schema { query: RootQueryType mutation: RootMutationType } "Proxy routing info" type ProxyRoutingInfo { appId: String! deploymentId: String! } "Deployment log" type DeploymentLog { ts: Int! requestId: String! seq: Int! message: String! } type RootQueryType { deployment(id: String!): Deployment listDeployment(appId: String!, first: Int, offset: Int): [Deployment!]! app(id: String!): App proxy: ProxyQueryObject! } """ The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will be converted to UTC if there is an offset. """ scalar DateTime "Proxy query object" type ProxyQueryObject { appSubdomain(subdomain: String!): ProxyRoutingInfo! deploymentSubdomain(subdomain: String!): ProxyRoutingInfo! } "Pre-deployment" type PreDeployment { url: String! package: String! } "App" type App { id: String! name: String! currentDeploymentId: String subdomain: String createdAt: DateTime! currentDeployment: Deployment } "Deployment log list" type DeploymentLogList { data: [DeploymentLog!]! cursor: String } "Deployment" type Deployment { id: String! appId: String! createdAt: DateTime! live: Boolean! url: String! logs(first: Int, before: String): DeploymentLogList! } type RootMutationType { prepareDeployment(appId: String!): PreDeployment! createDeployment(appId: String!, package: String!, metadata: String): Deployment! deleteDeployment(id: String!): Deployment }