use blue_archive::{enums::Club, Language}; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Just calculating the club with the longest name... let max = Club::iter() .map(|club| club.to_string().len()) .max() .unwrap(); // Let's now fetch some students. let students = blue_archive::fetch_all_students(Language::English).await?; // We will iterate through every club (thanks strum macros!), and perform certain behavior to print out each student in a specific club. Club::iter().for_each(|club| { // Formatting and justifying spaces to the right! println!("|::{club}{}::|", " ".repeat(max - club.to_string().len())); // Iterating over each student and checking if they associate with the club. students.iter().for_each(|student| { if == club { println!("{student}") } }) }); // Of course, you can just filter the students through the direct filter. let maids = blue_archive::filter(&students) .apply(Club::CleaningAndClearing) .finish(); println!("{} Members : [{}]", Club::CleaningAndClearing, maids.len()); maids.iter().for_each(|student| println!("{student}")); Ok(()) }