use std::fs; use std::process::Command; use blockifier::test_utils::contracts::FeatureContract; use blockifier::test_utils::CairoVersion; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; const CAIRO0_FEATURE_CONTRACTS_DIR: &str = "feature_contracts/cairo0"; const CAIRO1_FEATURE_CONTRACTS_DIR: &str = "feature_contracts/cairo1"; const COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR: &str = "compiled"; const FIX_COMMAND: &str = "FIX_FEATURE_TEST=1 cargo test -- --ignored"; // To fix Cairo0 feature contracts, first enter a python venv and install the requirements: // ``` // python -m venv tmp_venv // . tmp_venv/bin/activate // pip install -r crates/blockifier/tests/requirements.txt // ``` // Then, run the FIX_COMMAND above. // This test currently doesn't support Cairo1 contracts. To fix them you'll need to compile them one // by one: // 1. Clone the [cairo repo]( // 2. Checkout the commit defined in [the root Cargo.toml](../../../../Cargo.toml). // 3. From within the compiler repo root directory, run: // ``` // PREFIX=~/workspace/blockifier/crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/cairo1 // CONTRACT_NAME= // cargo run --release --bin starknet-compile -- --single-file \ // $PREFIX/$CONTRACT_NAME.cairo \ // $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.sierra.json // cargo run --release --bin starknet-sierra-compile \ // $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.sierra.json \ // $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.casm.json // ``` // TODO(Gilad, 1/1/2024): New year's resolution: support Cairo1 in the test. // Checks that: // 1. `TEST_CONTRACTS` dir exists and contains only `.cairo` files and the subdirectory // `COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR`. // 2. for each `X.cairo` file in `TEST_CONTRACTS` there exists an `X_compiled.json` file in // `COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR` which equals `starknet-compile-deprecated X.cairo --no_debug_info`. fn verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(fix: bool, cairo_version: CairoVersion) { for (path_str, file_name, existing_compiled_path) in verify_and_get_files(cairo_version) { // Compare output of cairo-file on file with existing compiled file. let mut command = Command::new("starknet-compile-deprecated"); command.args([&path_str, "--no_debug_info"]); if file_name.starts_with("account") { command.arg("--account_contract"); } if file_name.starts_with("security") { command.arg("--disable_hint_validation"); } let compile_output = command.output().unwrap(); let stderr_output = String::from_utf8(compile_output.stderr).unwrap(); assert!(compile_output.status.success(), "{stderr_output}"); let expected_compiled_output = compile_output.stdout; if fix { fs::write(&existing_compiled_path, &expected_compiled_output).unwrap(); } let existing_compiled_contents = fs::read_to_string(&existing_compiled_path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Cannot read {existing_compiled_path}.")); if String::from_utf8(expected_compiled_output).unwrap() != existing_compiled_contents { panic!( "{path_str} does not compile to {existing_compiled_path}.\nRun `{FIX_COMMAND}` to \ fix the expected test according to locally installed \ `starknet-compile-deprecated`.\n" ); } } } /// Verifies that the feature contracts directory contains the expected contents, and returns a list /// of pairs (source_path, base_filename, compiled_path) for each contract. fn verify_and_get_files(cairo_version: CairoVersion) -> Vec<(String, String, String)> { let mut paths = vec![]; let directory = match cairo_version { CairoVersion::Cairo0 => CAIRO0_FEATURE_CONTRACTS_DIR, CairoVersion::Cairo1 => CAIRO1_FEATURE_CONTRACTS_DIR, }; let compiled_extension = match cairo_version { CairoVersion::Cairo0 => "_compiled.json", CairoVersion::Cairo1 => ".casm.json", }; for file in fs::read_dir(directory).unwrap() { let path = file.unwrap().path(); // Verify `TEST_CONTRACTS` file and directory structure. if !path.is_file() { if let Some(dir_name) = path.file_name() { assert_eq!( dir_name, COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR, "Found directory '{}' in `{directory}`, which should contain only the \ `{COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR}` directory.", dir_name.to_string_lossy() ); continue; } } let path_str = path.to_string_lossy(); assert_eq!( path.extension().unwrap(), "cairo", "Found a non-Cairo file '{path_str}' in `{directory}`" ); let file_name = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); let existing_compiled_path = format!("{directory}/{COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR}/{file_name}{compiled_extension}"); paths.push((path_str.to_string(), file_name.to_string(), existing_compiled_path)); } paths } #[test] fn verify_feature_contracts_match_enum() { let mut compiled_paths_from_enum: Vec = FeatureContract::all_contracts() // ERC20 is a special case - not in the feature_contracts directory. .filter(|contract| !matches!(contract, FeatureContract::ERC20(CairoVersion::Cairo0) | FeatureContract::ERC20(CairoVersion::Cairo1))) .map(|contract| contract.get_compiled_path()) .collect(); let mut compiled_paths_on_filesystem: Vec = verify_and_get_files(CairoVersion::Cairo0) .into_iter() .chain(verify_and_get_files(CairoVersion::Cairo1)) .map(|(_, _, compiled_path)| compiled_path) .collect(); compiled_paths_from_enum.sort(); compiled_paths_on_filesystem.sort(); assert_eq!(compiled_paths_from_enum, compiled_paths_on_filesystem); } #[test] #[ignore] fn verify_feature_contracts() { let fix_features = std::env::var("FIX_FEATURE_TEST").is_ok(); verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(fix_features, CairoVersion::Cairo0) }