score { us_better += 1; us_better_avg += ((scan_score - other_score) as f64) / (scan_score as f64); } if scan_score < other_score { other_better += 1; other_better_avg += ((other_score - scan_score) as f64) / (other_score as f64); /*let slow_score = slow_align(q.as_bytes(), r.as_bytes(), x_drop); if slow_score > other_score { slow_better += 1; } if slow_score == other_score { slow_equal += 1; } println!("ours: {}, other: {}, slow: {}", scan_score, other_score, slow_score);*/ } count += 1; } //println!("slow better: {}, slow equal: {}", slow_better, slow_equal); (count, other_better, other_better_avg / (other_better as f64), us_better, us_better_avg / (us_better as f64)) } fn main() { let mut args = env::args().skip(1); let other_file ="Pass in the path to a tab-separated file to compare to!"); let x_drop ="Pass in an X-drop threshold!").parse::().unwrap(); let max_sizes = [32, 64]; println!("max size, total, other better, other % better, us better, us % better"); for &max_size in &max_sizes { let (count, other_better, other_better_avg, us_better, us_better_avg) = test(&other_file, max_size, x_drop); println!( "\n{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", max_size, count, other_better, other_better_avg, us_better, us_better_avg ); } println!("# Done!"); } // Scalar version of the block aligner algorithm for testing // purposes. May not exactly match the implementation of the // vectorized version. // // Also possible to simulate diagonal adaptive banding methods. #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn slow_align(q: &[u8], r: &[u8], x_drop: i32) -> i32 { let block_size = 32usize; let step = 8usize; //let step = 1usize; let mut D = vec![i32::MIN; (q.len() + 1 + block_size) * (r.len() + 1 + block_size)]; let mut R = vec![i32::MIN; (q.len() + 1 + block_size) * (r.len() + 1 + block_size)]; let mut C = vec![i32::MIN; (q.len() + 1 + block_size) * (r.len() + 1 + block_size)]; D[0 + 0 * (q.len() + 1 + block_size)] = 0; //let max = calc_block(q, r, &mut D, &mut R, &mut C, 0, 0, block_size, block_size, block_size, -2, -1); let mut i = 0usize; let mut j = 0usize; let mut dir = 0; //let mut best_max = max; let mut best_max = 0; loop { let max = match dir { 0 => { // right calc_block(q, r, &mut D, &mut R, &mut C, i, j, block_size, block_size, block_size, -2, -1) //calc_diag(q, r, &mut D, &mut R, &mut C, i, j, block_size, -2, -1) }, _ => { // down calc_block(q, r, &mut D, &mut R, &mut C, i, j, block_size, block_size, block_size, -2, -1) //calc_diag(q, r, &mut D, &mut R, &mut C, i, j, block_size, -2, -1) } }; //let max = block_max(&D, q.len() + 1 + block_size, i + block_size / 2 - 1, j + block_size / 2, 1, 1); let right_max = block_sum(&D, q.len() + 1 + block_size, i, j + block_size - 1, 1, step); let down_max = block_sum(&D, q.len() + 1 + block_size, i + block_size - 1, j, step, 1); best_max = cmp::max(best_max, max); if max < best_max - x_drop { return best_max; } if i + block_size > q.len() && j + block_size > r.len() { return best_max; } if j + block_size > r.len() { i += step; dir = 1; continue; } if i + block_size > q.len() { j += step; dir = 0; continue; } if down_max > right_max { i += step; dir = 1; } else { j += step; dir = 0; } } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn block_max(D: &[i32], col_len: usize, start_i: usize, start_j: usize, block_width: usize, block_height: usize) -> i32 { let mut max = i32::MIN; for i in start_i..start_i + block_height { for j in start_j..start_j + block_width { max = cmp::max(max, D[i + j * col_len]); } } max } #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn block_sum(D: &[i32], col_len: usize, start_i: usize, start_j: usize, block_width: usize, block_height: usize) -> i32 { let mut sum = 0; for i in start_i..start_i + block_height { for j in start_j..start_j + block_width { sum += D[i + j * col_len]; } } sum } #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn calc_diag(q: &[u8], r: &[u8], D: &mut [i32], R: &mut [i32], C: &mut [i32], start_i: usize, start_j: usize, block_size: usize, gap_open: i32, gap_extend: i32) -> i32 { let idx = |i: usize, j: usize| { i + j * (q.len() + 1 + block_size) }; let mut max = i32::MIN; for off in 0..block_size { let i = start_i + block_size - 1 - off; let j = start_j + off; if D[idx(i, j)] != i32::MIN { max = cmp::max(max, D[idx(i, j)]); continue; } R[idx(i, j)] = if i == 0 { i32::MIN } else { cmp::max( R[idx(i - 1, j)].saturating_add(gap_extend), D[idx(i - 1, j)].saturating_add(gap_open) ) }; C[idx(i, j)] = if j == 0 { i32::MIN } else { cmp::max( C[idx(i, j - 1)].saturating_add(gap_extend), D[idx(i, j - 1)].saturating_add(gap_open) ) }; D[idx(i, j)] = cmp::max( if i == 0 || j == 0 || i > q.len() || j > r.len() { i32::MIN } else { D[idx(i - 1, j - 1)].saturating_add(if q[i - 1] == r[j - 1] { 1 } else { -1 }) }, cmp::max(R[idx(i, j)], C[idx(i, j)]) ); max = cmp::max(max, D[idx(i, j)]); } max } #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn calc_block(q: &[u8], r: &[u8], D: &mut [i32], R: &mut [i32], C: &mut [i32], start_i: usize, start_j: usize, block_width: usize, block_height: usize, block_size: usize, gap_open: i32, gap_extend: i32) -> i32 { let idx = |i: usize, j: usize| { i + j * (q.len() + 1 + block_size) }; let mut max = i32::MIN; for i in start_i..start_i + block_height { for j in start_j..start_j + block_width { if D[idx(i, j)] != i32::MIN { continue; } R[idx(i, j)] = if i == 0 { i32::MIN } else { cmp::max( R[idx(i - 1, j)].saturating_add(gap_extend), D[idx(i - 1, j)].saturating_add(gap_open) ) }; C[idx(i, j)] = if j == 0 { i32::MIN } else { cmp::max( C[idx(i, j - 1)].saturating_add(gap_extend), D[idx(i, j - 1)].saturating_add(gap_open) ) }; D[idx(i, j)] = cmp::max( if i == 0 || j == 0 || i > q.len() || j > r.len() { i32::MIN } else { D[idx(i - 1, j - 1)].saturating_add(if q[i - 1] == r[j - 1] { 1 } else { -1 }) }, cmp::max(R[idx(i, j)], C[idx(i, j)]) ); max = cmp::max(max, D[idx(i, j)]); } } max }