// Port of /tutorial-one-python.html. Run this
// in one shell, and run the hello_world_publish example in another.
use bnuuy::{Connection, ConsumerMessage, ConsumerOptions, QueueDeclareOptions, Result};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Open connection.
let mut connection = Connection::insecure_open("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")?;
// Open a channel - None says let the library choose the channel ID.
let channel = connection.open_channel(None)?;
// Declare the "hello" queue.
let queue = channel.queue_declare("hello", QueueDeclareOptions::default())?;
// Start a consumer.
let consumer = queue.consume(ConsumerOptions::default())?;
println!("Waiting for messages. Press Ctrl-C to exit.");
for (i, message) in consumer.receiver().iter().enumerate() {
match message {
ConsumerMessage::Delivery(delivery) => {
let body = String::from_utf8_lossy(&delivery.body);
tracing::info!("({:>3}) Received [{}]", i, body);
other => {
println!("Consumer ended: {:?}", other);