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Blynk.io Integration in Rust
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. License
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgments
## About The Project This library was created with intent to support Rust usage and prototpying on ESP32 boards with help of [esp-rs](https://github.com/esp-rs) project that enables use of Rust on various SoCs. The project was mainly based on the official [python implementation](https://github.com/blynkkk/lib-python) since there are no extensive docs of the API.

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### Built With * [rust](https://nextjs.org/) * [restruct_derive](https://lib.rs/crates/restruct_derive)

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## Getting Started Make sure you have your `rust` environment configurated ### Installation 1. Add library to your `Cargo.toml` ```toml ... [dependencies] blynk_io = "0.3.0" ``` 2. Use the library in you code ```rust use blynk_io::*; ... let mut blynk = ::new("AUTH_TOKEN".to_string()); fn main() { loop { blynk.run(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); } } ``` 3. Have fun! :relieved:

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## Usage 1. Get an AUTH_TOKEN Key with [https://blynk.io](https://blynk.io) app 2. Install cargo binary crate to be able to test easily on your computer ```bash $ cargo install blynk_io ``` 3. Run the provided binary example with provided `AUTH_TOKEN` ```bash $ blynk_io --features build-binary AUTH_TOKEN ``` (**Optional**) if you want to run the client in async mode, start the folllowing example ```bash $ blynk_io --features build-binary,async AUTH_TOKEN ``` 4. You should see an output similar to the followig one ```log 2022-02-10T16:24:27.352Z INFO [blynk_io::config] No server name provided, using default (blynk-cloud.com) 2022-02-10T16:24:27.353Z INFO [blynk_io::config] No server name provided, using default (80) Using auth token for G7HDmT7fraqB5A6WOautoTCQ0XvRplCv Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:80 2022-02-10T16:24:27.353Z ERROR [blynk_io] Not connected, trying reconnect 2022-02-10T16:24:27.419Z INFO [blynk_io] Successfully connected to blynk server 2022-02-10T16:24:27.419Z INFO [blynk_io] Authenticating device... Sent message, awaiting reply...!! 2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] size (5) vs consumed (5) 2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] Got response message: Message { mtype: Rsp, id: 1, size: None, status: Some(StatusOk), body: [] } 2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z INFO [blynk_io] Access granted 2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z INFO [blynk_io] Setting heartbeat Sent message, awaiting reply...!! 2022-02-10T16:24:27.479Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] size (5) vs consumed (5) 2022-02-10T16:24:27.479Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] Got response message: Message { mtype: Rsp, id: 2, size: None, status: Some(StatusOk), body: [] } ```

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## Roadmap - [x] add tests - [x] add rustdocs - [x] CI integration with GithHub Actions - [x] better error generation & handling - [x] add async support once it's stable in esp-rs - [ ] better test coverage - [ ] ssl implementation See the [open issues](https://github.com/bernii/blynk_io/issues) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information.

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## Contact Bernard Kobos - [@bkobos](https://twitter.com/bkobos) - bkobos@gmail.com Project Link: [https://github.com/bernii/blynk_io](https://github.com/bernii/blynk_io)

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## Acknowledgments * great [Ivan Markov](https://github.com/ivmarkov) work and help * extremely helpful esp-rs [community](https://app.element.io/#/room/#esp-rs:matrix.org) * Ivan's [demo](https://github.com/ivmarkov/rust-esp32-std-demo) which is a great starting point * ESP-RS [book](https://esp-rs.github.io/book/) * Blynk [Python Library](https://github.com/blynkkk/lib-python)

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