# Rust on Bolts Bolts is a fast, safe web framework for the Rust language inspired loosely by Ruby on Rails. Bolts is under active development, with the following planned features (subject to change): * fast, powerful, and safe, with sane defaults for everything * routing system, including subdomain/domain-based routing, automatic parsing of URL parameters, etc. * simple MVC based application layout for basic projects * templating system for server-side-rendered layouts * well defined environments (i.e. `development`, `test`, `staging`, `production`) * pre-configured secure cookies setup * built-in CSRF protection * ActiveRecord-esque ORM for SQL-based databases with a migrations system * ability to deploy entire apps to AWS Lambda + CloudFront * a CLI allowing for things like `bolts s` to run local dev server * integrated command/task system * some sort of frontend framework written in rust / web assembly so we can say goodbye to JavaScript * many other things To start out, the main objectives are: 1. routing system 2. controller scheme 3. templating / views 4. middleware, session management, etc