use bnuuy::{Channel, ConfirmSmoother, Connection, Exchange, Publish, QueueDeclareOptions, Result}; fn publish_messages_with_confirmation( channel: &Channel, // queue to publish to target_queue: &str, // number of messages to publish before waiting for confirms group_size: usize, // number of groups to send before returning num_groups: usize, ) -> Result<()> { let exchange = Exchange::direct(channel); // register a pub confirm listener before putting the channel into confirm mode let confirm_listener = channel.listen_for_publisher_confirms()?; // put channel in confirm mode channel.enable_publisher_confirms()?; // create a confirm smoother so we can process perfectly sequential confirmations let mut confirm_smoother = ConfirmSmoother::new(); for i in 0..num_groups { // publish group_size messages println!("publishing {} messages (group {})", group_size, i); for _ in 0..group_size { exchange.publish(Publish::new(b"hello", target_queue))?; } // wait for confirmation from the server for those 10 messages let mut confirmed = 0; while confirmed < group_size { let confirm = match confirm_listener.recv() { Ok(confirm) => confirm, Err(_) => { // sender is gone - something has gone wrong with the channel; // we'll see that error when we try to publish again or close it break; } }; println!("got raw confirm {:?} from server", confirm); for confirm in confirm_smoother.process(confirm) { println!("got smoothed confirm {:?}", confirm); confirmed += 1; } } } Ok(()) } // Use technique discussed on Connection::close to capture connection errors fn use_connection(connection: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> { let channel = connection.open_channel(None)?; // create an anonymous queue for us to publish to; we're not going to consume // from this, but we want it to be deleted once the example is done. let queue = channel.queue_declare( "", QueueDeclareOptions { exclusive: true, ..QueueDeclareOptions::default() }, )?; // publish 3 groups of 10 messages, waiting for confirms between each group publish_messages_with_confirmation(&channel,, 10, 3)?; channel.close() } fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut connection = Connection::insecure_open("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")?; let result = use_connection(&mut connection); connection.close()?; result }