# TODO - blend_state_alpha() has something to do with surface blend mode??? - only create_info write vecs when len != 0 (see descriptor_layout.rs immutable samplers) - replace all `impl Iterator` with slices (will cause probs later with open source contributers) - properties from create_info_builder - comments on what defaults make sense (part of the reason properties even exist...) - is pnext chain accessible during creation? - write descriptor sets store resource refs e.g. buffer/image (same for command buffers at some point...) - have take fn for these so they can be passed onto command buffer etc - spec constants - instance and device properties - cargo feature to use rc instead of arc - make all getters inline for consistency (don't know where the chains will be) # create_info Properties struct checklist todo remove all From impls and have explicit fns. todo check naming of `from_create_info` and `from_create_info_builder`. be explicit becuase they're different! review command_pool and buffer again... - derive `Clone` - `impl Default` (or derive in special cases. check all derives at end!) right after struct declaration - document which members have nonsense default values - `new_default()` fn with these values as args - `write_create_info_builder<'a>()` fn _note: this doesn't always need `&'a self`_ - `create_info_builder()` fn (optional) - `From<&vk::*CreateInfoBuilder>` other: - `new_from_create_info()` fn for associated struct - // Properties comment - inline getters