# blocktest [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jdkato/blocktest.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jdkato/blocktest) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/blocktest.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/blocktest) `blocktest` is a "preprocessor" for markup (e.g., Markdown or reStructuredText) code blocks. It allows you to keep your code and prose separate without duplicating work. The idea is simple: `blocktest` extracts your code examples from within a larger testing context and adds them to your markup at user-specified locations. For instance, let's say that you're writing this [section of the spaCy documentation](https://spacy.io/api/language#call). In this example, you want to include the following Python code snippet in your explanation: ```python doc = nlp(u'An example sentence. Another sentence.') assert (doc[0].text, doc[0].head.tag_) == ('An', 'NN') ``` With `blocktest`, you need two files: 1. A Python test file with the snippet inside of its test-related boilerplate: ```python # test_language.py import spacy nlp = spacy.load('en') def test_example(): doc = nlp(u'An example sentence. Another sentence.') # example1 begin assert (doc[0].text, doc[0].head.tag_) == ('An', 'NN') # example1 end ``` 2. A markup file which specifies where to find the snippet: ```` ```python {{< id="example1" src="test_language.py" >}} ``` ```` `blocktest` will scan `example.md` looking for *block definitions*, which specify a unique ID and a source file for each snippet. It will then extract the snippet (as indicated by the ` begin` / ` end` comments) from the source file and substitute it back into your markup. This allows you to write a thorough test suite for your code examples without having to maintain multiple copies of the same snippet. ## Getting Started