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Streams are designed to be fully generic, avoiding dynamic dispatch, and can be composed in flexible way. ```rust let stream: RecordedStream> = TcpStream::bind_and_connect(addr, self.net_iface, None)? .into_tls_stream(self.url) .into_recorded_stream("plain"); ``` Different protocols can then be applied on top of a stream. ```rust let ws: Websocket>> = stream.into_websocket(self.url); ``` ### Selector `Selector` provides abstraction over OS specific mechanisms (like `epoll`) for efficiently monitoring socket readiness events. Though primarily utilised internally, selectors are crucial for the `IOService` functionality, currently offering both `mio` and `direct` (no-op) implementations. ```rust let mut io_service = MioSelector::new()?.into_io_service(IdleStrategy::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(1))); ``` ### Service The last layer manages lifecycle of endpoints and provides auxiliary services (such as asynchronous DNS resolution and auto disconnect) through the `IOService`. `Endpoint` serves as low level construct for application logic. `IOService` oversees the connection lifecycle within endpoints. ## Protocols The aim is to support a variety of protocols, including WebSocket, HTTP, and FIX, with WebSocket client functionality currently available. ### Websocket The websocket client protocol complies with the [RFC 6455](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455) specification, offering the following features. * Compatibility with any stream. * TCP batch-aware timestamps for frames read in the same batch. * Not blocking on partial frame(s). * Designed for zero-copy read and write. * Optional masking of outbound frames. * Standalone usage or in conjunction with `Selector` and `IOService`. ## Example Usage The repository contains comprehensive list of [examples](https://github.com/HaveFunTrading/boomnet/tree/main/examples). The following example illustrates how to use multiple websocket connections with `IOService` in order to consume messages from the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. First, we need to define and implement our `Endpoint`. The framework provides `TlsWebsocketEndpoint` trait that we can use. ```rust #[derive(Default)] struct TradeEndpoint { id: u32, url: &'static str, instrument: &'static str, } impl TradeEndpoint { pub fn new(id: u32, url: &'static str, instrument: &'static str) -> TradeEndpoint { Self { id, url, instrument, } } } impl TlsWebsocketEndpoint for TradeEndpoint { type Stream = MioStream; fn url(&self) -> &str { self.url } // called by the IO service whenever a connection has to be established for this endpoint fn create_websocket(&mut self, addr: SocketAddr) -> io::Result> { // create secure websocket let mut ws = TcpStream::bind_and_connect(addr, None, None)? .into_mio_stream() .into_tls_websocket(self.url); // send subscription message ws.send_text( true, Some(format!(r#"{{"method":"SUBSCRIBE","params":["{}@trade"],"id":1}}"#, self.instrument).as_bytes()), )?; Ok(ws) } #[inline] fn poll(&mut self, ws: &mut TlsWebsocket) -> io::Result<()> { // keep calling receive_next until no more frames in the current batch while let Some(WebsocketFrame::Text(ts, fin, data)) = ws.receive_next()? { // handle the message println!("[{}] {ts}: ({fin}) {}", self.id, String::from_utf8_lossy(data)); } Ok(()) } } ``` After defining the endpoint, it is registered with the `IOService` and polled within an event loop. The service handles `Endpoint` connection management and reconnection in case of disconnection. ```rust fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut io_service = MioSelector::new()?.into_io_service(IdleStrategy::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(1))); let endpoint_btc = TradeEndpoint::new(0, "wss://stream1.binance.com:443/ws", None, "btcusdt"); let endpoint_eth = TradeEndpoint::new(1, "wss://stream2.binance.com:443/ws", None, "ethusdt"); let endpoint_xrp = TradeEndpoint::new(2, "wss://stream3.binance.com:443/ws", None, "xrpusdt"); io_service.register(endpoint_btc); io_service.register(endpoint_eth); io_service.register(endpoint_xrp); loop { // will never block io_service.poll()?; } } ``` It is often required to expose shared state to the `Endpoint`. This can be achieved with user defined `Context`. ```rust struct FeedContext { static_data: StaticData, } // use the marker trait impl Context for FeedContext {} ``` When implementing our `TradeEndpoint` we can use `TlsWebsocketEndpointWithContext` trait instead. ```rust impl TlsWebsocketEndpointWithContext for TradeEndpoint { type Stream = MioStream; fn url(&self) -> &str { self.url } fn create_websocket(&mut self, addr: SocketAddr, ctx: &mut FeedContext) -> io::Result> { // we now have access to context } #[inline] fn poll(&mut self, ws: &mut TlsWebsocket, ctx: &mut FeedContext) -> io::Result<()> { // we now have access to context } } ``` We will also need to create `IOService` that is `Context` aware. ```rust let mut context = FeedContext::new(static_data); let mut io_service = MioSelector::new()?.into_io_service_with_context(IdleStrategy::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)), &mut context); ``` The `Context` must now be passed to the service `poll` method. ```rust loop { io_service.poll(&mut context)?; } ``` ## Features BoomNet feature set is modular, allowing for tailored functionality based on project needs. The `full` feature enables all available features, while individual components can be enabled as needed. * [mio](#mio) * [tls](#tls) * [ws](#ws) ### `mio` Adds dependency on `mio` crate and enables `MioSelector` and `MioStream`. ### `tls` Adds dependency on `rustls` crate and enables `TlsStream` and more flexible `TlsReadyStream`. ### `ws` Adds support for `Websocket` protocol.