{{!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Philipp Micheel --}} {{!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later --}} {{!-- REUSE-IgnoreStart --}} {{!-- REUSE-IgnoreEnd --}} # Third-Party Licenses This list shows the licenses for third-party libraries ("Rust crates") that `borgreport` depends on. The list is grouped by identical licenses used by different Rust crates. The `borgreport` source code does not bundle any third-party libraries, but third-party libraries are statically linked into the binary distribution. Generated by cargo-about {{#each licenses}} ## {{@index}} - {{id}}: {{name}} Used by: {{#each used_by}} - [{{crate.name}}]({{#if crate.repository}}{{crate.repository}}{{else}}https://crates.io/crates/{{crate.name}}{{/if}}){{!-- Note: {{crate.version}} is not shown to reduce changes to the file when `cargo update` is run. --}} {{/each}} ```text {{{text}}} ``` {{/each}}