# book-summary
![book-summary-check build status](https://github.com/dvogt23/book-summary/workflows/check/badge.svg)
![book-summary-tests build status](https://github.com/dvogt23/book-summary/workflows/test/badge.svg)
> Automatically creates a SUMMARY.md file for your book (`mdbook/gitbook`)
Similar to the `npm` version of the auto-summary tool [gh/imfly/gitbook-summary](https://github.com/imfly/gitbook-summary), here is a `rust` version.
My initial intention is to get the chapters sorted without having to rename the chapter folders with a prefix number. The `-s` option takes the name of the chapters wich should come first. I use it in my personal notes repository: [notes](https://github.com/dvogt23/notes)
## Installation
OS X & Linux:
cargo install book-summary
git clone https://github.com/dvogt23/book-summary.git
cd book-summary
make install
## Usage example
# create a SUMMARY.md file with custom sort in mdBook format
$ book-summary -n ./notes --sort tech personal
book-summary [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-d, --debug Activate debug mode
-h, --help Prints help information
-m, --mdheader Title from md file header?
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv)
-y, --overwrite Overwrite existing SUMMARY.md file
-f, --format Format md/git book [default: md]
-n, --notesdir Notes dir where to parse all your notes from [default: ./]
-o, --outputfile Output file [default: SUMMARY.md]
-s, --sort ... Start with following chapters
-t, --title Title for summary [default: Summary]
## Contributing
Feel free to open a pull request or an issue to contribute to this project.
## Authors
* **Dimitrij Vogt** - *Initial work* - [gh/dvogt23](https://github.com/dvogt23)
* **Miguel Berrio** - *Contribution* - [gh/B3RR10](https://github.com/B3RR10)
See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/dvogt23/book-summary/contributors) who participated in this project.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details.